**Nova awakens, she sits up with her covers still half over her. Slowly she turns to step off the bed, yawning.**
Nova: ugh... what a lousy sleep
**she kicks the mattress of her bed and walks over to the kitchen to get something for breakfast**
:::A half an hour later:::
**Nova goes back to her room after eating, she changes her clothes, brushes her hair, etc. After wards she goes to a drawer and opens it, to pull out a satchel of money**
Nova thinking to herself: **sigh** I suppose I should restock the fridge...
**She heads for the door, opens it and steps out onto the street of traders**
Nova~ cont'd: Shouldn't be to hard >.>
Trade street was fairly empty, it was, infact still 6 am. Every merchant on the street looked at her and started screaming "Come here come here!!!" "We have everything you want!!" "Cheap prices!!!" In the distance A dark figure walked down the dusty street, his eyes were covered with a worn tan colored band. None of the merchants paid any attention to him. His hair was a deep blue, and A red band was wrapped around his arm. A bow was strapped to his back, as were a large quiver of sharp looking arrows. Even though she couldn't see his eyes, Nova almost felt he was looking at her..
**Nova stumbles back a bit, leaning against her door**
The archer walked slowly past her. Nova felt a cold wind as he walked by..a demonic aura of sorts. Although he seemed as if he was pure evil..at the same time it felt as if he was a good guy.. like nothing to be afraid of?
*She stared for a moment as he passed, then slowly began to walk in the other
direction down the street, looking for the food stores**
A merchant waving his hand at her yelled "We have the freshest food at the cheapest prices!!!" A assortment of fine fruits, and salted meats were aligned on a clean metal slate. Apples, Onions, Steaks, Squash, Bananas, Pears, and a lot of other things were there.
**She looks at the vendor and his merchandise as an excuse to glance behind her to see if the man was still walking in the distance, and quickly looking back at the food.**
Nova: How much for the apples and steak?
The merchant smiled very shyly. He paused for a moment. "Hand me all your gold and i will make it worth it." Nova heard somebody come up behind her.
**Nova gasped shortly, turning her head just enough to see who was behind her**
There were 2 highly armored men, wielding huge claymores. Helms that blacked their faces with shadow. The merchant laughed a bit "Give me your gold and i promise i wont have my way with your cute body and kill you"
**Nova sharply turned her head to him.**
Nova: ...
**She quickly rolls to the left into middle of the street and tries to run back down the road, Hoping just maybe she might catch up to the guy from before**
A lightly armored guard walked out in front of her, he was equipped with a chain shirt, and a short sword and a small buckler. "What's the problem miss?" As he only had seconds to look up the two men came up, one driving his sword into the guards throat. And the other grabbing Nova's feet, dragging her back to the merchant.
**She screamed out for help, desperately fighting to break free of the thug's grip**
Nova: Get off of me!!!!
The merchant grabbed her hands, tying them together behind her back. He took out a small..shining dagger..probably enchanted with magic and held it to her throat. He took her inside a building. It was damp inside, completely wood..no windows..as far as she could see. He took a different dagger, cutting her shirt down the back. The shirt hitting the floor. As soon as it did. a crashing sound came from a room upstairs. The merchant screams like a small girl. "GO CHECK IT OUT."
One guard drew his sword. Walking up the stairs. He looked into the room and said "Idiot" and walked in..closing the door.
**A few tears running down her cheek**
Nova: **sniffling slightly** let go of me.. Please let me go!
Crashing sounds came from the room. The heavily armored guard broke through the wooden door. A arrow was implanted through the eye hole of his helm. He broke through the guard rail of the stairs. Landing on the ground motionless.
The other guard charged up into the room..only coming out seconds later. with several arrows in his face...blood trailing down his armor. The man walked out. Completely emotionless face. "I told you..if you screwed up one more time i would make you pay..and you try to counter me with..these..idiots." The merchant had a genuine scared look on his face..he ran into the corner of the room...crouched..
**Nova fell to her knees as the merchant let go, she looked over at the staircase only to see the man from before. She quickly scramble over to a wall away from both of them on her knees. She turns her head to look at the archer, but still trying to hide her chest from both of their views**
The archer jumped down to the floor from the broken area of the rail. He took his backpack off, digging for a moment, staring at the door..after a moment, he pulled out a very clean, but wrinkled plain black shirt, tossing it at Nova. He stood up and faced at the floor. "Now..you know damn well I keep my promises." He faced the merchant, withdrew his bow, aligning an arrow in it..
The arrow pierced the dead center of his back, a crunching noise was the sound of a shattering spine..the merchant was motionless.
He walked at Nova, his hands landing on her shoulder and his hands trailed down to find her hands, cutting the rope with a knife. "Sorry.." He was referring to touching her.
Nova: **still sniffling some** It.. its alright..
**She quickly grabs the shirt and puts it on, then standing up and looking at him**
Nova: Th- thank you for saving me..
