Character Name: pharix Rhios
Character Age: 22
Character Sex: male
Character Orientation: bisexual
Character Race: drell
Character Birthplace: omega
Written Description of Appearance:

pharix is slim and tall about 6`2, with blue skin, his right arm is entirely synthetic. average muscle tone. slim build and youthfully features make him appear as if he was adolescent.
pharix grew up as an orphan on omega, his mother died before leaving the hanar home-world, with his father who died three years later of Kepral's Syndrome. he was seven, to survive he worked for various mercenary groups, cleaning armor and weapons, doing odd jobs that required a small frame. and somehow he survived, however the experience scarred him mentally. when he reached maturity he already had armor weapons and a reputation throughout the underworld of the galaxy, he got the job don no matter the cost, unless however the enemy gave him a better offer than his current employer. he has been known to kill off his entire team simply because the enemy had offered more money. after one such job he was stranded on omega with his teammate, Grace winters. the blood pack didn`t have the credits to sway his decision. he still took the fistfuls of chits thrown at him. right before crushing their skulls. the two made their way to afterlife to rest and recuperate before looking for more work.
Character Class: underworld agent
Character Powers: Enhanced Cloak, overload, AI hacking, flash-bang grenade.
Character Weapons: M-25 Hornet, M-77 Paladin
Other Skills deception, subterfuge, hand to hand.

Character Name: Gorot II Heranon Mal Dinest Got Inoste Grace Grace winters
Character Age: 19
Character Sex: female
Character Orientation: straight
Character Race: salarian
Character Birthplace: Gorot II
Written Description of Appearance:
Grace is 5`10, and slimmer than the average Salarian, her skin has a reddish hue, Grace, wears a suit of armor similar to a quarians enviro-suit, with extra armor plating, it was custom built as Salarins do not build armor to fit females.
grace is different from the rest of her peer`s for many reasons, one she is female. in Salarian culture females rarely if ever leave their birth planets. two she fights, something that is forbidden by Salarian culture. so when she left her birth world she cast off her name and took only her given name Grace. to other Salarians she is an outcast and looked down upon. but she found work as an assassin. after a few years people began to call her winters, because she was cold and deadly. so she took that as a last name. her last job had taken her to omega, to assassinate the local head of the blood pack, after completing the job, she went to after life for a little r&r, with her teammate, Pharix.
Character Class: infiltrator
Character Powers: tactical cloak, incinerate, overload.
Character Weapons: M-97 Viper Sniper Rifle ( has several scratches in the side, tick marks to mark her kills), scorpion 1 heavy pistol.
Other Skills stealth, hand to had combat, an excellent shot,

Character Name: thalia T`arhai
Character Age: 421
Character Sex: female
Character Orientation: bisexual
Character Race: asari
Character Birthplace: Citadel
Backstory: Talia was born on the citadel, she doesn't remember her father much he was a salarian and had died long before she had reached an age old enough to remember him. she had a fairly standard childhood, upper middle class. but soon the wanderlust of her maiden stage. and left the citadel. after several years in the military and distinguishing herself in heavily in the battle for the citadel. she was promoted to specter status......
Character Class: specter vanguard
Character Powers: heavy warp, charge, shockwave
Character Weapons: M-99 Saber, M-11 Wraith
Other Skills: heavy combat, tactics.

Character Name: thais Grandon
Character Age: 47
Character Sex: male
Character Orientation: heterosexual
Character Race: Turian
Character Birthplace: Palaven
Description of Appearance:
the retired Turian general, Thais. grew up on Palaven, and entered the military, as one of the few turians with biotic potential he was moved to a special government program to enhance the biotic potential in turians. well they succeeded and Thais was given the only finished treatment, the results where not as good as they had hoped, he had tremendous power, in fact he could throw the equivalent of a geth colossus around with enough force to punch through a ships sheilds, but it came at a great cost, using much more than minimal biotics caused him tremendous pain, incapitating him with migraines, and if he uses his maximum power he is knocked unconscious for several days from the mental trauma. ( they are stilt unsure if this causes permanent brain damage). after a few years he retired a general.....
Character Class: adept
Character Powers: heavy warp, shockwave, singularity, heavy blast.
Character Weapons: Phaestron, arc pistol.
Other Skills:
tactics, heavy combat, spec ops,
Character Name:
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