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Diary Of A Hopless Romantic
Read What I Write, Feel What Your Heart Tells You To, But Dont Forget This Is How I Live.
I Hate That You Get Me

Nagisa was simple. That was what I really liked about her. I always knew ever since I was young, I liked either the really complicated, dark and twisty people, or the obnoxiously happy and bright people. Polar opposites I know, but that’s how I worked.

The overly cheery people, like Nagisa, were simple, very basic. With her, I knew exactly what I would get, and exactly how to manage her. Her life was filled with sunshine and rainbows, while mine was filled with rain and lightning. Happy people, they tend to make you happy too, and so I thought maybe I could borrow some sunshine.

Nagisa did just that. She made me happy; but that was it. There was no passion, no desire. What I saw, was what I got. And quite frankly, I got bored with what I was seeing.

Kaori was a happy girl, like Nagisa. However her illness created a swarm of darkness that plagued her joyous heart, and after she died, it plagued me too. I was happy once too, not like Nagisa due to pure naivety, but I was content with my life, until the darkness came.

After Kaori died, there was one person who took care of me, and as much as I appreciated her for it, I hated her at the same time. My dear Miyuki.

Miyuki saw me through everything, and that was precisely why I was so cold, so mean to her. I was scared.

She always scared me, because Miyuki was the one person who knew me. Like a crystal, she new every face. It’s size, shape, texture, Miyuki knew all of me, and could see right through me. Nothing made me more nervous then that.

She was the one who cleaned up my messes, who took care of me. Sure when we were kids, I was the one who did the caretaking, but after everything we went through with Kaori, Miyuki had switched places with me. There were many nights where I would stare blankly at my bedroom wall. My tear stained face strained, and sheets damp from the waterfall of emotions that tended to emerge in the darkness. But Miyuki always knew, and so she came. She sat on the bed, placing my head in her lap, making her dress become my tissue instead. Rubbing my back, she shooed all the sadness away.

I have always found it funny that everyone believes me to be so strong, such a prominent figure. Nagisa was always fooled by this charade, but hell, I had everyone fooled. Except Miyuki of course. I never managed to escape her knowing eyes. I hate being weak, and I always have, though Miyuki never minded.

Being attracted to Miyuki was like a constant. Even when I was with Kaori, Miyuki crossed my mind on many occasions, but as time grew on, I tried to push her away harder and harder. She never budged, which made me angrier. I never understood why she was so stubborn, that was until the Etoile Election.

At that time, when I made my declaration to the entire student body of my love for Nagisa, I thought I was being honest. The months following it showed how wrong I was. I didn’t regret going with Nagisa that day, and I never have. That action made me understand everything I know today. I, Hanazono Shizuma, was complicated and damaged. And I was completely in love with my best friend, the only other one who understood and knew this fact too.

I had broken things off with Nagisa after two months. I tried to ease her out of it, hoping Suzumi-san could piece her back together. Nagisa wasn’t really on my mind anymore though. Only the person I had somehow managed to hurt the most, also happened to be the person I couldn’t be without.

I was mulling these thoughts over in my head as I strode through the Strawberry Dorms. I tried to keep to myself ever since things ended with Nagisa. I did feel badly about everything, but I didn’t need the judgment of the school. The school didn’t matter anymore. All that mattered was that the one person I needed, who was nowhere to be found.

When Miyuki found out about the breakup, she suddenly had a ‘family emergency’ to attend to. How could I confess all these thoughts I had when she ran away? How was I supposed to tell her that even if my world was filled with rain and lightning, that I’d rather take that with her in it, then the sunshine without her.

I had made my way back to my dorm room, and was about to unlock the door when I noticed it was already unlocked.

Pushing it open, I saw Miyuki lying on my bed sound asleep. Her coat was on my chair, her suitcase next to the bed. She must have just gotten in.

I silently strode to the bed, gently seating myself next to her. Brushing a strand of dark blue hair off of her face, I sighed softly. How did this girl manage to frighten me so much? Oh.. vulnerability. Being vulnerable was a scary thought. I often related it to being tied up in bed naked, and then getting left there. Not very nice.

My pervy thoughts were stirred when Miyuki grabbed my hand. I never liked being so gentle and soft around the girl, so I turned my head towards the door, away from her.

“How was you trip? I heard your family had an emergency.”

Rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, Miyuki sat up. Placing her chin on my shoulder, hot breath tingling my ear. My breath hitched, surprised at Miyuki’s sudden closeness. “I called off my engagement.”

My brow furrowed, a thousand thoughts running through my head.

“My father said he had never been more impressed. He was waiting for me to make the stand. He wanted me to prove I could take over his company and stand up for myself.”

