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mace_lightning's Journal
this journal is for poetry, art, and my and kjedlor's story "A Chance Happening."
A Chance Happening Chapter 20 part 2
((huzah! i got a new game boy advance game for my ds! kirby! i love that little pink balloon! he's soooooooo cute!
=^-^= so now that i feel all happy, on ith our story!))
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part 2

Saphi just looked divine in her white dress, as she greated all the guests. It was a simple weading, and outdoor one the apple blossums still clung to their place on the trea, and sweat perfume filled the air, all people began to take their places, the groom anxuisly awaited his bride. Jack put his arm around jill shoulder shyly. jill put an arm around jack's waist "hey" jill whispered. Jack blushed shyly. "hey." he stated as he led her to two chairs and helped her sit down. He wore a broad smile on his face. Lee waited busily talking to the flower girl.
jill looked over at jack " you dont have to be so shy"
"gah.. i can't help it!" he replied. "i mean you..ahh..umm.. geh.." he silienced.

"ya know i can put the other half of the dress back on lee" said kjeldor telepathicly .
Lee poilitly curtsied to the man who was the best man, who was going to walk down the aile with her."no i like it the way it is." she replied telepathically, "besides i can walk in it better this way." All the guests hushed as the band began toplay. and the little flower girl made her way down the aile carelesssly dropping white rose peatels.

The other bridesmaids began to make their way down the aile lee quickly set down her sword at an empty seat and readied herself. Kjeldor sat there watching a slight smile on his face. This was an incredibly happy ocasion. the eldest son of the martin family came down holding a little golden ring on a pillow, now it was lee's turn. She polietly bowed to the best man he bowed back. She wrapped her arm around his and began to slowly walk down the aile.
Jak held jill close. The croud all murmered as they saw lee. "Isn't she the oddest thing you ever saw?" they questioned, some chuckled. Lee paid them no attention, she held her head high as she walked down the aile.

Kjeldor kinda raised his eyebrow to there comments but didnt do anything. lee bowed to the man he kindly smiled and bowed back and took her place, the bride wakling side by side with her father then walked up. Soo the prediding were over, and saphi kissed her new husband there was a giant 'Hurrah!" As they looke dout at all the people. lee smiled gently, a tear rolled down her face, but she was quick to catch it. Soon they were all sitting talking and laughing, lee excused herself and walked a l away.. catching her breath, she sat on the ground and fiddled with her sword staring out. Jack talked to jill quietly.

Kjeldor talked with a few people for a bit then eventually excused himself and walked away wondering for a bit. lee sat starin gout asasll the people quietly chatted, she looked up and saw kjeldor . She stood up and wearily streached music began to play. She sudnely grabbed him by the hand. "You and me, gota talk." she stated angerly, as she pulled on him.

"eh whatd i do?" said kjeldor as he was pulled along by lee"ok ok whats the matter?" questioned kjeldor nervusly. She brought him to where the others were dancing. "I am going to teach you how to dance." she stated dryly. "You not leaveing me like you did last time." she replied referencing her suprise birthday party.

"eh what oh no i wont leave ya this is a wedding its diffrent but i really suck at dancing i can slow dance thats bout all i know.." said kjeldor. jill led jack out to the dance floor next to lee and kjeldor. " having fun?" she asked lee.
Lee just shook her head at jill and rolled her blue eyes. "Look it's easy." she stated grasping kjeldors hand on" first you bow," she stated cursing to him odly. "Then you place one hand here." she placed his hand on her waist, "and the other one goes in my hand." she instruted. She put her hand on his neck gently. "And the rest is just rythem." she stated as she bagan to move and count so he could follow.

"ahh... now i think i get it" said kjeldor as he began to pick up on how to dance. Lee nodded as he sudenly got the hang of the dance she smiled. And stopped counting. 'Very good." she stated. all the poeple murmered.
"how very strange..how very odd." they whispered amounst themselves. Saphi growled at all of them. "look all of you, as far as i'm concerned seeing those two dance, is the most beautifull thing i ever saw." her mother nodded in agreament. And thus the people hushed themselves. kjelodr blushed a tiny bit at saphis comment but it faded away as kjeldor continued to dance.

Lee also blushed at her comment, threwout her entire life she had never been considered beautifull. She shook the blush away, and continued to dance with kjeldor. Sudenly the music slowed to a slow dance, Lee blushed and kindly bowed out, going to talk with some other knights. Lee busied herself talking with them,sudnely Jill felt a suden tap on her shoulder..lee's hunter stood behind her, he whispered some anchient words..and then disapeared..Lee felt the hairs on her head, stand on end, she found herself unable to talk,or move..her blue eyes searched for him..but as soon as the ealing was there,it passed on....Lee breathed easer..'damn..why did he have to come here?'she thought to herself, she breathed easer'..where?' lee so continued her conversation, despite all the jusgementlal glances.
"She is ugly.."commented a man to some of his fellows, the other laughed in agreament.. lee turned..that was low...lee felt herself blush, realizing her tattered and torn dress,and hw the scars on the calfs of her legs shown..Saphi and her husband had left,and the croud was slowly dwindling away. She clenched her fists, but said nothing..and walked over to saphi,only to recieve a bone breaking hug.Saphi and he new husband soon left, leavine jill, lee and kjeldor behind int the orchard. lee held out her hands catching a peatle.She blew it away and gazed after it..wondering where the wind would carry it...

