I've seen this on multiple profiles (not that I stalk people or anything...), and I thought it was a neat little... thing and should give it a go.
THE BASICS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1 - Orientation? -Straight...
2 - Gender? - Female
3 - Age? 105 Martian years.
4 - Screen Name?- Nuria
5 - Birthday? - May 21
6 - Race? - European....?
7 - School/Grade? - High School
8 - Job? - *cough* None.
9 - Status? - No comment... sweatdrop
10 - Hometown?- Mars.... not in the middle, but kinda... rightish.
11 - Current Town? - Somewhere on Earth
12 - Parents Still Together? - Sure.
13 - Siblings?- Nope.
14 - Pets? - Nope...
15 - Smoker - Nope........
16 - Drinker? - Nope...............
17 - Virgin? - Okay, uhm... why would you even care?
18 - Orientation? - Wasn't this question one??
19 - Drugs?- Nope.....................
20 - Hair Color?- Blonde
21 - Is it Dyed? - Nope.
22 - Eye color? - Green.
23 - Height? - 5'6".
24 - Style - Sweatpants and ponytail....?
25 - Glasses/Contacts/None? - None.
26 - Freckles? - D: TONS.
27 - Body Type? - ... skinny?
28 - Shoe Size? - 8/9. D:
29 - Piercings? - No...
30 - Want More? - Want my ears pierced!
31 - Tattoos? - Heck no!
32 - Want More? - WHAAAAT?!
33 - Braces? - No.
34 - Overall Best Feature? - ???
35 - Overall Worst Feature? - You tell me.
36 - Do you get most of your traits from mom or dad? - Like, personality-wise?
LIKES/DISLIKES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
37 - Favorite Color? - I dunno.
38 - Worst Color? - Green diharrhea??
39 - Favorite Number? - 9
40 - Favorite Animal? - Wolf
41 - Least Favorite Animal? - Spiders or cockroaches... and such.
42 - Favorite Flower? - Tulip.
43 - Favorite Food? - Pizza
44 - Worst Food? - Anything spicy. *BARF*
45 - Favorite Junk Food? - Anything with chocolate.
46 - Worst Junk Food? - BBQ chips.
47 - Favorite Restaurant? - ... Manchu Wok?
48 - Favorite Ice Cream Flavor? - Peanut butter chocolate
49 - Favorite Candy? - Reese.
50 - Favorite Alcoholic Drink - Lol, whiskey.
51 - Favorite NON Alcoholic Drink? - Juice. smile
52 - Worst Alcoholic Drink? - I don't drink, so...
53 - Worst NON Alcoholic Drink? - Nestea
54 - Favorite Genre of Music? - Pop.
55 - Worst Genre ? - COUNTRY!!!!!! AHHHHHH!
56 - Favorite Band/Artist - Dunno.
57 - Worst Band/Artist? - KE$HA and JB (and I don't mean James Bond...)
58 - Favorite Song?- Currently B2ST- Bad Girl. Changes weekly.
59 - Worst Song? - Anything by KE$HA, Katy Perry, Lady Gaga.... JB.
60 - Favorite Radio Station? - Virgin...?
61 - Favorite Book ? - 'The Hunger Games' Suzanne Collins
62 - Worst Book? - INKHEART.
63 - Favorite Type of Movie? - Meh...
64 - Worst Type of Movie - Sci-fi?
65 - Favorite Movie? - Lastest Harry Potter?
66 - Worst Movie Ever? - Grown ups.... D:
67 - Favorite TV Show? - The Big Bang Theory.
68 - Worst TV Show? - Dancing with the Stars, or any dancing show.
69 - Favorite Season of the Year? - Summer
70- Worst Season? - Winter
71 - Best Friends? - For Privacy reasons, unable to complete request.
72 - Worst Enemy? - Let's just say I have a lot....
73 - Favorite Day of the Week? - Saturday.... SLEEP GOOD.
74 - Least Favorite Day of the Week? - Monday.
75 - Favorite Sport? - Badminton.
76 - Sport You Hate? - GOLF.
