Ysz Is Sorry!!
You know the awkward feeling when you first bring home your lover and the words 'Mom, dad, I'm pregnant' come up? Yeah, it's that awkward. Here I am sitting in the lab on an experiment table while Ysz, the very creepy and freaky android is strapped to his, once again. My master on the other hand is standing near us; just to make sure nothing bad happens...again.
"Ysz is sorry." Ugh, I'm so sick of hearing that.
"Fine, fine. You're sorry. I get it. Would you shut up now?" God, I couldn't stand another repeat of that.
"See Ysz, he forgives you." Of course my master would have to make it all seem perfect now doesn't he?
I've had about enough of this weirdness, so that being decided; I figured that I would leave the lab to find something else to do.
"I'll just be going to get some food now. Have a nice day with your um... android..." As I walked out I could've sworn that I hear Ysz say that he was sorry again, then again it might've been just in my head from hearing it so much.
I walked out of the lab and down the dimly lit hall, as I passed by the stain-glass window; I swore I saw something fly by it. I stopped. Suddenly there was a strange shadow fly by the window again. Just great, another one of my Master Akio's weird creations. I wonder what this one is...
