(Yes, Suki no Vampire Chapater 3 is finally up! This happened in real life and I hope you all like it! To catch up here's the other chaps: CHAPTER 1 CHAPTER 2 If the codes/links don't work find it in the archive plz.and read the new ones too!)
Chapter 3
Chp. 3 The Halloween Ball/This is Halloween-Marilyn Manson (Cover)
"If you lose who you are, what do you have?" - Marilyn Manson
It was a week since Halloween and a few weeks since the incident where me and my cousin Kiku Butterfly Atarashi had engaged in battle. Many things have happened since!
This chapter will all be based on us and me being ourselves.
I will go story by story and maybe not in the most perfect of orders(don't worry they're not very long at all) telling the important events leading up to now in the timeline. Generally speaking.
It was another Friday. I woke up glad it was the weekend. I let my hair down and loose and combed my side bangs for a side cut look and did wing eyelashes and liner. I had on finger-free net gloves, a black corset with white trim, and the palest lipstick ever for that living dead girl look. I sighed. I remember this day all too well. Even before it happened.
Kira Shinobi and I had fallen in love since first sight but both of us were too shy to make any moves. I only told him I liked him. We could not even confess for many reasons. It was a ticking time bomb. Kira was dealing with depression we all were and finding out about my vampire secrets. So was I but with double the magnitude. Because vampires don't fall in love like humans do. We're forever and there are laws. Whoever you fall in love with you must marry and do The Vampire Blood Trials with. The tasks and tests involved are very risky and involve solving puzzles and mazes, fighting, multiple blood lettings, and multiple marriages(one for the public eye as royalty in my case and the other underground for The Royal Family to judge in case of the throne). This was especially taboo since he is not a vampire. They could make an exception for me but it would take a lot of work and kicking and screaming. Could I fight this fight? Could WE fight this fight? I didn't know. That is why I kept putting off saying it. I could not say it. It would put him under a Vampire Contract immediately and those can never be broken. We got sadder and sadder around one another. Hugs felt so awkward and forced. They were made to be friendly. The tension was thick enough to cut to pieces and eat.
So I tried to get up the nerve to tell him how I felt. In English when we were writing out poetry for the day(I was already ahead of the whole class because I'm so smart and artistic and deep and already finished. It's a goth thing!) I used my time to write him a love letter. I put all my soul into it. It was the least I could do if we were soulmates. Annette had been glaring at me like crazy by then not only because we hate one another naturally as a prep vs. a goth but because I finished before her and was smarter than her. Let's face it. She's wasn't the brightest bulb in the box at all. Cheer-squad is mostly just jumping people. No brain required. She conspicuously hovered over my shoulder. I used my fishnet gloved arms and black nail polish hands to cover it up. "Psst~" I heard from behind me. She was whispering through her goopy poopy lipgloss. I got a headache and tried to ignore her. "Whacha writin'?" She said in a ghetto Jersey Shore sounding voice. But she also tries to sound fancy and French. "Go away. It's like...none of your business." I whispered madly with teeth. 'You're probably just writin' a bunch of gothic emo poetry about how no one will ever love you because you're so fat." She was so sure. "Just leave me alone!" I accidentally said really loudly about to cry. "No way! You're up to something!" She said grabbing the papers with her dry dead skeletal brown hands her french tips practically tearing the paper. I had to let her have the paper so she wouldn't destroy it. Even then then though she could have ripped it to pieces but she had something far crueler than that in mind! I gulped. My heart pounded like a madman.I put my face in my hands ready to cry as she took it and read it in front of everyone.
"Dear Kira:
I've liked you and stuff for like a really, really long time and I was hoping you'd feel the same way. I kept so many secrets from you and I know now that that's not right. I can't leave you in the dark and treat you like that. I don't even think you'll actually like me back especially knowing that I'm such a monster. But I'm fighting for you no matter what. I've never felt this way before. But I know it's true. I feel like we're connecting on an astral plane. We're soulmates, Kira Shinobi! At least I think so! I hope so! I lo-"
I scream "NOOOOOOO!" "What's the problem, b***h? Scared everyone will find out you like that tall skinny Asian nerd! Scared everyone will know you freaks are smooching in cemeteries? HAHAHAHAHA!" Her bitchy friend Cameran Sloane laughed with her. "Like oh my gosh! Scandal! I'm sending a mass text and putting this in the school paper! I'm also Facebooking and Tweeting this!" She said quickly getting her cellphone out and typing it. Thank god she was illiterate. But the damage was already done. Everyone was going to see it. Including him! I reach my hand out but it's already too late.
