shade waited, he felt terrible his fur was matted down. shade waited wile they muled over his words, true man had never set foot here they drove him here. so he had stayed in an old cave made something elses den? it was warm at least the entrance was marked by two blackend trees, at least when he was wet like this it coverd his dark swirling burns curtesy of the fire man weilded.
the wolf the alpha the small voice wispered he shook his head ignoring it. was thinking perhaps if he wasn't hurt the fight whould go his way he had killed that type of wolf before. but that time was gone best to forget that part of his life. "not this spot specificaly a few minutes run from here is a valley marked by fire that is where i stay for now." he said in response to the scout's remark.remembering something he saw the humans do to injureies like this he grebbed the paw in his teath and pulled the bone straight, he growld under his breadth at the pin the nit was done and his bone whould heal straight........
....but does that truly make us so different?