Rayka looked at the merchant and glared. "You'll get yours" And quickly followed behind Nova. "That might be okay" she pointed to a rather large Merchant who infact, did look jolly. He was dressed in a long brown robe that covered his feet. He was bald and had a great brown mustache.
**Nova glanced over**
Nova: kay, lets check it out then
Rayka smiled as she picked up a black hard leather vest that looked semi-heavy. "oohhh..." She slid it on over her shirt, It fit snug on her body, belts strapped across the front, and had thick metal latches under the arm hole. "5 gold says that dress is in your house when we return."
Nova: Huh? oh.. why do you say that? that guy didn't seem like one to be to.. kind like that..
**she glances over the clothing as she speaks, picking up a black belt inlayed with metal studs then setting it back down**
Rayka glanced at the belt she picked up and looked back at the vest "What do you think?" She turned around to show it and looked at Nova intensively "Be honest!" She smiled brightly
**Nova looked over and stared for a moment, thinking to her self "Cute little girl... wearing armor ... "**
Nova: umm.... I think it looks alright, isn't it a little heavy though?
Rayka scrunched her nose and looked down "Kind of, but it looks nice, and if i could find something to match it, it might look rather nice what say?"
Nova: hmm Well yea probly
**She looks through the clothing on the counter, shifting some out of the way, looking for something to match**
Rayka took the armor off and set it down on the bench it was on. She glanced down the road very suttly "Hmm" She quickly looked back and walked to the Merchant, Armor in hand "Excuse me sir?" The large merchant looked at the girl, towering at least 20 inches over her "Can I help you little one?" Rayka stared for a moment "Er..uhm..yes how much is this armor?" the merchant glanced at it for a moment, "That's 1 silver for the armor and the pants which should be somewhere near it are also 1 silver, or 1 silver and 50 bronze for both"
**Nova looked up then went to look some more**
Nova: Are these the ones?
**She held up a pair of pants that looked similar to the vest**
Rayka looked over the heavy leggings "I suppose." she placed them on her legs "They seem like they will fit..He said they will cost 1 silver and 50 bronze together"
Nova: I see, so you want those then?
**She pulls out some coins and hands them to Rayka**
Rayka smiled "Thanks!!" She hugged Nova the best should could with the heavy armor in her arms "Sirrrrrr" she trotted off to buy the armor.
Across the road Tal Rasha was sitting outside a ragged inn run by some old folks. He again, had the 'blinker' on his eyes. Staring at Nova and Rayka...
**Nova stood waiting with a smile on her face, she slowly looked around just observing the surroundings**
Rayka came back with a cloth sack with the bottom weighed down with the armor inside "Okay im done here..see anything you like??"
**Nova turned back and looked over the clothes**
Nova: not really, Anywhere else you wanna check out before we head back?
Rayka shook her head and giggled a bit "Nope im good!!" She yelled thanks to the merchant. She turned around catching eye of Tal Rasha on the other side of the road "Lets go" she motioned to Nova that she was ready to go back.
Nova: Kay, off we go then
**She set her arm around Rayka's shoulders lightly as they started walking back to the house**
Rayka hurried across the busy street wrapping her arm around Nova's hip "We need to get you a pretty outfit" She smiled and looked behind them
**Nova laughed and looked at the clothes she had on**
Nova: What do you think would be pretty on me then?
Rayka looked Nova over with her hand on her chin "You have a good figure" She smiled and kept looking. "Id say..." She looked for a moment "Something white..."
Nova: white huh? hmm
**The Two reach Nova's house, Nova Unlocked the door and entered**
As they entered, Rayka set her bag down, and looked around, stretching her arms. She stopped for a moment and laughed, catching Nova's attention.
**Nova looked at Rayka curiously**
Nova: what is it?
Rayka picked up something wrapped in a black cloth and handed it to Nova "Told you"
**Nova opened open the cloth and looked inside only to find a white skirt**
Nova: How the heck did this get here?
Rayka's smile disappeared "Tal Rasha... I haven't told you about him yet, but..he was hired by my family to protect us. Unfortunately, he failed in keeping my parents alive. So he swore to protect me at all costs" She looked at the ground "He has been the only reason i made it this far."