The archer kneeled down again, taking a cloth sack out from his backpack. "Go take all of his food. And leave as quickly as possible". He stood back up, walking to the dead merchant. Taking a beastly pouch of gold He walked to the guard, who he had 1st killed. feeling around, eventually removing a small sword..none the less sharp. and giving it to Nova "He still has goons around here. be careful"
Nova: kay...
**she quickly grabs a large bag from a box and throws the food into it**
Nova: **turning to look at him before she runs home** Uhm.. may I ask your name before I go?
He looked towards her for a moment "Im generally referred to as Tal Rasha." At that time he walked out the door..gone from site.
**Quickly Nova ran out the door and headed back to her house, fumbling with the door knob and finally getting in**
**she steps in and closes the door, sighing as she sets the sack down and leans against the door**
Nova: geez... what a day..
**she slowly makes her way to the restroom to clean her face, the tears that ran down her face still visible**
:::5-10 minutes later:::
**Finally calmed down, laying on her bed, she rests her eyes for the moment**
Even though it seemed like hours had past..it was still not past 8 am. It had looked like a nice day but it began to rain...the dark clouds came quickly, cleansing the ground from the sun. The rain picked up quickly..all the merchants scrambling to save there merchandise. Thunder and lightning began too...didn't look like it was going to clear up.
**Hearing the storm kick up, Nova went to a window and looked outside**
Nova: can this day get ANY worse.
**She went back to her bed pulling the covers over her and resting her eyes once more in hopes of sleep, or hopes that she would wake up and it all wouldn't of happened**
She fell asleep, a deep sleep..fortunately dreaming of happy thoughts. Nothing of the past hours. When she awoke..it was late night..the thunder and lighting quit but the rain hadn't let up. There was nothing outside but..a figure..walking through the streets...
**She sat up in her bed, messing with her hair for a second, then getting up out of her bed**
Nova: bed head twice in one day.. **yawn** should be illegal..
**she walked past the bathroom grabbing a brush and continuing to the front window and looking out**
The figure stopped at a tavern..it was the Drunken Fool. One of the more popular bars in town, despite the Tavern's name. He walked in for a moment, and came back out with a mug full of..more then likely beer. He sat on the swinging bench, crossing his legs. and sitting..sipping his drink.
It was to dark to see him clearly...
Nova: who in the hell would be out in this rain.. seriously..
**she walked back the to bathroom, putting the brush away, and headed back to the kitchen**
Nova: so hungry... where'd I put that food... ... ... oh there it is..
**She grabs a couple apples from it and starts eating them**
She heard the rain get heavier as a muffled voice from the tavern come through her walls. "Gib meh..all urr muney! or allll cut yeh!!!"
** Nova looks around for the source of the voice **
Nova: another thug? jeez.. someone should kill all those bastards..
She heard the sound coming from the tavern outside. He was yelling rather loudly. The drunk was yelling at the unknown figure on the bench "Give me it...nnoowww!" He took a knife from his sash, holding it surprisingly steady for how drunk he seemed.
** she watched calmly as the drunkard held up the figure **
Nova: this wont end well...
**she glanced over at the sword she now owned**
Nova: ... should I.. help? ... no.. its none of my business..
The figure just sat calmly, sipping his drink, the drunk now furious, lunged at the man stabbing towards his chest, he obviously stabbed the man on target.
A moment later..
The drunk fell backwards, his own knife in his stomach, he rolled around in pain screaming in agony.
**Nova stared blankly as she witnessed it**
Nova: What the hell?
The man got up, removing the knife form the drunks stomach. She had seen nothing, no movement, nothing..he defied the laws of reality..it was impossible for him to of done that. The man stood up wrapping his cloak around his blood stained shirt. And he walked away from the bar. Leaving the drunk to die.
As the figure walked more towards her house, it was obviously a middle aged handsome man. Though it was obviously not Tal Rasha. No, this man was much to old. He wore a brown cloak, with black trimming. He had a small beard. He strolled down the street, She saw his mouth move a bit, light emitting from his body.
He walked to the house next to hers, going inside.
As she stood at the window she saw a small girl running thru the streets. She couldn't of been more then 16. She ran to nova's door, hoping someone would answer it. A man was somewhat down the street, running at her.
**Nova jumped in surprise, quickly opening the door and lets the girl in, locking the door behind her and grabbing the sword from the bag**
Nova: **wraps one arm around the girl to try and comfort her** Are you alright???
The girl was shivering, she was soaked. She had long brown hair and her eyes were avid green. She was wearing a torn shirt, just barely covering her breasts. And her dress was torn down the side "There's...a man..coming for me..."
**Nova patted the girl's back softly**
Nova: It'll be alright, were safe in here ... but why is he after you?
"He..told me if I couldn't work off my mom's debt he'd take me for his own reasons..I went with him..but it was horrible..he wont let me sleep...or eat..."
Nova: that's horrible.. **she slides the handle of the sword through a belt loop to free her hand** come over here.. **she leads her to the bathroom gently**
Nova: We'll get you a towel to dry off with... When your done There's plenty of food to eat **they reach the room and Nova grabs a big towel, and hands it to the girl** here you go
**She backs off a few feet**
Nova: Does that guy have a weapon of any sort?
