24 hours is all it took
From being the quiet girl who kept herself locked up
To the girl who is now proud to be the girl she always saw
How this one boy, could show her, show her that she is whole
Whether she be one girl or the other
She is she as she is me
One of me is the girl I have to be
The other, the girl, I've always wished to be
Now one and the same
This girl never thought she would be able to say such a thing
But she has rekindled her Sky tree
Where her sugar pixies roam free
Where she can sing
Where there was darkness
Now is replaced by eternal light
The last time I was there, I had hope
I lost that hope, but it's finally here again
I had chose to push my meadow and my tree away
But now, I welcome my sweet serinity
The quiet is gone
My mind is freed
I feel like me
The me he showed me I could be
Where I wasn't searching, I found him
One compliment, lead to a friendship
Have I felt this way before?
Warm and firey deep in my core?
I don't know the answers to my questions
But he holds them in those dark and deep eyes
Like a mirror
I saw myself as I've always been
A tree, a large blue and orange tree, with red blossem hearts
And a new found freedom
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Tree Songs
I'm a hippy at heart, an artist with political convictions, and a girl whose heart takes her wherever the brain will allow.
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