Calisto Zerase
Chum handle - cosmicDilemma
Strife specibus - Clawkind
Your name is CALISTO ZERASE and you are a complete a*****e to STRANGERS. Your kinda AWKWARD when dealing with the feelings of others, so YELLING and TELLING THEM OFF usually works in your favor. You'd rather BE ALONE then deal with other people, but they seem to ENJOY BOTHERING YOU, so you can never get any peace.
You are the PAGE OF RAGE and your planet is the land of RAIN AND NIGHT.
You seem to enjoy PLAYING VIDEO GAMES and watching TROLL ACTION MOVIES when you have nothing better to do. Other times you'll FIGHT OFF any TROLLS who seem to want to pick fights with anyone. It's ANNOYING, but you survive for the most part. Another thing you like to do is SCREW AROUND WITH YOUR LUSUS, which is a DEMONIC LOOKING DOG WITH BIG a** TEETH. You usually end up getting chewed like a dog toy, but your lusus wouldn't kill you.
Your blood color is Teal and you don't really care much about it. Your blood is blood, no matter WHO the hell says it. It BOTHERS you to see people of a SUPPOSED HIGHER BLOOD look down on SUPPOSED LOW BLOODS. It makes you sick and just not bother really.
You usually get PESTERED by a certain ANNOYING FLIGHTY FEMALE HUMAN who won't leave you alone. You don't really mind, but you still like to act INDIFFERENT to her just because you feel like it. You don't know which spot to class her in yet, but you lean different red and black feelings depending on how she is that day.
Your typing quirk is CApItAlIzIng vOwEls And bEIng A bIg jErk tO strAngErs.
He got a whooooole makeover design wise! <3
Its Contagious Community Member |