Someone heard all the noise from the screaming and me crying so people rushed to the door.
The person who opened it was.....KIRA! "Oh no...oh no no no..." I say hanging my head down my long red emo flip hanging over my face with more of my long red hair. Strands and locks draping my deep blushing yet pale face. My blush was a bloody cherry red. It was so pink and dark it was magenta. My face practically burned and melted from the feeling. The contrast against my snow white vampire complexion drastic and obvious. The pain and embarrassment hit me like a truck of Hot Cheetos and no lives were spared in the impact. It was a heavy sinking feeling. I was always suicidal but want to die in that moment more than ever before! I facedesked pulling my hair trying to hide my big sad eyes. The pink was darkening because I was being triggered, my fangs almost showing, huge pearls of sorrow masking the corners of my eyes. I almost entered Vampire Mode. "Well speak of the devil!" Annette shouted covering her mouth to the side sort of. "What are you even talking about?" He said raising an eyebrow looking surprised. Then he looked down at me shocked and upset. "Raven! What did you do to her?" "Nothing...if anything this is Cupid's fault!" Cameran answered for her. Annette did a gesture suggesting she'll handle this herself. "What...what...do you mean?" He began to pause and stutter as he got more upset. "This." She crumpled up the semi-torn love note and he clumsily and nervously caught in his hands all shy and anxious. She pointed a manicured claw at the clot in his hands. He unraveled it and read it. His big gray anime eyes quickly scanning each and every word. He gulped and kind of sweated as he read it. He looked super duper serious. "I can't watch..." I thought to myself. My small white hands cradling my emo face. Barely peeking through my fingers. He dropped the paper. The whole classroom collectively gasped. He looked down then up and kind of smiled. He started smirking at Annette. "What's your problem, Kira? You wanna laugh at her too?" She giggled like she owned the place. "So...what?" He said. "Huh?" There were gasps in the room. Despite the commotion the teacher didn't interrupt. "So what?" He repeated. "What the...what do you even like mean?!" The preppy girls said in unison. "I like her too. End of story." It was the most powerful words in the world. "But..." "It's no big deal. Why does it effect you so much? You have a boyfriend you know what that's like. Besides, every other guy in school likes you...how does Raven liking me seem like such a threat?" The class was on our side. (She even had a fanclub of all these lil fanboys and the nosepicker was the Club President!) They gasped. I gasped. They nodded and got up and clapped and cheered. I was still embarrassed though so I ran off. My make-up was running anyways. My purple orbs of beauty stung from all the tears and my heart hurt from all the games. I wept waterfalls of guilt as I cried. Was this the best or worst choice of my whole life? Was this all truly worth it? I had to know. I literally felt nothing then everything all at once. Sadness, loss, defeat, happiness, anger, honesty, pride and most importantly...love! Kira was smiling at the applause scratching his head a little "Thank you, thank you...Brb. I have to get the woman of my dreams!"
He ran after me. I ran up the stairs and all the way to the roof of the school. A part of me wanted to jump off of it still but a part of me was so happy that he understood, felt the same way, and even kind of called me his girlfriend. I halt in the middle of the roof turning around. I sniffled and sucked it up. My blush calming down but still rosy and strong. My heart thumping. Lub dub, lub dub. Doki Doki. My kokoro suki dai suki-ed me back. It echoed in my being and ears and everything. All of me. A sapphire gem tear in each eye. My eyes sparkled even more and got shiny from the tears like they were freshly polished. The pink dazzling against the glare of the just risen autumn sun. A sunset no less. My white skin doing the same routine. He walked up to me panting because he ran so fast and up so many stairs. I gasped and squeaked cutely turning around and away from him. "Raven..." He uttered softly. Saying my name. I couldn't respond. I was shaking too much. I didn't know what to do. Then he hugged me gently but strongly from behind. I could feel his soft peach cheek touching my hair even as it whipped around in the breeze. He wouldn't let go. It was like The Titanic. In that moment I knew we were meant to be. Like I dreamed. Like I wanted for my entire life. He was the one. No matter what the stakes he was the one I was to marry. He was my true love. The Contract is determined. It was not one normally formed with humans since that means drinking all of their blood and agreeing to it for years and years. Hell, not even many humans last over a year so they often fake things like cancer and other hard illnesses to hide it.
