Username: Zephyr_infinity
Character: Arcadeus "Ruin" Ethurial
Gender: male
Species: human
Age: 27
Affiliation: Sith
Path: Sith apprentice
Biography: Arcadeus was born on naboo, and with most force sensitives he was scouted by the Jedi even in training he exhibited exceptional cruelty, and force strength. most of the masters believed that with the proper master he could curb the darker thoughts and emotions. and soon he became the padewan to a jedi knight. the pair was normally kept away from the jedi temples and in their adventures the pair was ambushed and wounded by sith assassins, forced to seek shelter Arcadeus half dragged his mortally wounded master into a seemingly abandoned ruin.
however the ruin was far from the simple building it seemed and the badly wounded jedi where soon subjected to the hallucinations and manipulation that the dark side normally inflicts on those who foolishly enter places of the darkside. Arcadeus although resilient, eventually was worn down defending his master from the continuous sith attacks and the hallucination gave in to the power of the darkside and finished off his injured master and fought his way to the end of the sith tomb. in the sarcophagus was a single holocron which Arcadeus took, the holocron later reveiled itself to be the preserved mind of an ancient sith lord to whom Arcadeus became apprenticed to....
Misc: red force lightning is similar to many darkside powers in being malicious, while it causes similar damage to the target as regular force lightning it also posses the unique ability to drain the force from its target. for a more detailed description of red lightning