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The Journal of Risu the Troll
Bringing you riddles from the Riddle Room since page 6148 . . .
Risu's Riddle
A bright child,
art flowing from him;
a clear stream,
setting standards
and breaking moulds.

Later, he watered down his own ideas,
allowed others into his fold.

Answer - Akira Yoshizawa

Guesses from 11942 - 12619

Clues: It is a male person.

There's nothing hidden in the riddle - no misspellings, no extra letters, no white text, etc.

Not a child star.

The dude in the riddle isn't alive any more.

Not a musician. At least, not known for being a musician.

It is a real person. He has a birth and death date (listed on Wiki) and is provably real.

Not a philosopher.

He is an artist of sorts.


0 - 9 -

A - Abbey (Edward), Abrams (Talbert), Adams (Herbert), Adler (Jack), Aitken (Robert Ingersoll), Aivanhov (Omraam Mikhael), Akers (Benjamin Paul), Albers (Josef), Albright (Adam Emory), Alexander (Francis, the Great), Allston (Washington), Alpacas, Anshutz (Thomas Pollock), Apollo, Archimedes, Aristotle, Asimov (Isaac), Augur (Hezekiah), Ault (George), Aurobindo (Sri), Avery (Milton),

B - Bach, Bacon (Francis), Bada Shanren, Badmin (Stanley Roy), Baer (William Jacob), Bannister (Edward Mitchell), Barnard (George Gray), Barrie (Sir James Matthew B., J. M.), Bartram (William), Baumann (Gustave), Bazille (Frederic), Beach (Chester), Beal (Gifford), Beckwith (James Carroll), Bellows (George), Benson (Frank Weston), Bentham (Jeremy), Benton (Thomas Hart), Bernini (Gian Lorenzo), Bernstein (Lester), Bethoven (Ludwig Van B., dog), Bierstadt (Albert), Billy the Kid, Bingham (George Caleb), Blake (William), Blakelock (Ralph Albert), Bluemner (Oscar Florianus), Blumenschein (Ernest L.), Bogert (George Henry), Bon Jovi (Jon), Borges (Jorge Luis), Borglum (Gutzon, Solon), Bowie (David), Brackman (Robert), Brady (Matthew), Brewster Jr.( John), Brooks (Romaine), Brower (David), Brown (Mather), Bruce (Patrick Henry), Bryant (William Cullen), Buberl (Caspar), Buddha, Bukunin (Mikhail), Bunker (Dennis Miller), Bunnell (Charles Ragland), Burchfield (Charles E.), Burlin (Paul), Burr (George Elbert), Burroughs (John),

C - Cadell ( Francis), Calder (Alexander Milne, Alexander Stirling), Calvin, Candle, Carles (Arthur B.), Carradine (David), Carroll (Lewis), Carson (Báb, Rachel), Cash (Johnny), Casilear (John William), Cassatt (Mary), Catlin (George), de Cervantes (Miguel), Chagall (Marc), Chambellan (Rene Paul),Chapman (Graham), Champney (Benjamin), Chandler (William Henry), Chaos (Kitten), Chase (William Merritt), Chernyshevsky (Nikolai), Chesterton (G. K.), Church (Frederic Edwin), Civilization, Clark (Walter Leighton), Cole (Thomas), Collins (Herbert A.), Colman (Samuel), Colyer (Vincent), Confucius (Kung Fu Tsu), Cooper (Colin Campbell), Copley (John Singleton), Couch, Couse (E. Irving), Cows, Cox (Allyn, Kenyon, Jeromy), de Creeft (Jose), Cropsey (Jasper Francis), Culkin (Macaulay), Cunningham (Imogen), Curran (Charles Courtney), Currier (Nathaniel ), Curry (John Steuart), Curtis (Edward S.),

D - da Vinci (Leonardo), Dali (Salvador), Dante, Dark, Darwin, Dasburg (Andrew), Davidson (Jo), Davies (Arthur B.), Davis (Charles Harold, Stuart), Death, DeCamp (Joseph), Degas, Delacroix (Ferdinand Victor Eugène), Delano (Gerald Curtis), Demuth (Charles), Dewing (Thomas), Dickinson (Edwin), Disney, Douglas (Aaron), Doughty (Thomas), Dove (Arthur), Dow (Arthur Wesley), Drake (Alexander Wilson), Dr Horrible, Duchamp (Marcel), Dunbier (Augustus), Duncanson (Robert), Dunn (Harvey), Durand (Asher), Durer (Albrecht), Duveneck (Frank),

