Username: Doregan Reikasu
Name: Doregan Reikasu (Main RPC)
Age: Appears 20, Actual Age is 2,342 years.
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 6'3
Weight: 189 lbs.
Gender: Male
Race: Shinigami
Squad: 11
Rank: Captain
Reiatsu Color: Blue
Name: Doregan Reikasu (Main RPC)
Age: Appears 20, Actual Age is 2,342 years.
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 6'3
Weight: 189 lbs.
Gender: Male
Race: Shinigami
Squad: 11
Rank: Captain
Reiatsu Color: Blue

Unlike his father, Doregan is really playful, and caring, yet very serious when things get...serious. A very wise shinigami, Doregan is wise beyond his years, and some say that he sometimes has an old soul. The wisdom doesn't show up that often though. He is considered by many to become the next Captain Commander one day.
Doregan spent six years in the shinigami academy, four for regular training, and another two for Captain/Lieutenant Training. After graduating, he spent time traveling around the world, posing as a human for most of the time being.
He was born in to the family of Wu Kage and Katsumi Shiooi. He was raised as a normal child, clueless of the job his father had as a Soul Reaper. For 13 years, he lived his life normal, going to school, hanging with friends, dating girls, and trying to get out of chores. He was a above average student, A's and B's straight through Elementary and into Middle. One day, when he was at home, his mother was killed by a hollow, who entered their home searching for the vast amount of reiatsu Wu Kage was exerting. When Wu came out of his human form to fight him, he was immediately killed.
The Soul Society recruited him, and he became, just like his father, the youngest soul reaper to reach the rank of Captain. During those six grueling years, Doregan gained the respect of his peers, graduating top of his class. He even made a few friends!
Side note: A few years later, recently by date, he was extended an invitation to be a member of the Reikasu family, seeing as his other family was brutally murdered, which he gladly accepted.
~Zanpakuto Spirit~
A very quiet spirit, Erien is always happy. When summoned, he comes out as two separate weapons, working together in perfect harmony one.
A very quiet spirit, Erien is always happy. When summoned, he comes out as two separate weapons, working together in perfect harmony one.
Doregan carries a fully sharpened and tempered carbon steel blade, with cotton cord and authentic rayskin wrapped tsuka (double pegged tsuka). The wind dragon tsuba with front-back detail is in matte blue.
Doregan carries a fully sharpened and tempered carbon steel blade, with cotton cord and authentic rayskin wrapped tsuka (double pegged tsuka). The wind dragon tsuba with front-back detail is in matte blue.
~Shikai 1~
Doregan touches the hilt of his sword, and whispers, "Chill the already frozen heart, and control it's icy tears, Shikai." Instant Affect: When drawn, a cold chill is released over the area, and freeze's the target(s) ability to use kido and cero's for 2 of the opponent's posts. Cosmetic Change: Erienaisu then melts and reforms as two blades. Lasting Effect: Both blades can control water, snow, ice, and hail.
Doregan touches the hilt of his sword, and whispers, "Chill the already frozen heart, and control it's icy tears, Shikai." Instant Affect: When drawn, a cold chill is released over the area, and freeze's the target(s) ability to use kido and cero's for 2 of the opponent's posts. Cosmetic Change: Erienaisu then melts and reforms as two blades. Lasting Effect: Both blades can control water, snow, ice, and hail.
~Shikai 2~
Doregan crosses both blades, and says "Let the river run forth, then freeze it's underbelly." As soon as the words leave his lips, one blade melts again and starts to run up his arms, until his body is covered in "Frost Armor". His sword's appearance changes, the ice that melted forming into a massive blade. Doregan can still control ice/water, but can only use water from his frost armor, and second blade.
When summoned, Doregan takes the form of his bankai, his two swords disappearing, fur covering his hands and feet, with tribal tattoos appearing on the open skin. He can summon water from thin air and make it into 4 different weapons: Ice Axe, Ice Sword, Ice Hammer, Ice Spear. Each weapon has to stay in that form for 5 posts, before it can change.
