I have existed for thousands of years,
My composition and form have changed, but my purpose has not.
My purpose is to please;
consciously and subconsciously, according to some.
For a time, I was banned. A queen restored my popularity.
Since then, I have remained in society's favor.
What am I?
Answer - Lipstick
Guesses from 15086 - 15145
Clues: I am commonly a shade of red
0 - 9 -
A - Acting, Affairs, Alcohol, Astronomy, Art
B - Ballad, Ballet, Boardgames, Books, Bread, Brownies
C - Cake, Catholicism, Cats, Chess, Chocolate, Colourful things, Colours, Comedy, Competitions (organised, any), Composing, Cookies, Cooking, Cupcakes
D - Dancing (any), Death, Dogs
E - Education, Exploration
F - Fashion, Freedom
G - Gambling, Gin
H - Hair, Horticulture
I - Ice Cream, Imagination
J -
K - Kittens
L - Lipstick, Literature, Love
M - Make-up, Music
N - Nothing
O - Olympics
P - Paper, Party (-ing), Philosophy, Playing Cards, Plays, Poetry, Potato, Promiscuity, Prostitution, Protestantism, Puppies
Q - Queen
R - Reading, Religion, Rights, Rose Madder
S - Science, Seduction, Sex, Smoking, Sonnet, Sport (a)
T - Tea, Tobacco, Tragedy
U -
V - Vampirism, Vodka
W - Wigs, Wine, Writing
X -
Y -
Z -
Uncategorised -
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Bringing you riddles from the Riddle Room since page 6148 . . .
The Drama Llama doesn't just follow her home, she's tamed it and
MADE IT HER STEED[/size:ed6267ec0c].
MADE IT HER STEED[/size:ed6267ec0c].