Slowly nodding my head was about all I could manage at that point. Miyuki’s slender fingers began to weave their way around my waist. If people thought I was a nympho now, the thoughts and feelings this simple touch was creating was enough to show them all they had barely scraped the surface of my monstrous desire.

Another thing I noticed with Miyuki. She was extremely sexy, and I always found it impossibly sexy when people took control…which they never did. Yet here Miyuki was, taking control of my body. I shuddered at the realization she had already captured my heart and soul long before.

“My father said I could do whatever I want with my life now after graduation. All I have to do is strive for it and it will be mine. You can imagine the proud Rokujo speech I received.”

“Hah, your father is something else.” I chuckled nervously, why was I so nervous?!

Miyuki nodded into my shoulder, and I wanted to cry out. She would be leaving to see the big bad world, and here I was all alone.

“There was something I wanted that my father helped me work out actually.”

“Oh? What was it Miyuki?” Suddenly I was jerked back onto the bed, my arms pinned on either side of my head while I looked up to see Miyuki pinning me down while straddling my hips. I vaguely recalled putting Nagisa and many other girls into positions like this before. Why am I so turned on right now? Sometimes I’m just too hentai.

Miyuki was looking dead in my eyes at that point. I smirked cockily, my mask going up as I tried to tell myself I wasn’t vulnerable in the slightest. That was a lie.

“See something you like Mi-yu-ki.” Teasing her away worked in most cases, but Miyuki’s smile was firm and confident. Where did all this bold confidence come from?

Before I knew what was happening, Miyuki’s lips were on mine. The kiss was so gentle, very tender. Her lips were so soft, I was in awe. She lowered her entire body onto me creating no space between us, and I moaned. Crap, I moaned!

Miyuki pulled back, smiling evilly, and my mask was crumbling hard. Her mouth went to my ear, her soft voice whispering, “That is a sound I could, and would like to get very used to.”

I incredulously looked at the ceiling, not having any idea how I had gotten here. For once in my life, I didn’t want this. This one night fling, a quickie to solve the pain. I just wanted Miyuki, everyday and night.

I tried pushing against her but she lifted her chest again, putting all her weight on her arms, which were effectively pinning me down. “Mi-miyuki, what are you thinking?”

I was hoping she’d act embarrassed and get off me, but again this new confidence that gleamed brightly in her eyes was refusing to back down. She pulled my wrists together, holding me down with one arm, and as she began to unbutton my top, I had no idea what to do. I tried protesting, but she kissed me quickly, and if she needed to pull away, her hips would grind into mine effectively shutting me up.

No no no no no, I can’t! My head was spinning, I was feeling too much, desperately wanting her touch. I hadn’t even noticed that the top half of my uniform was over my shoulders and off of my arms.

Miyuki leaned back down, kissing me with more force, our kiss becoming much more passionate. What really started my panic mode was the silk I felt binding my wrists up, and I pulled back quickly from her face. Turning my head back I saw both wrists tied by a strong silk scarf, and then laced to the bed bar.

Topless, bound, and Miyuki on top of me. My worst nightmare, and probably biggest turn on, were both in effect. She sat back on my hips, and just stared at me. I was scared shitless at this point, glancing around a bit nervously, but trying desperately to keep my cool.

“Shizuma.” She drew my eyes back on her, and she leaned down again, wrapping her arms around and under me. Our foreheads touched, her hot breath tingling my cheeks.

“Are you ready to just give in? I’m tired of fighting you.” I opened my nervous eyes to look into hers. “I-I, Miyuki.”

I had nothing to lose at this point, considering the predicament I was in. So I did what she asked. I gave in.

“Miyuki, please forgive me. I-I hate you so much. I hate that you see right through me.” Miyuki’s eyes were just staring back my water filled ones. “But I love you so much more. Don’t…don’t leave me.”

Miyuki bent her head down and got lost in my silvery mane. She breathed in my scent, releasing her breath and her voice into my ear. “I’ve always loved you Shizuma.” She began to pull away, oh god, is this the part where she gets back for all the shitty things I’ve done to her?! “And I’ll never leave you. Who else could you be this vulnerable with?” Miyuki said with a smile.

I breathed out slowly, taking everything in. And she smiled sincerely, and I chuckled out a breath of relief. “I’m sorry I’m so stubborn.”

Miyuki chuckled back at her. “It’s okay. Maybe after your punishment, you’ll learn.”

“Hahah…wait, what punishment?”

Miyuki effectively pulled my dress off from the bottom, leaving my panties and tights to be the only remaining clothes on my body. I gulped, and watched as she stripped those off too.