~Other Skills and Abilities~
(Please see "*Note" to refer to "*" abilities)
`Captain Training
`Captain Level Agility Techniques
`*Enhanced physical strength
`*Enhanced raw speed
`*Spiritual Energy Control
`*Silent Kido Casting
(Please see "*Note" to refer to "*" abilities)
`Captain Training
`Captain Level Agility Techniques
`*Enhanced physical strength
`*Enhanced raw speed
`*Spiritual Energy Control
`*Silent Kido Casting
~Squad Ability~
Physical & Mental Resistance
Members of Squad 11 are immune to pain and unaffected by mind-altering kido spells/abilities. Also, the physique of the members of Squad 11 is better built to sustain damage from any other non-energy-based offenses taken against them such as swords, punches, kicks, etc. (energy-based attacks affect members of Squad 11 normally).
The physical resistance works as follows-
When faced with an opponent of equal power, their opponent will be unable to easily cut them or cause damage with blunt attacks. Opponents of lower power are met with even more resistance. Finally, opponents of higher power will be able to damage them normally.
~ Soldier of squad ??? Vs. Lieutenant of squad 11; the soldier would only be able to scratch the flesh of the lieutenant's body. Other means of combat would be suggested for the soldier.
~ Officer of squad ??? Vs. Lieutenant of squad 11; the officer would only be able to make superficial cuts into the lieutenant's body.
~ Lieutenant of squad ??? Vs. Lieutenant of squad 11; the lieutenant of the other squad would be able to cut into flesh with attacks but would find it much harder to make clean cuts as would be expected.
~ Captain of squad ??? Vs. Lieutenant of squad 11; if the captain launches a slash against the lieutenant, the lieutenant would be advised to avoid or face painless losses.
Doregan has mastered all kido spells of his current ranking.
[*Note: *Enhanced Physical Strength comes from training with Captain Kin Meiyo. *Enhanced speed comes from training with Captain Aylin. *Silent Kido Casting and Spiritual Energy Control comes from training with Captain Akira Meiyo.]
Vizard RPC
[i][align=center]Username: [color=orange]Doregan Reikasu[/color]
Name: [color=orange]Doregan Reikasu (Alternate RPC)[/color]
Age: [color=orange]Appears 23, Actual Age is 2,342 years.[/color]
Hair Color: [color=orange]White[/color]
Eye Color: [color=orange]Blue[/color]
Height: [color=orange]6'3[/color]
Weight: [color=orange]189 lbs.[/color]
Gender: [color=orange]Male[/color]
Race: [color=orange]Vizard[/color]
Squad: [color=orange]11[/color]
Rank: [color=orange]Captain[/color]
Reiatsu Color: [color=green]Green[/color][/i]
[color=orange][size=11]Unlike other vizards, Doregan is a very light hearted person. He always tries to find the best in a person, and manages to help out every soul he encounters. But when his mask is drawn, his nice, cool demeanor changes, mutating into somebody who will kill on site if pissed off. The two personalities try to balance each other out, sometimes surfacing on top of each other for a moment, depending on the situation.[/size][/color][/align]
Doregan's past as a vizard is unknown, all records found destroyed and burned. All we know is that Doregan is a part of the Reikasu Family, recruited secretly by Aylin.[/size][/color]
[align=center][color=orange][b]~Zanpakuto Spirit~[/b][/color]
[color=orange][i]^---[url=]Ishaka Hakate[/url]---^[/i][/color]
[size=11][color=orange]Doregan's zanpakuto is Ishaka Hakate, which means, "Barrier Breaker". At 5'9, Ishaka is short but agile, her athletic form allowing her to accomplish many feats. She is a very quiet person, but don't let that fool you. Ishaka can be very ambitious and active, never letting Doregan get lazy. When in battle, Ishaka is fierce, making her seem larger than life. She cares deeply for Doregan though, and will never let anything happen to him.[/color][/size][/align]
