The past three days in the cafe have been near chaos in a way. Not to mention the cafe is now becoming crowded and changing. Besides the fact it is melding into one (what can I say I'm lazy). Well actually I have another reason for that. The cafe is slowly gaining a story which spans over days. Nearly anything that has happened the day before comes back to haunt just the next day.
In a way the customers set the tone, though my sister had a lot to do with it. So what is the story?
So far it is revealed that Kyoko is a demon, adopted by Kara's family. Her real name is Hisa, but as it turns out not even Kara herself is normal. Raised by a human family and believing (up until the point Kyoko forces the truth out of Wish) that she is human. She's ironcially enough an angel (someone up there is laughing.) Which was bad enough, Vincent one of the regulars and Creek who has been around since the cafe first opened along with me and my sister are caught up in a future plot that could cost us our lives. Being a bit melodramatic.
In addition we have Talin who jumps into the story as an angel sent to protect Kara, however his own story is a sad one, not to mention appearingly the people who sent him didn't have the same idea of protection. The result of meeting another angel, aware of it and being aware she herself is an angel for the first time forces Kara into a fledgling state.
Which last night got sped up by Mit, another customer who has taken to visiting the cafe. Mit's story is also an interesting one, which both Talin's and Mit's I will write on a later date. I like stories really, especially living ones (that's what I've always thought of role plays as, as a living story.)
So now Kara has wings, which will be fun, in a weird sort of way. I'd ask a picture from Kyoko to put up for her, but I already have my pets on display.
Kara Winters · Wed Mar 08, 2006 @ 04:23pm · 0 Comments |