Crawling back up my body, Miyuki’s eyes glinted evilly, and I new I was in trouble. “Someone has been very very stubborn.”

My lips trembled, but she massaged and eased them with her own. And so Miyuki began ‘punishing me.’ For the entire night.

It was practically morning when we had finally stopped, satisfied with the eventful night. Our naked bodies were covered by a light film of sweat, Miyuki was panting heavily on her back, meanwhile my head was laying on her stomach. My over abundance of hair was covering half the bed, but I pulled it back as I sat up.

Miyuki’s hair was a mess too, and she looked exhausted. Smiling down at her, I grabbed the sheet that had been kicked to the bottom of the bed, and pulled it up over our legs. I settled my head on her delicate collarbone, and pulled the blanket to cover us, wrapping my arms around her torso.

The raven-haired girl turned to face me, and our legs intertwined, bodies locked together perfectly. I had never felt safer.

I felt Miyuki’s lips graze my head, planting a small kiss there, and I reciprocated with a kiss on her neck.

“Was…was it like this with the other girls Shizuma?”

Her question took be aback a little bit, but I scooted up to look her in the eyes. “I’m not just saying this to make you happy Miyuki, but, no. This…this was something else.”

Teasing her about everything probably wouldn’t be a good idea, considering Miyuki just lost her virginity.

“I must say Miss Rokujo, you took a lot out of me. You always seem to outdo everyone when it comes to me.” I finished my tease with a wink, and she just shook her head with a smile.

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. I groaned at the intrusive alarm clock, and unplugged it from the wall.

“Shall we get up Miss Hanazono?”

I thought about her request. Well at least I even gave it a thought, but I shook my head lightly. “Let’s just stay like this. Please?”

I gave her the cutest pout I could muster, and she chuckled again. “You’re lucky I like you, but I couldn’t agree more.”

Tightening their hold around each other, the two Miatorian mistresses fell back off to sleep, no longer needing to dream about their wishes coming true.

~The End~


It had been months since that night. That very memorable night. Our graduation was only a week away, and Miyuki and I were finally happy, just together. It seemed like we could leave this school with some peace. We were walking hand in hand through the halls, when I saw Chikaru giving Chiyo and Kagome a little lecture.

Her red bows turned in accordance with her face as she saw us approach, and an evil glint appeared in her eyes, as she finished whispering to the girls.

“Hello Miyuki, Shizuma.”

I nodded as Miyuki replied with a hello.

“I was just helping Chiyo and Kagome out with some questions they had picked up from being around Nagisa, Tamao, and the older girls, but I thought perhaps you two could help.”

“Sure we can,” I smirked with a big grin while Miyuki sighed at my cockiness. “What do you girls need help with?”

Kagome held Oshibaru up to my face and said, “Nagisa, Tamao, Yaya, Hikari, and the rest of our senpai’s were having a fight about the top and bottom.”

My brow furrowed and I looked at Miyuki who shrugged. “What do you mean Kagome?” I heard my lover reply.

Chiyo spoke up this time. “They were talking about your top and bottom Shizuma-sama!”

My face contorted with confusion. What’s wrong with my top and bottom?

Kagome spoke up again, “No no. Oshibaru says they wanted TO KNOW who was top and bottom.” I nodded my head slowly, still a little confused when Chiyo answered it all.

“They said Shizuma-sama acts all cool, but when it comes to Miyuki-sama, she’s the bottom!” Chikaru giggled and the rest of the strawberry gang popped their heads around the corner.

My face paled completely, while Miyuki’s blushed bright red. “What are tyou guys teaching them nowadays!” I looked incredulously at them.

Chikaru simply snickered, and with a fake smile she asked, “Well how about it ladies, who’s what?”

“I straightened out proudly, well of course it’s me! I’m Hanazono Shizuma for cryng out loud.”

“Oh REALLY Shizuma? Are you sure about that?”
*Gulp* “N-no, hunny, heh, heh, I love you!”

“Whipped,” Shion snickered to Chikaru, while Yaya laughed with Tsubomi.

“I am not! A-ah-uh, mhmmm.” Miyuki silenced her by shoving her against the wall.

“Yea! You show her Miyuki!” Shion and Yaya exclaimed. Chikaru and Tsubomi gave knowing glances, and tugged their girlfriends away for their own punishments.

Chiyo, Nagisa, Tamao, and Hikari had officially past out from blood loss at that point, while Kagome looked at Oshibaru questioningly. “So does that mean Miyuki-sama’s the top?”

Will Kagome ever get her question answered?? Well I hope not by these hentai’s!

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