 Annette walked in on the scene and gasped all mad. She seemed weirdly jealous. It turns out she was mad that every boy in school pretty much liked her but him even though she could easily have whoever she wants. That made her want revenge...even more than usual! To her it was a popularity contest and the principle of the matter. She had to win at everything or bust. "No fair!" She thought and shouted as she gasped. Her little blue eye pupils getting littler. "No boy had ever chosen over me before!" In her head she growled. Her shoulderless shirt and coiled extensions swooped in the wind. It felt like...deja vu?
After a few days of dating me and Kira needed to meet up with the gang to plan for Halloween. It was not only our favorite time of the year as true goths and creatures of the night but it was also the day of the party that the world's coolest werewolf was having! We had to go to all the Halloween stores and Hot Topic to get the needed goth goods, costumes, snacks, and presents for Youkai. I picked the costume that I wore every year: my Vampire Queen costume that me and my mommy made ages ago. Kiku was also going to wear her usual which was a pearly blue crystal style Mermaid costume. My Vampire Queen costume pretty much looked like a gothic version of The Red Queen from Alice in Wonderland! The boys still didn't get theirs yet so we were shopping for them first! We went to The Halloween Super Store. "So, Kira what are you gonna be for Halloween this year?" My smart little cousin said cutely and curiously. You could see the excitement in her big red eyes. Her crimson rubies glowing with imagination and enthusiasm. They were about as bright as Christmas lights! We were all excited! "Probably a vampire or a skeleton...I think a vampire would be better though so I can match Raven. Like I could be a Dracula or something!" He said putting an arm around me as we walked around to look. I could feel my uncle getting offended in the distance. "I'm going to be a werewolf this year! AROOOOOO~" The birthday boy to be proudly howled with his nightcast hair hung over his forest yellow eyes. "That way if I accidentally you know...get wolfy I have a cover." We nodded in agreement. We walked around the men's costumes and saw a priest with a boner costume. We all went "EWWWW!" then laughed because that's so pervy and nasty and gross and offensive! It's only okay when Shane Dawson does it. Kira picked out a basic but quality Dracula/vampire costume and Youkai picked a wolf mask that looked like the wolves in Van Helsing along with paws. He already had the tail and ears. He gets away with it because people think they're fakes.(They're far too fluffy for even ME to believe! True story! He's basically Inu-Yasha!) The costumes were perfect so we hit up the decorations and got all black plates and everything. His whole mansion was going to be blacker than vampire bats and his silky fur combined! It was going to make the night sky jealous. Then we also bought a BUNCH of chocolate! Kiku thought out loud gasping. "Wait! Can Youkai even have chocolate?" "Yes. But I'd need an anti-acid." He exposed with a shrug and we waited. There was a pause. "Oh..." We all said then we all laughed together. Just like on T.V.! We got every kind of Hershey's, Russell Stover's, and Lindtor Truffles because Youkai and I had the budgets that could afford almost anything as royalty of our clans. (I'm a princess, he's a prince so yeah) Then we just bought clothes, accessories, band shirts, lolita dresses, pocky, Hello Panda, and Fake Vampire Blood at Hot Topic. But on the way out we flipped off the pink and preppy Justin Beaver and Sticki Bitchnaj stuff on the way out!
We went to the Halloween dance. Since we didn't have costumes for everyone(at the time) we went as ourselves but went all out in gothic gear. Kiku and I had scene emo hair that was tall and had black streaks and and coon tails and highlights and rainbows and the boys had mohawks like rockstars or classic 1980's deathrockers or Benji from Good Charlotte! We just came there to weird people out and we succeeded. "Show time." Youkai smirked. Then we went in. More like rushed in. All the students were nasty grind dancing so Annette was a xylophone. Annette came in a Barbie dress and glitter lipstick and a boa. But as soon as she saw us she was too scared to enter the dance and went away into the crowd or something or just ran. Besides, then the DJ started playing rock music so we moshed and showed them how it's done! Devil horns, head bangs, metal hair thrashing, etc. "Ew! What are those weirdos doing over there?!" A prep girl cried. "Having a good time!" We said breaking out into bad dance moves. She screamed and gasped and stomped off. It was a pretty decent thing for a dance I guess but normally I'm too much of a rebel to go. Parties are lame and for conventional mainstream "normies" as us goths like to call them. It's better than what they call us. They use swear words. This is why I skip those dumb prep rallies. See what I did there?
