Hopefully there is somewhere where people dont have to take notice to things so unappropriate as how they look, but what they say and do. Fear holds this society together ad tells them to dress act and feel a serton way. My way in unlike most, but its my way.
Some people copy one another to make themselves look better. When they call it their own they take an original thing, and make it unoriginal. Stop moving forword behind someone else and take a step in your own direction.
If people actually think about things and tell things they kow are true about themselves instead of taking it from someone else and say its theirs, they will figure out their true identity. Every one has not really found themselves if they are a clone of one person. Find yourself in your mind and spirit, find your color and let it shine or dim.
Say what you want not what others say. Do what you want, not what other people do. Actually feel the rain on your artificial skin and make it real. Dont stop and be someone else, be you.
(Yeah I have this problem at skool where this person a copying everything about me and I hate it, so this is for them ^^)
Gaaras_Lover · Sun Mar 12, 2006 @ 05:00pm · 1 Comments |