You know, when I grow up, I want to live in SEattle, WA. I want my home to be in a suburban area right off of the big city, so then I can have my peace and quiet but still be able to do everything in the city that's within a mile or so of my house.
I've been to a lot of places in Seattle, and so far, it has everything I've ever wanted. It has a Japanese store, filled with everything Japanese, from foods to books to household items...there was a whole aisle devoted to instant noodles, like ramen and stuff! My personal heaven. heart
Seattle also has sports stadiums. It would be nice to live really close to one of those. The baseball field has a retractable roof. heart
There's, of course, the space needle. Great view. And the duck boat tours. Funny captains. rofl Yea, the captain on my tour wore an 80s wig. His name was Captain Q. Ball. Funny name. heart
Did you know that there are over 400 Starbucks coffee shops in Seattle? Like, 418 or 481 or something like that. I saw at least 100 or so by now. As well as Starbucks headquarters. The original Starbucks. Yeah, heaven. I love my coffee. heart
In the sunlight, the entire city looks really pretty. Like, it doesn't look NYC dirty and old. It actually looks clean (as clean as cities get) and full of life. heart
There are floating homes, and boats galore, and there's a really cool dog park. I've never gone to one before, so it was pretty cool. I love dogs. They were all so much fun. The dog I was taking to the park was fun. She looked so funny chasing after the balls I threw. She bolted after them, you could see the dirt kicked up behind her as she ran, and most often than not she missed them and skidded to a halt, then turned back around to get the ball that she missed. Sometimes I would trick her by pretending to throw the ball, but not really. She would race off, looking side to side, and then finally turn back around and stare at me quizzically until she realized that I still had the ball. Another time, I threw the ball straight up in the air, and as she tried to get it, it landed straight on her nose and she backed away quickly before chasing down the ball that had rolled away. heart Oh that was a long paragraph. heart
Seattle also has a science fiction museum (yup, Star Trek included) and something called the Experience Music Project. Apparently, in it, you get to make your own music video or something. I dunno really, but it sounds awesome, and I really want to go. I'll be going soon. I love singing and playing piano. heart
Seattle is a four hour drive from Vancouver, Canada. Vancouver is the most amazing city ever. Glass buildings. Shopping galore. Beautiful water. Amazing site at night. Bustling. Almost futuristic looking, actually. If I don't live in Seattle, I'll definitely live in Vancouver, which also has three or so colleges close by (or in it). It is just about the most beautiful city I've ever been to, which isn't saying much since I've only been to a few, but you know what I mean. However, I really would like to live in the U.S., so that's why I choose Seattle. Then, I could drive to Vancouver on holidays or something. heart
And that's the way it is. Seattle is my future home. Even if KI do win American Idol by some strange means. Hey, if I get far enough on American Idol, would you guys vote for me? Not that I will get far enough, but it's nice to have a dream to work towards.
xd xd xd ninja xd xd
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