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Mi Vida Reborn
Just some random stuff in my mind. May have random fanfics, adult language, high levels of sarcasm, and themes not suitable for those who are young and/or sane. You have been warned
for Brighter Day (Chapter 11)
So yeah, I've been busy with Portable 2. Yes, it arrived a couple days ago and I love it. If I could, I would take a pic of it. But alas, my camera is s**t. No, I probably won't be writing a PSPo2 fic. I just feel that I've done what I can with the story (which I've been barlgh on the ending. I may just scrap it for another ending. And the ficlets are on hiatus >.> wink Though at the end of this chapter, I will post a preview to Princess Knight, my baby. I've made it more close to Sailor Moon canon. Anyway....

* * *

Chapter 11

Ami had arrived in Moatoob early. There were few Guardians scattered about. As well as a few soldiers from the AMF. The mission was going to take place in the afternoon. Kyoh and Emil walked up to her. "Hey." they said. Ami gave a small wave. "Hey." she said back. "You ready?" asked Kyoh. She nodded. "It's going to be rough." She placed her hand on her forehead. Emil noticed that her face was pale for a moment. "What's wrong?" She looked up at him. "It's nothing. Just frequent headaches. They pass quickly enough."

It was nearing time for Unification Point. Ami checked her equipment to make sure she was well stocked. "Ami, you have enough Sol Atomizer?" Emil asked. She nodded. He turned around to see a group. "Hey! Leo!" The beast turned around and the group went up to Emil and his group. "Emil, it's been a while." he said. Emil nodded in agreement. "It's been busy. I had became an instructor in the meantime." Ami looked around the group. "Huh? Isn't Hyuga with you, Ethan. You two are normally paired up for missions." Ethan replied, "He was supposed to, but got pulled to do a mission with Maya." "Oh..." was all Ami said. A pink haired Cast made her way to the front of the group. "Everyone, it's time to go to our block." Ethan gave a nod. "Right Lou." After the group left, Emil looked at his watch. "It's time for us to go too." Ami placed her hair into a ponytail. "Let's go then."

Chaos, was what the battlefield was. Ami already began to perform Shifta and Deband. Once they were done, the three got out their weapons. "We need to defeat 150 creatures to safely secure the block." Emil informed them. Ami started to work on the smaller creatures with her twin daggers while Kyoh and Emil worked on some of the bulkier creatures. "They are relentless." Kyoh remarked. Emil gave a nod. "Yeah, it seems like they really don't want us to succeed. Ami shook her head from the latest headache that just came. "Yeah, it does." she said.

The sun was just setting when the three finished there block. They were going back to Dagora City. "I hope that there weren't a lot of causalities." Ami said. Emil gave a brief nod. "Yeah." Kyoh began looking through is contact list and turned on his comm-unit. "Hey, Ethan." Ami turned hers on and linked in with Kyoh. "We're done on this side. You?" "We'll be there in a moment." Ethan said, "There was a distress signal and we're following it." "We'll go back you up." Ami said. "No," he said, "we have quite a few people already. We'll be fine." Ami sighed out. "Trying to play hero huh?" She heard him laugh. "If you say so. But seriously go ahead of us." "Alright, we'll see you on the colony." said Kyoh. Then the connection disconnected. The group arrived in Dagora city, where the rest of the Guardians and AMF soldiers stationed there were. They all watched at the horizon turned a light blue that spread across the sky. Ami felt her body heating up again. The light surrounded the place for what seemed like minutes. Then it died down to see the night sky. When the light passed, the burning in Ami's body stopped. "What was that?" Kyoh asked. Emil gave a smirk while taking off his glasses. "That was the Gates of Denekaya and Unification Point. Our mission was a success."

There were cheers from everyone in the city. Emil gave a smirk while Kyoh was cheering as well. Ami was happy, but there was a nagging feeling in the back of her mind. 'I wish he could see this as well. Wait, he's probably somewhere watching it too. But still...something doesn't seem just right.'

* * *

Three days had passed since the mission to Moatoob. The workload was a bit easier. But there had been a tiny nitch in the plan. The Hive was an A-photon plant that was released in space to see if living there was possible. It was just outside Gurhal's orbit, which made it not affected by the Unification Point. The AMF was going to do an all-out assault on it in the night while the Guardians stayed on Gurhal to prevent any Seed that may fall to hurt anyone. Ami was hanging around Clyez City until then. While she was walking, she saw a worried Ethan. She went up to him and tapped him on the shoulders. "Oh...hey Ami." he said quietly. Ami cocked her head to the side. "What's wrong? You're always better than this." Ethan considered for a moment to tell her. Then he shrugged. "Well, Maya and Hyuga went to the Hive to recover the missing scientists. And if I don't help them, then they'll all die in the armada."