**Nova stared at Rayka, hesitating for a moment**
Nova: .. Tall guy.. Wears a band over his eyes.. Am i right?
Rayka stood shocked for a moment "Er..yes..how.."
**Nova just stood for a second, saying nothing**
Nova: .. Yesterday morning.. i was almost.. hurt.. Tal rasha saved me.. im not sure if he meant to or not, but he did..
Rayka smiled shyly "He meant to..he may seem like somebody to kill you but He's so gentle..he hates seeing people taking advantage of girls, he despises rape" She picked up her bag "He meant to save you" She walked into Nova's bedroom and shut the door
**Nova watched Rayka enter the room, then walked over to the table and sat in one the chairs. She grabbed an apple and nibbled at it some**
Rayka came out a few moments later. The pants hugged her hips some and were lose everywhere else. The vest Exposed her arms and her belly button. "So?"
**Nova looked over Rayka intensely**
Nova: ... wow... You look great in those
Rayka smiled and sat on the floor next to Nova, laying her head on Nova's lap
**Nova smiled and laid her hand on Rayka's head, ruffling her hair just a bit**
Nova: Your just too cute Rayka **She giggled softly**
Rayka nestled her head into Nova's lap. "Thank you..Nova Saint" Rayka fell asleep where she laid
**Nova sat still for a moment, not sure whether to move or not... so she just stayed there for a few minutes**
**A bit after she decided Rayka would probly be more comfortable in a bed.. so she slowly and gently stood up, picking Rayka up carefully and carrying her to the room**
**Nova laid her down on the bed, and hesitated before pulling the covers over her. She was still wearing those clothes. She decided to just pull the covers over her, then she went out to the front room and looked out a window, wondering what time it must be**
Rayka turned a bit and sat up very quickly, her hair flying over her shoulders "Wah...i must have fallen asleep..."
Rayka stood up and fixed her pants. She walked into the kitchen, retrieving a banana and slowly eating it
**Nova looked over from the window, seeing Rayka and walked into the kitchen to join her**
Nova: Woke up eh, sleeping beauty? **she laughed**
Rayka gave Nova a flat look as she turned to look at her. "Yea..i don't know why i fell asleep..guess im really tired"
Nova: Its understandable really, you probably haven't had a good night sleep for a while anyway..
Sometime later, a knocking came from the door, it was a mellow but fast knock Rayka jumped a bit, but didn't turn to look at the door.
Nova: Huh.. wonder who that could be
**She made her way over to the door and called out before opening the door**
Nova: Who is it?
Rayka still didn't turn "Its him.."
**Nova looked over at Rayka**
Nova: Him who?
Rayka looked at Nova "Tal Rasha"
Nova: oh. ..Wonder what he wants...
**Nova turned back to the door and opened it**
Tal Rasha stood at the door His hair was blowing in the wind "May i come in?"
Nova: Oh.. Hi.. Yes of course, come on in.. make yourself at home
**Nova looked at Rayka uncertainly. Was Tal Rasha gunna take Rayka away from her?**
Rayka stood up and walked over to hug Tal Rasha "Iv come to warn you both" He didn't hug Rayka back as she hugged him
Nova: W..Warn us? Warn us of what?
Tal Rasha pushed Rayka away as he handed her a small pouch. He faced towards Nova "To be honest i don't know, but for the past day a highly evil aura has be emitting from this region, mostly from your house." He looked at Rayka "Is that enough?..and did you like your skirt?"
Rayka smiled "Yes, it will be thank you, and i haven't put it on yet."
**Nova stood quietly for a moment, Hesitant to speak**
Nova: Evil.. aura? from my house? well.. what are we supposed to do?
Tal Rasha handed Nova a backpack "Leave town, i know you don't want to but its the safest move...wait till morning, Rayka has enough gold to equip you both with hunting gear and weapons. I am going to stay outside, i don't know what to expect."
Nova: B..but..
**She knew he was probly right.. still she didn't want to just up and leave.. shed never left town before**
Nova: Where do we go if we leave? all i know is this town.. iv never been anywhere else
He smiled a rare smile "Don't worry, i know everywhere around here within a 100 mile radius like the back of my hand" He laughed rather loudly, he was after all blind, he couldn't see his hand.