E - Eakins (Thomas), Earl (Ralph), Eastman (Seth), Eaton ( Joseph Horace), Eiffel (Gustave), Eilshemius (Louis), Einstein, Eiseley (Loren), Eilshemius (Louis), Elvis (Presley), Emerson (Ralph Waldo), Engels, Epicurus, Epstein (Sir Jacob), Euthinasia, Everett (John), Evil, Ezekiel (Moses Jacob),

F - Feininger (Lyonel), Fergusson (John Duncan), Fire, Fisher (Alvan), Flagg (George Whiting), Fourier (Charles), Fraser (James Earle), Friedlander (Leo), Friedman (Arnold), Frieseke (Frederick Carl), Frothingham (James), Frost (Arthur Burdett, George Albert), Fuller (Buckminster), Futon

G - Galileo, Gauguin, Gausta (Herbjørn), Ghandi, Gifford (Robert Swain, Sanford Robinson), Glackens (William), Goats, Gold, Goldberg (Rube), Gorn, Gottwald (Frederick), Grafly (Charles), Graham (John D.), Greacen (Edmund), Greenough (Horatio, Richard Saltonstall),

H - Hades, Hairy, Hammurabi, Harnett (William), Harrison (George), Harry, Hart (James McDougal, William), Hartley (Marsden), Haseltine (William Stanley),Hassam (Childe), Hate, Heade (Martin Johnson), Hemmingway, Henderson (William Penhallow), Hendrix, Henri (Robert), Herriman (George), Henson (Jim), Herter (Albert), Herzen (Alexander), Herzog (Hermann Ottomar), Hill (Thomas), Hitchcock (David Howard, George), Hitler, Hodgdon (Sylvester Phelps), Hoffman (Hans), Hokusai (Katsushika), Holmes (John, Oliver Wendell), Homer (Winslow), Hoover (Herbert), Hopper (Edward), Houdini (Harry), Hugo (Victor), Hunter (Leslie)

I - Impressionists, Inman (Henry), Inness (George), Ives (James Merritt),

J - Jackson (Michael, William Henry), Jam, Jar, Jarvis (John Wesley), Jesus, Johnson (Eastman, David),

K - Kaelin (Charles S.), Kane (John), Kelly (James Edward), Kensett (John Frederick), Kent (Rockwell), Kuhn (Walt), Kiesler (Frederick), King (Stephen), Kipling (Rudyard), Kirby (Jack), Kittens, Klee (Paul), Knievel (Robert Craig), Knight (Charles R.), Koehler (Robert), Krehbiel (Albert Henry), Krimmel (John Lewis), Kropotkin (Peter), Krutch (Joseph Wood), Kujo, Kuniyoshi (Yasuo),

L - LCD, Lachaise (Gaston), LaFarge (John), Lane (Fitz Hugh), Lanzer, Lao Tsu, Laurent (Robert), Lavrov (Peter), Lawson (Ernest), Lennon (John), Leonardo (Vittorio), Leutze (Emanuel Gottlieb), Lewis (C. S., Sinclair), Lid, Lie (Jonas), Lievens (Jan), Life, Light, Llamas, Longfellow (Henry Wadsworth), Loughridge (Lee), Love, Lowell (James Russell), Lucifer, Luther (Martin),

M - Machiavelli, MacDonald-Wright (Stanton), MacNair (Herbert), Magic, Manet, Mani, Manship (Paul), Marin (John), Marsh (Reginald), Martinez (Julian, Xavier Timoteo), Marx, Mathes (Harry), Mathews (Arthur Frank), Matisse (Henri), Maurer (Alfred Henry), Mays (Billy), McEntee (Jervis), McMahon (Ed), McMeekin (J. P.), Metcalf (Willard), Michaelangelo, Millet (Francis Davis), Millais (John Everett), Milton, Mondrian, Monet, Moo, Moore (Alan), Moran (Edward, Thomas), Morrison (Jim), Morse (Samuel F. B.), Mowbray (Henry Siddons), Mozart, Muir (John), Murphy (Gerald), Music, Muybridge (Eadweard),

N - Nabokov (Vladimir), Nadelman (Elie), Nakian (Reuben), Nast (Thomas), Newman (Barnett), Nobody