She took the shirt off, turning her back to Nova...drying herself off.."I..I don't know...he usually carries a knife imbued with a heat rune but I left rather quickly...I don't know if he has it or not." She picked her shirt back up and held it with her hand tightly.."Please.." Nova could her her start to cry.. "don't let him get me.."
Nova: **she grips the handle of the sword tightly** I wont, I promise
Nova: hmm.. just a second, I'll go get some dry clothes for you..
**Nova goes quickly to her room and grabs some clothes, a simple blue shirt and black pants, and brings them back to the girl**
Nova: Here ya go **She sets the clothes in a neat stack on the counter**
Nova: Um.. What's your name? I'm Nova... Nova Saint.
The girl grabs the cloths, putting the dry shirt on, and removing her dress and putting the pants on, she turns around, "Thank you..Nova Saint.."
She looked at the ground...her eyes showed pain.."My..my name is Rayka.." She sat on the floor..shaking, gripping the towel and her eyes were closed.
**Nova moved closer, very carefully, lightly wrapping her arms around Rayka**
Nova: its alright.. Your safe here.. ... do you wanna go sit on the bed? much more comfortable then standing I'd think..
Rayka smiled shyly "Yea..sure.." She looked at Nova politely "Thank you"
Nova: no problem
**she leads Rayka to the bedroom, and sits her on the bed, grabbing a chair for herself on the way in**
Rakya smiled once again..."uhm"...she pouted.."Do..you think I could sleep here for tonight..I don't have anywhere else to go..
Nova: **smiling softly** of course you can, make yourself at home alright? Oh! Are you hungry? I'v got plenty of fruit and stuff if you are.
"uhm..no...thank you I don't want to be a burdon..beside I don't know if I can hold anything down at the moment.." She looked at the floor
Nova: kay, just let me know if you need anything
**Nova stands up**
Nova: im gunna go grab a couple extra blankets and be right back
**She walks out the door to the hallway closet and pulls out some blankets and a sleeping bag. Then heads back to the room**
By The time Nova returned, Rayka had fallen asleep where she sat. Her head limp, facing the ground. and slouched a little.
**Nova walks into the room with the large bundle of blankets and what-not in front of her face, She peers around to see Rayka sleeping and can't help but giggle a little**
Nova: aww.. so cute
**she sets the bundle on the ground and goes over to lay rayka down and put the covers over her softly. then setting up her make-shift bed on the floor beside the bed**
Rayka was still sound asleep even when the sound of a breaking window came from outside the room.
**Nova jumped, clearly startled and realized that it might be the man who was chasing rayka**
**She pulls the swords handle from the loop on her pants and wields the blade with both hands, cautiously starting out into the hallway**
Nova(thinking): how dare he break into my house..
The figure had a dagger in his hand, obviously the one Rayka mentioned, it glowed lava red.
His thick leather armor looked none the less protective and he started around the house looking for Rayka.
Nova(thinking): oh no.. he has armor.. **she stared at the sword for a moment before leaping out into the room and charging at him, Swinging the sword at the dagger in his hand, hoping to disarm him as quick as possible**
He was a quick witted man, unfortunately his agility didn't match it, he moved so his hand wasn't hit, but the way he moved, caused Nova to cut the latches keeping his armor on him. He had a startled look, but flipping around, swung the hot dagger at her throat.
**Nova quickly bent backwards, barely avoiding the daggers swing. She aimed her next strike at the mans body, thrusting the blade straight at him**
Her sword, went straight in between his ribs...Strangely enough..he didn't show any sign of pain. He pushed her away, causing her to lose grip of the sword...at that point..he fell to his knees. She pierced his heart.
**She stepped back a few away, scared out of her wits. She could only think "what do I do now??" **
Rayka stood at the doorway..staring.."He's probably dead isn't he?"
**Nova turned, startled for a moment**
Nova: oh its you... phew.. ... Yea.. I think he is...
**Her legs collapsed beneath her as she fell to the ground, sitting semi-limp. She had just killed someone.. What will she do if a town guard comes and finds his body here?**
Nova: oh god... **a tear ran down her cheek**
Rayka walked over to his body, and picking up the dagger which left a char mark in the floor. She turned back around and knelt in front of her, wrapping her arms around Nova. "Its fine, it was self defense..and if anyone else comes, my friend will take care of them..im sure..."
**Nova sat motionless, still lost in thought. She began sobbing softly**
Nova: A...alright...
**she wrapped her arms around rayka**
Rayka's eyes were teary, and very tired. She helped nova stand up and led her back to her own bed.
Rayka: Sleep Nova..you need it.
**Nova sat on the bed**
Nova: ok...
**Slowly she laid back onto the bed pulling the covers over herself**
Nova: will you be ok on the sleeping bag? **her voice trembling as she spoke**
Rayka: Of course I will. -=Rayka put her soft hands on Nova's head and moved her hair out of her eyes.=- "Good night" Rayka smiled, and disappeared from view from atop the bed. There was the sound of shuffling for a moment. And the room feel silent.
**Nova closed her eyes**
Nova: night...
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