77 - One thing you cant get enough of? - MEN! :3
78 - One thing you hate more than anything ? - Stupid people biggrin
LOVE LIFE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
79 - Are You Single? - Okay, yeah.
80 - If not, who is your bf/gf? .....................
81 - How Long Have You Been Together? ...................
82 - If You're Single, Do you Like It? - No.
83 - Do You Have a Crush On Anyone Right Now? - Hee hee
84 - First Kiss? - *Cough*
85 - Ever Kiss in the Rain? - No.......
86 - In a Movie Theater? - No.........
87 - Underwater? - No..........
88 - First Love? - D: Dating my ex-best friend. Right next to my locker every day.
89 - Have you ever Cheated on Anyone? - No.
90 - Been Cheated on? - ....No.
91 - Used Someone? - No!
92 - Been used? - No.........
93 - Lied to your bf/gf? - No..........
94 - Ever Made out With Just a Friend? - No O_o
95 - Ever Had Sex With Just a Friend? - NO.
96 - Are You a Tease? - No-oo.
97 - Do you Flirt a Lot? - ......... No.
98 - Longest Relationship? - No comment.
99 - Shortest? - No comment. smile
100 - Have you Ever Gotten a Poem? - Yes. By friends!
101 - Ever Get Flowers? - Yes. By friends!
102 - Sweetest Thing You've Ever Gotten? - It's sad, but I can't remember.
103 - Do you Like Valentine's Day or Sweetest Day? - Sure. You can get away with everything.
104 - Do you Believe in Love at First Sight? - Yes....
105 - Do you Believe in? - .... ehhh? What? No ending? What is this?!
106 - Do you Fall in Love Fast? - No, but I fall hard.
107 - Are you a Player? - No.
108 - Would you ever Hook Up With Someone of the Same sex? - NO! D:
109 - Have You ever Kissed 2 People in One Day? - .... No.
110 - Kissed 2 People At One Time? - O_O I don't want to know how that works...
111 - Had Sex with 2 People in One day? - NOOOO.
112 - Had sex with 2 People at One Time? - NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
113 - Ever cried over someone of the opposite sex? Yeah.
114 - Ever Been Dumped? - .... No.
115 - Ever dumped someone?- ................ No....
116 - Ever been rejected? - Yes.
117 - Do you have a lot of ex's? No....
118 - Are you a slut? - I don't consider myself a slut.
119 - Ever been called one? - Nope.
120 - Ever dated someone more than once? - No.
121 - Do you ever make the first move? - I'm all for female domination.
122 - Double dates or single? - I... I don't know.
123 - Do you want to get married? - Yeah!
OPPOSITE SEX (what you're attracted to)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
124 - Hair Color - I'm versitile.
125 - Short or long? - Lol, no preference. (MINHO!)
126 - Style? - Oooh. Hard one. I really don't know. But there's some quality that they all have in common.... hmmm....
127 - Age? - Around my age. I don't like *****.
128 - Height? - Taller than me.
129 - Weight? - Honestly, it's what's inside that counts. (Pffft)
130 - Muscular Or Skinny? - I like muscles.... XD
131 - Boxers or Briefs? - O_o Never given it much thought.
132 - Do you care about looks? - Secretly, doesn't everyone?
133 - Can you drive? - Well? No. *Runs over pedestrian*
134 - Do You Have a Car? - No.
135 - Do you have a cell phone? - Yes.
136 - Are you online a lot? - Online where? Gaia? Then, yes.
137 - Do you like gay/bi people? - They don't bother me.
138 - Can you speak another language? - 없음
139 - Do you do well in school? - A average. Well enough, I guess.
140 - Do you collect anything? - Books....?
141 - Have an obsession? - K-Pop! AND ASIAN THINGS!
142 - Do you hate yourself? - Sometimes.
143 - Ever smile for no reason? - XD Yes.
144 - Talk to yourself? - I sing in the shower. (Does that count?)
145 - Do you have any regrets? - Doesn't everybody?
146 - Believe in magick? - What's this magic with a 'k' buisness?!
147 - Do you support gay marriage? - Yeah, whatever.
148 - Sex before marriage? - Yeah, sure.
149 - Do you trust people easily? - I dunno.
