Chapter One (Part Three)
I stared at Jake, How the hell did she know so much about this? Her brother was a phyco, he commited suicide last year, it was a shock to everyone. Though that didn't matter now, we were dead too, sort of. I still didn't understand the Planes Of Existance, I just nodded like I did. Kaite spoke up "Yeah, me and you did a report on this!" Jake nodded "Yeah that was fun, though we only got a 99% My stupid spelling error screwed it up." I jumped into the conversation "WE~ ARE~DEAD~SO~WHY~DOES~IT~MATTER~IF~WE~GOT~A~99%~ON A REPORT!?!!?" I sang, Maya heard me. She was laughing, "Morgan, are they getting off topic again?" I looked at Jake and Kaite, they were as silent as me, I broke the silence by singing "~MAYA~DO~YOU~THINK~THIS~ IS ~WEIRD~AT~ALL??!" She looked around and shrugged "I have no idea what is going on, But I think that boy over there has issues, he's been crying in that corner for like, the past ten minutes" I decided to investigate. I walked over to the boy, He had red hair! "s**t!" I shouting running back to Maya, "That's the kid that shot me!" I pointed to my stomach. Jake gasped sarcasticly, "No? Really?" She put her hand in front of her mouth. I glared at her, then walked back over to the boy.