** SCRAPBOOK: Dragonflies & other bugs **
Yay!! I'm super happy with my first few photos. I love this camera! dramallama rofl 4laugh heart
Red trash matches the flowers.
Even the trash is pretty in Gaia! biggrin
Red dragonfly in the pretty morning glow.
Blue dragonfly with the beautifully decorated Summer tree.
Trying to catch them flying together was really hard.
Here is another try, but you can hardly see the blue one. And there is Mr. Grasshopper behind the tree! biggrin
I couldn't believe how close they got to one another. Their wings must have barely missed each other. It was amazing! It's more amazing that I got the picture! xD
It was neat seeing him on the window. He stayed there for quite a long time.
Yummy blue paper. xD
Blue dragonfly again.
I think they must have become friends by now. It's hard to see them though.
I was really lucky with this one. I read that "..as adults, dragonflies eat just about anything they can catch while on the wing. Mosquitoes, gnats, flies, flying ants, swarming termites, mayflies, midges, butterflies (even big swallowtails), damselflies, other dragonflies, or just about anything small enough for them to catch." I hear they are really good at catching things too. I think that is a fly that he's chasing.
I didn't catch them today. It was fun just taking their pictures. Weeeeeeeee! biggrin xD Silly me.
Oh, I almost forgot. This was at 1 Barton 001053. I must have been there for at least 25 minutes? I can't remember. I was having too much fun. smile
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