**She stared for a moment, forcing a laugh**
Nova: Alright.. I guess we should get to bed then.. since we seem to have a busy day ahead of us..
**Her eyes met the ground as she stood quietly**
Tal Rasha stopped laughing "Rayka, i suggest..well you know" He gave her a stern look "Nova, I have a friend..He's extremely quiet, and extremely skilled in swords and magic. Would you mind him staying here until morning?"
**Nova looked up at Tal Rasha, somewhat absent mindedly**
Nova: huh? oh.. Um.. sure that's fine..
"I apologize but its for the better, you wont even know he is here"
Rayka ran to Tal Rasha and hugged him tightly "Tal, promise me you'll visit me in the morning before we go"
Tal Rasha smiled and hugged her back "It looks good on you" With those words, he left
**Nova looked curiously as he left**
Nova: ok so.. where's his friend?
Rayka turned around "he'll be here in no more then 5 minutes, He's talking about Tahos." She smiled a bit "You might like Tahos" She winked and went into Nova's room and laid where the sleeping bag laid form the night before.
**Nova went to the closet, gathering some more blankets**
Nova: wonder where i should set his bed...
**She thought about putting him in the same room but it would probly be better if he wasn't, After all she had no idea who he was anyway. Instead she went just down the hallway to the front room, it was mostly bare to begin with so she set up a spot right at the end of the hall**
At that point there was another knocking of the door. Nova heard Rayka sigh and turn around in her covers.
**Nova went to the door expectantly and opened it**
Nova: Hello?
Tahos was a average heighted man, about 5'7. He had acid green eyes and spiky white hair. Around his chest was a thin metal plate. And his legs were covered with the bottom of a cloak, in his hand a long runed sword was wielded, And upon his back was a large circle shield, rimmed with a neon blue trim that appeared to be glowing.
"Hello, My name is Tahos, I'll guess you are Nova Saint?"
Nova: Yea that's me, Come on in. I set up a spot for you to sleep for the night
**she led him over to it**
Nova: and if your hungry There's some fruits in the kitchen
Tahos smiled "N-no really its okay, and i don't believe ill be sleeping tonight, as ill be making sure you two stay asleep." he thought about what he said for a moment "But thank you" he bowed to her and rose.
**Nova looked at him for a moment**
Nova: well.. ok.. Thank you as well.. i guess ill go to sleep then.
**with that, she stepped away and went into her room, laying down in her bed and pull the covers over her**
**Morning rose and the sun shined brightly. people were outside as usual. Rayka was in the kitchen enjoying an apple with Tahos. They were laughing and talking happily. Rayka's eyes looked tired though.**
**Nova wakes up, yawning quietly at first, then stand up and slowly walking into the front room heading for the kitchen**
Rayka looked at nova "Well good morning sleeping beauty" She gave her an evil grin. Tahos stood up and bowed.
**Nova looked at Rayka, still quite tired**
Nova: Ha Ha Ha.. Very funny little miss smarty pants **She laughed anyway**
Nova: Good morning, Tahos
**she walked over to the table, sitting down and grabbing an apple**
Nova: so.. What's the plan for today then?
Tahos smiled and walked away
Rayka looked at Nova, "I Guess we wait for Tal Rasha"
Nova: alright then..
**She finished munching her apple and tossed the core into the litter bin**
Nova: im gunna go get cleaned up then..
**She stood up and walked away into the bathroom, shutting the door**
Tahos walked outside the door and sat on the ground staring up at the cloudy sky. Rayka Stood up cleaning the mess "Nova" Rayka raised her voice so Nova could hear her "I'm going to assume Tal Rasha will be here within the hour"
Nova(loudly): Kay!
:::A few minutes later:::
**The door on the bathroom opens and nova comes out then goes to her room**
**She emerges from her room a few moments later dressed in a white long-sleeve and tan pants with a lot of pockets on them**
**She enters the kitchen and sits down next to Rayka**
Nova: and now.. the wait.
Rayka laughed a bit and finished her pear. "Don't think of it as a wait.." She leaned back in her chair and looked at the ceiling "More as...the last moments in this wretched town"
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Visage of Many Faces
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Avi art by Eizoryu!