Doregan carries a Feudal Lord Samurai Sword. It has an overall length of 39.5 inches with a 27 inch hand polished stainless steel blade and is accompanied with a Grey Samurai sageo cord with a wrapped saya scabbard. It has a metal cast tsuba handguard in the shape of two Japanese dragons and the tsuka handle is finished in a traditional Japanese ito wrap. [/size][/color][/align]
"Show me the secret trail, shikai!"[/b] This is the release phrase from Doregan's shikai. His sword doesn't change, and nothing seems to happen when it is released. Doregan's shikai's ability can can cut open paths to another space that only Doregan, who has the DNA that Ishaka will recognize, can enter. Basically, if Doregan walks into a tree, he can pass right through it, or can choose to stay inside the tree if he wishes. If an enemy tries to strike the tree, Doregan can not be touched. The same goes for anything Doregan touches with Ishaka (i.e Doregan can walk through the ground and under it if he chooses to do so.) The sword can also be thrown through things, showing that Doregan does not need the sword himself to travel through space. [b]The catch is that Doregan cannot be hit by the target, and Doregan cannot hit that enemy until he comes out of "ghost mode". [/b]Once out of "ghost mode" Doregan can strike and be attacked, but cannot go through the secret trail until he touches something with his sword again. The effect does not work on other weapons and people. Doregan can stay in "ghost mode" for only 2 post at a time.[/color][/align]
Doregan's bankai is an extension of his shikai. When released, his sword takes the form a smaller and lighter ninja blade, with no hilt. Doregan's ghost ability is gone, but his speed increases to where he can make multiple ghost images of himself, who remain solid for 1 post, before disappearing. [/color][/align]
[align=center][color=orange][b]~Other Skills and Abilities~[/b]
[size=9](Please see "*Note" to refer to "*" abilities)[/size]
`Vizard Captain Level Agility Techniques
`*Enhanced physical strength
`*Enhanced raw speed
`*Spiritual Energy Control
`*Silent Kido Casting
[b]~Mask Appearance~[/b][/color]
[size=11][color=orange]Doregan's [url=]Mask[/url] appears cat like, with pointed ear like tips, and red markings coming down the eyes and on the forehead. [/color]
[color=orange][b]~Mask Summoning~[/b]
[size=11]Doregan holds his right hand over his left eye, and with a claw formed hand, drags the mask smoothly across his face, until complete.[/size] [/color][/align]
~Mask Restrictions~[/b]
Once in vizard mode Doregan cannot use any Kido abilities.[/color]
~Mask Abilities~[/b]
[ -Hollow Powers- ]
[Mask Shielding]
[Power Augmentation]
[Cero (Costs 20% Per use)]
[Revercion Cero (Costs 40% Per use)][/color]
All Vizard Captain Level Kido Mastered[/color][/align]
[color=darkblue][[*Note: *Enhanced Physical Strength comes from training with Captain Kin Meiyo. *Enhanced speed comes from training with Captain Aylin. *Silent Kido Casting and Spiritual Energy Control comes from training with Lieutenant Akira Meiyo.]][/color]
Name: [color=orange]Doregan Reikasu (Alternate RPC)[/color]
Age: [color=orange]Appears 23, Actual Age is 2,342 years.[/color]
Hair Color: [color=orange]White[/color]
Eye Color: [color=orange]Blue[/color]
Height: [color=orange]6'3[/color]
Weight: [color=orange]189 lbs.[/color]
Gender: [color=orange]Male[/color]
Race: [color=orange]Vizard[/color]
Squad: [color=orange]11[/color]
Rank: [color=orange]Captain[/color]
Reiatsu Color: [color=green]Green[/color][/i]
[color=orange][size=11]Unlike other vizards, Doregan is a very light hearted person. He always tries to find the best in a person, and manages to help out every soul he encounters. But when his mask is drawn, his nice, cool demeanor changes, mutating into somebody who will kill on site if pissed off. The two personalities try to balance each other out, sometimes surfacing on top of each other for a moment, depending on the situation.[/size][/color][/align]
