[Clumsy Maid]
T s u b a k i

-G E N E R A L
•name; Tsubaki Kirano •age; 18
•birthday; Dec. 6 1992
•orientation; Straight
•race; Japanese
-L O O K S
•hair color; silver/gray *it's natural
•eye color; silver/gray
•height; 5'6"
•built; very busty and C cup breast
-O U T F I T S
-C O M I N G S O O N-
-U N I F O R M
•She has cat ears and tail *same color as her hair
•Has rose pins near her ears
•Frilly laces on the bottom of her maid outfit and the top of her socks
•Socks should be knee high
•Shoes have little bows on the strap of her shoes
-A B O U T •P E R S O N A L I T Y; Airhead, clumsy, clueless, and a complete moe.
Tsubaki is always clumsy with her work. She hardly pays attention and always gets in trouble with her higher ups. Since she is clueless, she is always getting picked up by guys and she doesn't even notice.
Around people she hardly knows, she tries to stay quiet and not go into any trouble. That never works. Since she is a complete moe, everyone notices her. The way she acts when she tries to be unnoticable is that she covers her face and tries to walk away.
Around her friends she acts herself. Which is sorta a bad idea. She is clumsy and trips over her own shoes or sometimes on nothing. But sometimes she acts cute without ever noticing that her self. She likes to care for others before she cares for herself. If she is hurt and has a cut on her arm, she wouldn't notice it. She would help her friends first then realize she's hurt. Her friends worry about her sometimes when she is alone outside. Tsubaki always says 'I won't cause any trouble, so don't worry'. But is never true.
Around her master, Saito, she's different. Ever since she started working for him, she's been shy and more clumsy. She still doesn't understand her own feelings for him, but with the help of her pushy friends she will soon find out.
•B I O; With this silver hair, I am cursed to be marked as royalty. Will I ever forget this harsh past?
Tsubaki was one of the richest families daughter. She was abused alot by her parents. Only people with light silver/white hair are true royalty. Her parents wanted her to be the heiress to the family, so they pushed her to the edge. While driving her to her private lesson, she was in a car crash. That was no accident though, the people in the other car were kidnappers. They kidnapped Tsubaki from the car while she was still unconsious. When she woke up, the kidnappers tortured her in ways that traumitized her well being.
After the kidnapping, she was sent to the hospital. It was to shocking for her mind to handle that she was in a coma for 4 months. Right after she woke up, she lost her memory about everything, except her name and age. Her parents left her on the streets to rot and die away. But she wondered around, trying hard to remember what happend.
While being abandoned and wandering the streets. A boy with black and white hair came and picked her up. He said that she will be staying here if she is willing to work as a maid. She agreed and is now living in the second most richest persons mansion.
Being at the mansion really made Tsubaki happy. She was smiling for a changed and met new people. The head butler, Ren, helped out her out with the chores. Her masters older sister, Shii, protects Tsubaki from her master, Saito. With the help of her maid friend, Nikki, she is also able to learn proper ways to be a good maid.
So far, Tsubaki's adventure has just started.....
-R E L A T I O N S H I P S
•Saito; Tsubaki really likes Saito, since he saved her from dying outside. She doesn't know about her true feelings for Saito yet, but she really cares about him.
•Ren; Tsubaki respects Ren alot since he helps her with a lot of chores. Ren is like a big brother to her.
•Shii; Tsubaki feels akward around Shii. She doesn't hate her but tries to avoid her sometimes.
•Nikki; Tsubaki likes Nikki alot. She thinks of her as her little sister, since Nikki is younger than her.
•Onyx; Even though he is a kidnapper, Tsubaki is still polite to him. But for some reason, whenever she sees Onyx, bad and scary memories come back to her head.
-U N I F O R M
•She has cat ears and tail *same color as her hair
•Has rose pins near her ears
•Frilly laces on the bottom of her maid outfit and the top of her socks
•Socks should be knee high
•Shoes have little bows on the strap of her shoes
-A B O U T •P E R S O N A L I T Y; Airhead, clumsy, clueless, and a complete moe.
Tsubaki is always clumsy with her work. She hardly pays attention and always gets in trouble with her higher ups. Since she is clueless, she is always getting picked up by guys and she doesn't even notice.
Around people she hardly knows, she tries to stay quiet and not go into any trouble. That never works. Since she is a complete moe, everyone notices her. The way she acts when she tries to be unnoticable is that she covers her face and tries to walk away.
Around her friends she acts herself. Which is sorta a bad idea. She is clumsy and trips over her own shoes or sometimes on nothing. But sometimes she acts cute without ever noticing that her self. She likes to care for others before she cares for herself. If she is hurt and has a cut on her arm, she wouldn't notice it. She would help her friends first then realize she's hurt. Her friends worry about her sometimes when she is alone outside. Tsubaki always says 'I won't cause any trouble, so don't worry'. But is never true.
Around her master, Saito, she's different. Ever since she started working for him, she's been shy and more clumsy. She still doesn't understand her own feelings for him, but with the help of her pushy friends she will soon find out.
•B I O; With this silver hair, I am cursed to be marked as royalty. Will I ever forget this harsh past?
Tsubaki was one of the richest families daughter. She was abused alot by her parents. Only people with light silver/white hair are true royalty. Her parents wanted her to be the heiress to the family, so they pushed her to the edge. While driving her to her private lesson, she was in a car crash. That was no accident though, the people in the other car were kidnappers. They kidnapped Tsubaki from the car while she was still unconsious. When she woke up, the kidnappers tortured her in ways that traumitized her well being.
After the kidnapping, she was sent to the hospital. It was to shocking for her mind to handle that she was in a coma for 4 months. Right after she woke up, she lost her memory about everything, except her name and age. Her parents left her on the streets to rot and die away. But she wondered around, trying hard to remember what happend.
While being abandoned and wandering the streets. A boy with black and white hair came and picked her up. He said that she will be staying here if she is willing to work as a maid. She agreed and is now living in the second most richest persons mansion.
Being at the mansion really made Tsubaki happy. She was smiling for a changed and met new people. The head butler, Ren, helped out her out with the chores. Her masters older sister, Shii, protects Tsubaki from her master, Saito. With the help of her maid friend, Nikki, she is also able to learn proper ways to be a good maid.
So far, Tsubaki's adventure has just started.....
-R E L A T I O N S H I P S
•Saito; Tsubaki really likes Saito, since he saved her from dying outside. She doesn't know about her true feelings for Saito yet, but she really cares about him.
•Ren; Tsubaki respects Ren alot since he helps her with a lot of chores. Ren is like a big brother to her.
•Shii; Tsubaki feels akward around Shii. She doesn't hate her but tries to avoid her sometimes.
•Nikki; Tsubaki likes Nikki alot. She thinks of her as her little sister, since Nikki is younger than her.
•Onyx; Even though he is a kidnapper, Tsubaki is still polite to him. But for some reason, whenever she sees Onyx, bad and scary memories come back to her head.
-R E F E R E N C E S
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