Ami froze in place. "That can't be..." A headache passed her again. "I just came to do some last minute preparations before then." She looked at Ethan, not realizing that tears were falling down. He was taken aback by her crying. No one saw her cry. Even when she got hurt, she just brushed it off. "Ethan, this will sound selfish. But I have to go with you." He shook his head. "There's a chance that my license will be revoked because of this stint. I don't want to drag you down with me." Ami smiled at Ethan's friendship. "Thank you, but I have to." She looked down at her hands. "I have to see him. Even if it means that it might be the last time." Ethan looked at her. "You're speaking as if you love, wait." Ami looked down, blushing now. "Yeah, I think I'm falling in love with him."

Ethan did the only thing he could, laugh. Ami shoved him. "It's not funny." He held his sides. "I'm sorry, would never expect that you would like him. How long?" "I think it began when we were in the academy." Ami felt so embarrassed sharing the information with him. But at the same time, relieved that she could finally admit it. "Please Ethan. I won't let you say no." He stopped to see how serious Ami was. "It won't hurt. Meet me at dock number five in fifteen minutes. Then we'll depart." Ami gave Ethan a hug. "Thank you so much." He blushed at the sudden hug. "Okay, okay. That's enough."

Ami ran to her room to change out of her uniform. She took her hair out of her uniform style and let if fall lightly across her shoulders. She got changed into a long black coat with a blue and white top. She also wore black with blue accented pants and black flats. "I think now is a good time to use it." She searched through Megami's inventory to find her Gizaha-zashi. She took it out and put it in her equipment. "I'm leaving Megami." "Have a safe trip Ami." the machine said. Ami nodded. "I will."

* * *

Ami arrived at the docks and Ethan was waiting, just like he said. "Ready to go?" Ami nodded. "Yeah, hey. You think he'll react well to this?" Ethan shrugged his shoulders. "I dunno it's the first time that someone actually likes Hyuga, to my knowledge." She gave a nod. "I see. Word? Don't tell anyone." He nodded. "I won't."

As Ami walked into the ship, they were surprised to see the extra member. "Everyone, this is Ami. She insisted that she comes along." Ami gave a wave. "Why?" asked Tonnio, the smallest male beast. Ami looked away. "It doesn't matter." Ethan said, "The more the merrier right?" Ami mouthed a thank you to him. Ami felt a bit uneasy, this being her first time on a ship so large. The group looked out of the window to see the Hive. "We're going straight in." said Tylor, the captain. He looked at the female Communion of Gurhal member. "You know what to do." She gave a nod as she extended her hand. The entire ship was surrounded in a shield of some sort. "What is this?" asked Ami. "It's the Lattice Shield System also called LSS." said Lou. The Hive's attacks did little to no damage to the ship. "It'll be a few minutes before we reach the Hive." Tylor said. Ami felt her heart beating the closer they got. The Hive was unrelenting on the attacks. Ethan went up to the CoG member. "Thanks for helping us." he said shyly, "I dunno what we'll do without your help." She just laughed. "Is that so?" She took off her mask, leaving Ethan in shock.

It was Karen, who apparently disappeared. "Come on guys, I can't do this alone." she said. Everyone began putting their hand over the sphere device. Ami nodded as she did as well. She could feel the shield strengthening as they closed in on the Hive. "Here we go!" said Ethan.

The Landeel, the ship, made a rough landing inside the Hive. Everyone stepped out to see it. "It's like the whole thing is a living Seed." Ethan remarked. Ami put her hand on her forehead. The headaches were stronger than she had experienced. She kneeled over in pain. "Ami? You okay?" he asked. She shook her head to rid of the headache. "I'll be fine. These have been the norm for a while." Karen looked to be a bit concerned. "I see. Well the path goes into two paths. How should we go about it?" Tylor said, "Liina and I will stay here. It won't do us any good if the Landeel is destroyed." Ami looked out at the paths. "I'll stay as well to protect the ship. These headaches come and go, but they are more intense here. I don't want to be a hinderance." Leo said, "Well Tonnio, Lou, and I will take passage B." Karen nodded. "And that leaves Ethan and I with passage A." Once everyone agreed, they went with their plan.

Ami stayed at where the path split, in case a Seed decided to come. Her body felt a little hot while the headaches were throbbing. She started to tug at the ends of her coat. 'It's going to be awkward when Hyuga sees me.' She sighed. She hadn't even figured out how to approach him since the fiasco at the formal. Much less talk to him. Her comm-unit rang. "Satomora." "Ami? Where are you?" It was Emil. "I'm at the Hive. I had to come." Emil sighed. "You are aware that it's quite possible that you could die there." "I know that! It's no different than being on duty. But someone important to me is here and I won't leave until then." He was silent. "Fine, you win. But I hope you come back alive so I can scold you." Ami gave a smile. "Thanks Emil." "Ami." said Ethan. "Emil, I have to go." She switched her connection to Ethan. "I'm here." "We found them. Hyuga's going back with Maya to the Landeel." "Got it, I'll rendezvous with them at the path split." She got up and dusted herself off. "At least everyone's alive for now."

