I'm here to talk about Kim Hyun Joong.
Who on EARTH am I talking about?
Why my new favourite flavour of eyecandy of course!
Look! There he is!

And looking mighty fine today, aren't we?
Anyway, for those of you who think he looks familiar (Yeah, probably nobody here. But this is my journal, and I can swoon over whomever I want), he is a member or SS501 and played a role in the the Korean show Boys Over Flowers.
I just wanted to shout this out to the world. I'm a little nuts when it comes to asian guys. Like the one I saw at Tim Horton's today!
And I've named my phone after him, just so I can say "Hold Kim Hyun Joong for one sec." or "Hold it, Kim Hyun Joong is vibrating".
Woah. That last one sounded a little odd. Everyone! Forget that!
Anyway, my guilty little pleasure.
I'll keep you updated on my boring life.
Keep dreaming,
Angel Nuria