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mace_lightning's Journal
this journal is for poetry, art, and my and kjedlor's story "A Chance Happening."
A Chance happening Ch.19 part 1
((wow..its been awhile i know..i should probably make up for lost time. smile ))

part 1

"greh.. yo....u......cre...ppy....litt...le.....bas...tards....." said kjeldor as he fell to the ground fast asleep.The elves looked at one another. And they picked both of them up.
"well that was easy."
"yes it was.' stated the other, they were enveloped by a white light and trasported themselves to a faraway land. they put magic chains on Kjeldor and lee, and waited for them to awaken.

eventually kjeldor showed a few signs of movement as he slept..
lee began to slowly awaken her head pounded.."..."
Eventually kjeldors eyes slowly opened"god.. did i fall asleep on the roof again?" he said groggly feeling like he had been hit with a ton of bricks.
"welcome. lee draco and Kjeldor we are sorry for the restraints and the force we used to bring you here. " said one elf

'yes yes welcome, to Azreal, the land of dragons."

"we had to restrain you so that you don't try to harm us, .." finished the other

"And we had to knock you out becasue this place is an anchiet secrect." they stated in unison.
eh?? land of the dragons??" said kjeldor slowly that seemed a tiny bit oddly familiar to him... though he couldnt remember where he heard it before.
lee blinked her head punded, "eh..land of dragons? i thought this place was only legend.." she stated rubbing her head gingerly trying to shake off the pounding headache. the chains bit at her arms. 'oww.."
"ya got me lee.." said kjeldor

"we are Sage Talis, Mirah Talis " they stated in unsion, they took off their hoods revealing the elvish features.
"yes the ledgend of old is true. lee draco, you have been summond here, because of the red dragon." said sage
"as were you Kjeldor." finished mirah

"the red dragon.." Lee blinked..'you mean the great red dragon that blessed my family line lonbg agoe?" she stood up, and sported a woried look. I Not a good ideah considering she was still dizy, the chains bit at her wrist, but she paid them no mind.
"eh what are you talking ab-" said kjeldor then he looked at his mech arm remembering what the people mentioned to him after building this arm.."red dragon.... i heard that from someone once somewhere... a long time ago.." said kjeldor.
they looke dat the both of them kindly.
'yes lee, the dragon who blessed your family line."
"and yes Kjeldor, you recognise her name as well no?"
"we are sorry to bring you here on such a sad ocasion, lee draco..it seems that the red dragon is dying.."

"dying?" Lee murmered..her voice could barely be herd.
"yea....... the people who helped rebuilt my arm with this amazing technology mentioned it briefly.." answered kjeldor

she has called for the both of you. to tell you some thing of great importance, we are very sorry for the constrants." they unchained lee, and Kjeldor.
"please, Kjeldor, for some odd reason she wished to see you first."
'and then lee you may see her."

"please follow me Sir Kjeldor." stated mirah
Kjeldor nodded and followed mirah.
lee sat on the ground waiting patienlty a tear rolle ddown her face..'dying..'
Mirah led him to the great red dragon who was a great distance away.
'Please, do not be afriad. she will no tharm you, go on closer to her she cannot see very well in her old age."
"ok" said kjeldor as he walked close to the red dragon"you wished to see me? "said kjeldor
the red dragon awakened its golden eyes stared at him. she heaved in. "Ahh yess.. such a strange little one they bring to me..Please sit, little one." she called softly. "You are the one called Kjeldor yes?"
"yes i am" said kjeldor as he sat down as the dragon instructed.

"i am pleased to meat one with such a strange fate. " the red dragon stated kindly. She wrapped her tail around him, he rvoice was kind and sweat. 'Dearest little one, you are not from this time are you? You are from the future yes? Do you perhaps recal, a small tale that used to be told to you, when you were small?"
"i..... i only can recall being in this time... yet i wonder whether i really am from this time or not" replied kjeldor

The red dragon soflty smiled and mused for a moment. 'But..you are from the future little one. " she stated kindly. "you are, perhaps you can recal, you were very small, you were told a tail, of a great heroe without a name, who slayed a great evil? please conentate and think for a moment."
"wait... now that you say that i do remember that.." said kjeldor thinking for a moment.
She smiled. "do you rember? How much you loved that story? how you used to pray to the unamed heroe for streangth and gave it to you when you were beaten, how this heroe became to you, a streangth and inspiration for your ways?"

"yes.. yes i do remember that now" kjeldor replied semi shocked at the memory, musing on the memory of the story he smiled...rembering just how much that one story had ment to him. "and do you rember, how much you wished to meet that heroe? well, surly you walk beside her, on a daily basis. " the red dragon replied kindly smiling, her eyes on him.
kjeldor thought about what the dragon said for a moment then his eyes windened"you have to be joking.." said kjeldor.

"i assure you that i am not joking." she said sternly. "this is too serius of a matter to jest."
"i didnt mean anything like that.. its just... surpising is all..." said kjeldor"i never thought that......." "so your saying.. that lee is that unnamed hero?" questioned kjeldor.

"yes she is..and do you pratiel rember how the story ended? " the dragon mused and told it anyway. "The great heroe, with it's finnal breath did kill the the great evil. Giving it's life for it's people..only to reman nameless..forevor more. no one call recall it's name but its legendary story lives on..in the hearts of those of whom the heroe saved."
"yes.... in theory it means that lee would beat the great black dragons son but die in the process but it seems possible that lee has altered her course to a third fate.. its possible that she could not die from this but im unsure... a nymph told me and lee this" said kjeldor

"No it is not lee who altered her fate to three destonies, no it was you .." she stated. "you were the one who altered her course.lee was never ment to meet you.. Origionally lee's adoptided father was going to save her during the proceess of shakalh. But he saw you there, he saw your passion for her, and for the briefest moment, he saw the third desony twinkle before his very eyes. You sir, are the one responsible for her third fate.."
".....me?" said kjeldor"maybe thats why i was brought to this timeline....." thought kjeldor "i see..." he finnaly replied taking in all this information.

"my magic is great and powerful and i have also seen this third fate, but it is slowly dwindling, i am not sure if the third fate was simply ment to be..you might have to witness the death,of the great unamed hero.."
"...... its not something i want to see.. i wish for this death not to happen if possible but.... if that is what happens...then it is.... but i am with lee to help her with the third fate" said kjeldor

The dragon soflty sighed a sigh of defeat. "trust me, i do not wish for her death either. I care for her as well. i am not sure of why you are here, but if it is true that you are here to help her get her third fate..i am not sure of what you can do..it is dwindling away as we speak.dying...it just might not be possible." she replied sadly.
"ill think of someway.." said kjeldor"impossibility is just a illusion created by doubt there is a way to make that third fate possible" he said determandly.

The dragon smiled. "I hope that you are correct little one for her sake. You have my blessings, i hope,i pray..that you will susceed." she replied. "Now you musn't tell Lee of this conversation, it would change fate for the worst." she replied. "go now and tell lee to come to me."

Kjeldor nodded and bowed to the red dragon before leaving the dragon
"lee the dragon wishes to see you now" said kjeldor soflty, seing lee with her head bowed in sadness..
lee bowed poilielty and rose to her feet, she ha drebraided her hair, and sported a small smile. "Thanks." she replied as she walked by him.
"no problem" said kjeldor as he took a seat where lee was and awaited her return.

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