"well i supose that was fun" said kjeldor walking over to lee and jill"though i believe we had a unexpected guest..." said kjeldor as he moved one of his arms a part of his sleeve on his tux ripped"gadammit.." said kjeldor as he ripped off both sleeves and the black part of the tux leaving on the white undershirt" thats a bit better...." said kjeldor.

Lee just smiled and laughed at him,she wearliy cast off her high heals and began towak barefoot. Over back to town. "May they be blessed with many screaming little children, to keep saphi outa my hair." said lee with a deafeted sigh."Yeash."
she shook her head wearily. "Yeah you felt him to huh? i wonder.."she mused to herself for a moment.

Kjeldor laughed"yea i did though.. tried to feel him out but couldnt.. hes crafty.. But come on u really dont want saphi to bug someone else other then u do u?" said kjeldor with a smile casting off his dress shoes and walking around in black socks. jill fidgeted nervously wondering if she should tell them 'no, she thought, 'that was cocerning me only'. "anything wrong jill?" said kjeldor noticing jill fidgeting.."um no why would you say that?" jill asked nervously.

Lee laughed loudly, "hell yes." when she herd jill speak Lee raised an eyebrow..something was definatly wrong. "eh? Jill he didn't do anything did he?"asked lee. "why would i know? so where are we goin next?" jill said trying to get the focus off her.

"home." stated Lee with a rather loud weary yahn.."i need to rest.." she streached her weary musciles. Even though it was only six oclock, lee felt inded, out of energy..it was unatural...Lee yahned..'damn..why am i so tired?' she thought she shook away her sleep and smiled at Jill and KJeldor, they happened to pass by Jack who was broudly smiling. Lee 's cold eyes rested on him.
"One of these days High general, i willlast fiv seconds in a duel withyou." tated Jack, confidently.
Lee yahned. "Yeah, i'm sure you will, by the way, why don't you walke jill home? I need to rest.." she stated wearily
Jack smiled and bowed, and lead Jill away.. Lee looked over at kjeldor.."My hunter is up to something..but first i think horn has found out something he hasn't told you yet, don't you have a another one of those gems to get?" she questioned as she put her blond hair back into a tight braid.

jill took jacks hand and walked away. jill yawned. "damn its contagius" stated jill as she and jack walked towards her home."eh o yea thats right.. yea Rock Lee Has the 4th Genesis Shard.. And Rock Lee Happens to be the current World Fighters Champion at the moment.. has been reigning champ for 3 years since he beat me when i was 16.. well guess this is a chance i get a shot to get my title back and if im right he should put up his genesis shard up in the title fight being as it dosent matter if the challenge for the shard is within a ring or no but i wont get a chance to fight him without entering and winning a qualifier tournament first and since i havent invoked my rematch clause i should automaticly get 1 of the 8 seats in the bracket tournament.. jeesh i havent been in a arena for a while... hope i aint rusty" said kjeldor

Lee walked sielently beside kjeldor. "eh, you'll be fine." she said finally.
"eh maybe maybe not these qualifiers can get tricky sometimes.." said kjeldor as they walked along kjeldor had made a quick communication with someone over his commlink in his arm"well all settled im in the next qualifier tournament in 2 days" said kjeldor"geesh.... i frogotten almost about what Rocks Styles are like... Earth bEnding.. Generating earthquakes.. alot of things to do with natural force to do with ground.. a massive martial arts backround.. and his weapons are 2 special designed Diamond Adamantium Bats.. Not Breakable with anything on this planet.." said kjeldor.

Lee thought for a moment. 'if you like i'll join to i could use the money."she stated dryly with a small yahn. "yea that would be fun and interesting always wonder how a friendly bout between us would turn out lemme see if a seats open.." said kjeldor checking one of his small screens on his arm with a frown"damn.. sorry lee there isnt a seat left.. but i bet ya could get into the next tournament id really like to see ya compete" said kjeldor.

Lee just smiled. "Eh ,maybe some other time then." she stated she held in her hands a change of clothes. "If you'll excuse me i need to change." she bowed poilietly, and turned to a small inn.
"alrighty then" said kjeldor i gotta change too ill be over there" he said pointing to a small changing area and cloths shoppe at the corner..
Kjeldor walked over into the shoppe and began to change back to his normal outfit.

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