Aiden Rhregris
True Name: • Wrath
b a s i c d e t a i l s
Age by Appearance: • 15
Actual Age: • 86
Faction • demon
Gender: • Male
]Height: • 5'3
Weight • 116 lb
Strengths: • unpredictable, fast, stubborn
Weaknesses: • insane, physicaly weak, can't follow orders
Physical markings: • his skin is marked by a plethora of scars that cover his entire body, he has ash grey skin and solid white eyes
Current Marital status • Single
Position • Hunter of everything.
b i o g r a p h y
once there where angels, white winged heralds of goodness. once long ago he had been pure too. maybe that was a trick of his decaying sanity. he was a demon like most other fallen. not like the ravens they where still angels kind of, no he fell ages before any of this happened, what made him fall? a human, isn't it always a human?
p e r s o n a l i t y
Please write one paragraph on how your character behaves.