It was Halloween night. We were dressed in our costumes and the party was just us in Youkai's giant living room with big T.V. and surround sound. As if we needed more. We have few friends instead of a long list of numbers. We have all we need with each other. Bats got to stick together! We bought all the best traditional Halloween movies like The Corpse Bride, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Van Helsing, Dracula, Frankenstein, Underworld, The Wolfman, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Friday the 13th, Ginger Snaps, Twilight, Harry Potter, and Paranormal Activity. A lot of the movies were pretty scary for Kiku so we also brought anime and The Little Mermaid. We watched them in a marathon sitting on his black leather couching goofing around and eating candy. We drank lots of Pepsi and Mountain Dew and sprayed cob web Silly String on each other. We were so sugar high! This is perfect proof that you don't needs drugs and smokes and crack and beer to have a good time in my honest opinion!
Then it was night time so we got big garbage bags and Trick or Treated around most of town. Then we ended up at another mansion with white and gold. There was a party at it but we still knocked the door.
A girl answered the door...it was...ANNETTE! She was dressed up as Malibu Barbie. She was wearing a super revealing bikini, cheesy pink make-up, and her hair was let down and straight. It was super fried in more ways than one(hair and skin)! I can tell you she had one thing in common with Barbie and that was looking downright unnatural. "Oh, it's you goth nerds. Whaddya want?" She sassed. "Candy. We're Trick or Treating." Kira and Youkai said proudly. "We're 16....we're too old to be Trick or Treating." She said getting mad at us implying we're immature. "We're kids. We're too young to be dressing like sluts." Kiku said pointing to Annette who was basically naked as Cameran came up from behind dressed as a sexy crayon. (Seriously just Google that crap there is a sexy costume for everything especially stupid stuff like Spongebob!) "I agree." I said noddingly. "Like you're any better!" Cameran and Annette said pointing to my subtle cleavage. I almost spoke but Kira cut them off "Clearly you're just jealous that she has a big rack and you don't." I blushed a little but I know he meant well. "UGH!" Annette screamed storming off. "I don't get it....what's going on? Are we fighting on Halloween? I thought Halloween was about fun?" Cameran Sloane said pouting and almost crying. Kiku patted her shoulder. "There, there. You're right. People have fun it's just sometimes in different ways. Annette will cool off." "Are you sure?" The whiny dumb sexy crayon asked. "Yes." Youkai said feeling awkward about being nice to prep and a crayon all at once. "The best thing you can do for her is have fun at her party. The most fun like ever, okay?" I said to her nicely. "Okay!" Then she ran back inside as Annette came back. She threw her candy at us. It was weird chocolate protein bars and other vegan health junk! "Just take your candy and get out, you losers! So long as you don't screw up my party I guess for tonight we're not gonna have much of a problem..." She folded her arms with her angst-filled teenage pink duck lips out. We walked away. Youkai was like "Hey.....she's not our enemy tonight so let's prank her! We can totally get away with it!" He suggested all naughty and cunning. You can tell he was smirking under that mask of his. "No! That would be too rude!" Kiku told him getting kind of like sad and stuff. "Okay. Fine. But let me do one thing since it's our holiday and MY birthday." He insisted. "And what would that be?" I asked putting my hands on my hips raising a beautiful thick red eyebrow. "THIS!" He chucks a sharp brown gray stone and her house. The rock breaks a window and we run. The last thing we heard of Annette that night was her furious scream! I am glad she did not find out it was us! Or rather the birthday boy!
We came home laughing about it all binging on the chocolates we bought, our Halloween candy, sodas, energy drinks, and Youkai's all black dark chocolate cake with cherry dressing(to look like blood). We had red Koolaid in wine glasses and we were so sugar high and up all night. When we weren't watching the animes and scary movies we played videogames like Naruto Clash of The Ninja, Persona 4, Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, Pokemon(all versions), Left 4 Dead, and Inu-Yasha Feudal Combat.
I can easily say it was THE BEST HALLOWEEN EVER!
RavenDarknessAtarashi · Tue Nov 13, 2012 @ 06:51pm · 2 Comments |