O - Ochtman (Leonard), O'Keeffe (Georgia), Oliff (Steve),

P - PETA, Pach (Walter), Page (William), Parrish (Maxfield), Party, Peale (Charles Willson, James, Raphaelle, Rembrandt, Titian), Pène du Bois (Guy), Peploe (Samuel), Peto (John Frederick), Picasso (Pablo), Pippin (Horace), Plato, Poe, Pollock (Jackson), Poof, Pot, Potter, Proudhon (Pierre-Joseph), Proust (Marcell), Ptolemy II, Puppies, Pyle (Howard), Pyro

Q - Quartley (Arthur), Quidor (John),

R - Raccoons, Random, Rattner (Abraham), Rave, Ray (Man), Redfield (Edward Willis), Redmond (Granville), Redon (Odilon), Reid (Robert), Rembrandt, Remington (Frederick), Remus, Rennie Mackintosh (Charles), Renoir, Rest, Riis (Jacob), Rindisbacher (Peter), Rinehart (William Henry, Frank), Robinson (Theodore), Rockwell (Norman), Romulus, Roosevelt (Theodore), Rothermel (Peter F.), Rousseau (Henri), Rule (Christopher), Rush (William), Ruskin (John), Russell (Charles Marion, Morgan), Ryder (Albert Pinkham),

S - Sage (Kay), Saint-Gaudens (Augustus), Saint-Simon (Claude), Sargent (John Singer), Schuler (Hans K.), Scott (Julian), Sen, Serta, Shahn (Ben), Shakespeare, Sharp (Joseph Henry), Sheeler (Charles), Sheep, Shinn (Everett), Sims, Sisley (Alfred), Skinner (B. F.), Slaughter house, Sleep, Sloan (John French), Smoke, Socrates, Soyer (Raphael), Speicher (Eugene), Stars (Shooting S.), Steele (T.C.), Steichen (Edward), Stella (Joseph), Stevenson (Robert Louis), Stieglitz (Alfred), Strand (Paul), Stuart (Gilbert Charles), Sully (Thomas), Suydam (James Augustus), Sword

T - Tack (Augustus Vincent), Tanner (Henry Ossawa), Tarbell (Edmund Charles), Teale (Edwin Way), Tennyson (Alfred Lord), Thayer (Abbott Handerson), Thompson (William), Thoreau (Henry David), Thurber (James), Tilden (Douglas), Tolkein (J. R. R.), Tobey (Mark), Tolstoy (Leo), Tomlin (Bradley Walker), Torture, Toulouse-Lautrec (Henri de), Tree, Trumbull (John), Turner (Charles Henry Francis), Twachtman (John Henry), Twain (Mark),

U - Ufer (Walter),

V - Van Eyck, Van Gogh, Vanderlyn (John), Vitruvius, Volkert (Edward Charles), Voltaire

W - Walkowitz (Abraham), Walter Weir (Robert), Ward (John Quincy Adams), Warhol (Andy), Weber (Max), Weir (J. Alden, John Ferguson), Weiss (Ehrich), West (Benjamin), Weston (Edward), Whatman (James), Whistler (James McNeill), White (Ellen, T. H., E.B., John), Whitman (Walt), Whittier (John Greenleaf), Whittredge (Worthington), Willard (Solomon), Wilson (E. O.), Winter (George), Wood ( Robert William, Thomas Waterman, Grant), Wright (Frank Lloyd), Wyant (Alexander Helwig), Wyeth (Andrew, N.C), Wynaro,

X -

Y - Yeats (W. B.)

Z - Zhu Da, Zorach (William),

Uncategorised -

Small furry.

Big fluffy.

Anything Noodle says, ever.

An RR-er.

Noodle's mini-riddle.

Walls with no doors just sims in the room with wooden chairs then when one dies the other sim poofs out.

Is the answer a musician of some sort? Not that I know of..

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risu the troll
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Jul 08, 2009 @ 11:22pm
They were close because they all designed things which could be re-produced. Maybe not Lloyd Wright so much but certainly Shakespeare and Beethoven's works can be reproduced by pretty much anyone.

A bright child, - According to my researchings, Akira means 'bright child'.
art flowing from him; - Was prolific, producing tens of thousands of designs.
a clear stream, - Yoshizawa means 'clear stream'.
setting standards - Devised the standard notation used in origami diagrams.
and breaking moulds. - Pioneered a number of techniques

Later, he watered down his own ideas, - Invented the wet-folding technique.
allowed others into his fold. - In his younger days, he jealously guarded his designs but later in life, he didn't mind others diagramming his models.

I think Origami is somewhere between engineering and art, much the same way architecture could be seen. The Gherkin could be seen as art but La Tour Montparnasse probably wouldn't.

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