A few more minutes had passed when Ami heard a set of footsteps. She kept her Gizaha-zashi nearby in case. She made out two figures and let down her guard. "Hyuga, Maya." she said while running to them. Hyuga couldn't help the surprised look on his face seeing Ami. "What are you doing here?" She looked away. "It's complicated and I'll tell you after we're safe." She helped him support Maya, who looked mentally broken. "Let's go to the Landeel."

The walk was silent. They had managed to see the Landeel. "Just a few more minutes." Then the ground shook. Ami lifted her head up. "It's a Seed." she said. She moved away from the pair. "Hyuga, take Maya back, I'll hold the Seed off." The form easily towered over Ami. It was rushing towards them with it's twin swords. "You can't take this one alone." he said. They had managed to moved out of the form's charge. "I'll be fine. If it gets to the Landeel then we all die." She gave him a hardening stare. He understood the look. "I'll be right back okay?" She gave a nod. "Right."

Once Ami felt that Hyuga and Maya were at a safe distance, she got into a stance. The form charged at her again. Her line shield activated and only pushed her back a bit. She ran up to it and slashed at it with all her strength. The form shook it off before hitting Ami with it's swords. Her shield came up with the clashing of the sword, lifting her high in the air. She landed flat on her back. "Oww..." Her body felt like it was on fire again. 'Free me....' said the voice again.

Meanwhile, Hyuga and Maya just arrived at the Landeel. "Go to her." Maya said. She wiped her already red eyes. "Are you sure?" he asked. She nodded. giving a smile. "I'll be fine by myself. She cares a great deal for you." Hyuga laughed it off. "I don't think so. We trained together." Maya smirked. "Oh really? A woman's intuition rarely lies." He got up. At that moment, there were two screams. "That sounds like Ami." he said. He took one look at Maya before heading off.

When he arrived, there was someone. A woman in fact. The Seed-form's body laid in front of her. Her right hand was covered in it's blood. He brandished his Rapier. "Who are you?" he asked. She turned around. Her hair was down to her thighs and silver. A thick bang covered her right eye, with both being a golden yellow and slits for pupils. She lifted her bloodied hand and licked it seductively. At that moment, her nails on that hand extended to the size of small daggers. And she ran towards him. He used his saber to brace for the hit. She clashed with him. He looked deep into her eyes and stopped. "Ami?" She backed up a bit. She ran at him again and grabbed his tie. Ami was getting ready to attack with the nails on her left hand before she stopped. "Hyuga?"

"What are you?" he asked. Ami let go to see the blood on her hand and the extended nails. Her blue eyes were starting to overtake the yellow of her irises. "Stay away!" she shouted. Ami began to cry, feeling her body heat up again. "I don't know what I am." "You're a Seedling." said a figure. It was only a holographic image, clearly male. "Seedling?" Ami took a strand and let out a gasp at seeing how silver it was. "Ask your dear father about it." She got down to her knees and let out another scream. In an instant, she reverted back to her normal form, minus the length of hair she had before. Then she fell to the ground.

* * *

So why was Maya so depressed? Well her love was turned into a Seed Form and they had to fight and kill him. Pretty damn sad. The first part (based on epi. 1) was written, assuming that the reader knows what happened in Ethan's story. So yeah... The rest is just flat out spoilers. Oh and she said she THINKS not a flat out admission......yet.......Next chapter is the start of episode 2 a little more splitting from canon to my own plot.

Without further ado, Princess Knight. Coming whenever I feel like it.

Ami glared at Dio as she slashed at him. The sword made a screeching sound, hitting the armor. Dio was surprised. "We're supposed to spar remember?" Ami jumped back and kicked at his feet. "This is how I spar. Remember? I'm the daughter of a head knight." He tightened the grip on his saber and began attacking as well. Ami deflected the attacks. "You lack finesse." she said. She rushed up to him again as slashed, with the same screeching sound. Dio could easily see that Ami was certainly Kai's child. She had the same intense glare as him. He thrust at Ami and she sidestepped. His attack only ripped a sleeve on her jacket. Ami became unrelenting on her attacks. If it wasn't for the armor, then he would have been in deeper trouble. "Loren, stop the match." he said. Loren was busy writing down the information. He glance up and gave a smirk at him. It was his little retribution for earlier. After a couple more attacks, Loren stood up. "I think it's sufficient enough, Ami you can stop now." She made a thrust at Dio's head, startling both of the males. It was the only area in which it wasn't protected. "Ami!"

That's from Chapter 3 of the story yo' So until next time :3

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