150 - Forgive easily? - I dunno...
151 - Do you have a secret no one knows? - Yes. ninja
152 - Do you get along with your parents? - Meh.
153 - What about other people? - I like people.
154 - How do you vent your anger? - Take it out on objects
155 - Do you like George Bush? - Eeeeew.
156 - Goal Before you die? - Be happy with how my life went.
157 - Biggest Fear? - Spiders and other equally creepy things.
158 - Biggest Weakness? - Now, if I told you, I'd have to kill you.
159 - Do you play an instrument? - Piano and saxophone and a little flute.
160 - What do you want to be when you grow up? - Writer.
PERSONALITY TRAITS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
161 - A b***h? - :O I hope not.
162 - A daydreamer? - *Jumps* Say what?
163 - Shy? - Around the guys I like....
164 - Talkative? - Around others, I'm too loud.
165 - Energetic? - XD When doing sports I actually LIKE.
166 - Happy? - Currently.... no.
167 - Depressed? - Just a bit.
168 - Funny? - I consider myself so. (Not that there's much opportunity here...)
169 - Slutty? - D: NO!
170 - Boring? - Sometimes...
171 - Mean? - Sometimes.
172 - Nice? - Usually.
173 - Caring? - Yup.
174 - Trustworthy? - Yeah, totally!
175 - Confident? - ROAR~!.
176 - Friendly? - Yesh.
177 - Smart? - Now this depends on a multiple of outcomes. As you can see, I've drawn a diagram showing.....
178 - Sarcastic? - Who? ME????
179 - Dependable? - Of course.
180 - Quiet? - In class.
181 - Weird? - What? Of course no--- OMG SOMETHING SHINY! @_@
182 - Adaptable? - ...To what?
183 - Strong (emotionally)? - Yeah. Sensitive people annoy me.
184 - Strong (physically)? - I can leap mountains.
185 - Mature? - For my age? Most definately.
186 - Logical? - O_o
187 - Religious? - No.
188 - Modest? - I dunno XD
189 - Indecisive? - OUCH BIG WORDS.
190 - Sympathetic? - D: Yes.
191 - Polite? - Yes.
192 - Creative? - YES! biggrin
193 - Fun to be around? - OHH YEAAH.
194 - Lovable? - XD Well, I think so.
195 - Easily Amused? - XD
196 - Outgoing? - Sure.
197 - Daring? - Mhmm.
198 - Clumsy? - Nope. Thankfully.
199 - Nosy? - Just a bit.
200 - Lazy? - Yeah.
201 - Scary? - O_e Hey I like your ear-hole.
202 - Optimistic? - HAHA NO!
203 - Persuasive? - When I want to be.
204 - A good listener? - Mhmm mhmm. And how do you feel about that?
205 - Curious? - Yes.
206 - Determined? - Yes.
207 - Artistic? - YES~!
208 - Honest? - Yup.
209 - Respectful? - Yes.
210 - Conceited? - Ye-- WHAT?! NO!
211 - Cocky? - No.
212 - Controlling? - Sometimes get bossy.
213 - Playful? - ... AHH, TOO MANY QUESTIONS!
214 - Easygoing? - Ehhhhhh
215 - Carefree? - LA DI DA.
216 - Hot Headed? - Naw....
217 - Serious? - Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.... at times.
218 - Thoughtful? - Lemme ponder that for a sec... *Thinks*
219 - Considerate? - Yeah.
220 - Stubborn? - Oh yeah.
221 - Romantic? - .... Suuuure...
222 - Ambitious? - Yeah
223 - Jealous? - .... Sometimes.
224 - Insecure? - No, not really.
225 - Obsessive? - Over guys...? YES!
226 - Attentive? - Yeah, yeah, okay, whatever.
227 - Helpful? - To people I like.
228 - Punctual? - Have a fear of being late.
229 - Rational? - Meh.
230 - Sincere? - ... Yeah, okay.
231 - Tolerant? - Grrrr...
Anyway, hoped you enjoyed that little bit about me.
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Nuria's quest to find happiness in her bleak world.

December 26, 2003
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Angel Nuria
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December 26, 2003
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