I wandered through the house, not knowing what to expect. I saw Jake's hair a mile away, of course she was with Kaite. I ran over to where they were standing and poked Kaite's shoulder "MEEP" She jumped around and put her hands up like a ninja. I couldn't help but laugh, "Smooth!" I mumbled looking at her and Jake. Their gunshot wounds were obvious too, especially Kaite's. My laughing stopped when I had remembered something, MAYA! I told them what I had to do to get her attention.Jake laughed,"Morgan! She's just messing with ya!" She pushed me forward to where Maya was. I tried to get her attention, "Maya! Look I found Jake and Kaite!" She just sat there, not even hearing me. Jake was mad now, she reached out to slap Maya, her hand hit, and made noise. Maya screamed "Holy Crap! Morgan? Jake Kaite?" She was rubbing her cheek. 'She can feel..' The thought kept going through my head. Maya knew sign language! I grabbed Maya's hand and began to spell words out. "H-E-L-P. I F-O-U-N-D J-A-K-E
A-N-D K-A-I-T-E." I stopped. Maya was nodding, "That's good Morgan, now, um, You're all dead, so how ,um, exactly are you touching me?" She laughed nervously. Kaite had some feedback, "Morgan, Jake, I don't think we're dead, I read about this."
"Read? You?" I inturupted
She glared at me and continued "I heard souls can remain, without losing feeling, but they have to find a way to reenter their bodies without forcing themselves back in." Jake was nodding "We're on the third plane of existance!" I looked at her "Plane of existance? What?" Jake looked at me like I had just gotten a simple math problem wrong, "Yes, My brother told me all about the planes of existance: The first Plane, Light, It cannot be entered. The Second Plane, Life, Humans, Our world. The Third Plane, Where we are, It is a co-existing paralell universe to the second plane. The fourth plane, Mythical creatures, and other things like that, And the Fifth Plane, The death and half alive creatures, Zombies. The fifth Plane is the only one with a portal to ours. So pretty much, we're screwed if we can't find a way to the fifth plane." Jake had never talked so much in her life.
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Kaite, Maya, Morgan, Jake
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A good friend makes you smile. A better friend cries with you. A best friend kicks someones a** for pissing you off.
Judging is bad for the soul so don't do it.......
Five dollars for a ******** Lunchable? Put that back!
Judging is bad for the soul so don't do it.......
Five dollars for a ******** Lunchable? Put that back!