Yesterday I had decided to revamp the cafe, like I've probably already mentioned was to make the two sides one. Finally the construction of the cafe was completed. I had just to figure out what to do with the final slot. You see I moved things around, putting them into other posts, so I ended up with an extra. I had toyed with the idea of turning it into the pet slot, so people could see all of them, but I thought better of it. I might, but I would rather have Jules draw a picture of all of my pets in the same place.
So it became my knicknacks place. Though some people might question the purpose of collecting pictures using Gaian gold, some people have the most amazing ideas. I find really neat, and unusual. This might be way I can't quest to save my life, but hey at least I'll be having fun.
Kara Winters · Thu Mar 09, 2006 @ 07:26pm · 0 Comments |