Doregan's past as a vizard is unknown, all records found destroyed and burned. All we know is that Doregan is a part of the Reikasu Family, recruited secretly by Aylin.[/size][/color]
[align=center][color=orange][b]~Zanpakuto Spirit~[/b][/color]
[color=orange][i]^---[url=]Ishaka Hakate[/url]---^[/i][/color]
[size=11][color=orange]Doregan's zanpakuto is Ishaka Hakate, which means, "Barrier Breaker". At 5'9, Ishaka is short but agile, her athletic form allowing her to accomplish many feats. She is a very quiet person, but don't let that fool you. Ishaka can be very ambitious and active, never letting Doregan get lazy. When in battle, Ishaka is fierce, making her seem larger than life. She cares deeply for Doregan though, and will never let anything happen to him.[/color][/size][/align]
Doregan carries a Feudal Lord Samurai Sword. It has an overall length of 39.5 inches with a 27 inch hand polished stainless steel blade and is accompanied with a Grey Samurai sageo cord with a wrapped saya scabbard. It has a metal cast tsuba handguard in the shape of two Japanese dragons and the tsuka handle is finished in a traditional Japanese ito wrap. [/size][/color][/align]
"Show me the secret trail, shikai!"[/b] This is the release phrase from Doregan's shikai. His sword doesn't change, and nothing seems to happen when it is released. Doregan's shikai's ability can can cut open paths to another space that only Doregan, who has the DNA that Ishaka will recognize, can enter. Basically, if Doregan walks into a tree, he can pass right through it, or can choose to stay inside the tree if he wishes. If an enemy tries to strike the tree, Doregan can not be touched. The same goes for anything Doregan touches with Ishaka (i.e Doregan can walk through the ground and under it if he chooses to do so.) The sword can also be thrown through things, showing that Doregan does not need the sword himself to travel through space. [b]The catch is that Doregan cannot be hit by the target, and Doregan cannot hit that enemy until he comes out of "ghost mode". [/b]Once out of "ghost mode" Doregan can strike and be attacked, but cannot go through the secret trail until he touches something with his sword again. The effect does not work on other weapons and people. Doregan can stay in "ghost mode" for only 2 post at a time.[/color][/align]
Doregan's bankai is an extension of his shikai. When released, his sword takes the form a smaller and lighter ninja blade, with no hilt. Doregan's ghost ability is gone, but his speed increases to where he can make multiple ghost images of himself, who remain solid for 1 post, before disappearing. [/color][/align]
[align=center][color=orange][b]~Other Skills and Abilities~[/b]
[size=9](Please see "*Note" to refer to "*" abilities)[/size]
`Vizard Captain Level Agility Techniques
`*Enhanced physical strength
`*Enhanced raw speed
`*Spiritual Energy Control
`*Silent Kido Casting
[b]~Mask Appearance~[/b][/color]
[size=11][color=orange]Doregan's [url=]Mask[/url] appears cat like, with pointed ear like tips, and red markings coming down the eyes and on the forehead. [/color]
[color=orange][b]~Mask Summoning~[/b]
[size=11]Doregan holds his right hand over his left eye, and with a claw formed hand, drags the mask smoothly across his face, until complete.[/size] [/color][/align]
~Mask Restrictions~[/b]
Once in vizard mode Doregan cannot use any Kido abilities.[/color]
~Mask Abilities~[/b]
[ -Hollow Powers- ]
[Mask Shielding]
[Power Augmentation]
[Cero (Costs 20% Per use)]
[Revercion Cero (Costs 40% Per use)][/color]
All Vizard Captain Level Kido Mastered[/color][/align]
[color=darkblue][[*Note: *Enhanced Physical Strength comes from training with Captain Kin Meiyo. *Enhanced speed comes from training with Captain Aylin. *Silent Kido Casting and Spiritual Energy Control comes from training with Lieutenant Akira Meiyo.]][/color]