RPC Name: Jamie Riddle
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Occupation: Orphan/Homeless Roamer
Physical Description: Jamie is 5'2 and weighs less than a 100 pounds due to malnutrition. She has mid-long brown hair that tends to become tangled, but she has the sweetest brown eyes with a hint of green. She has pale skin and walks around in an old coat and a tattered skirt.
Personality: She is often quiet and scared of adults, but once she gets to know the person she always smiles. She has a kind heart towards her friends which are usually mice or mutts running loose in the streets.
Background/Lifestyle: Jamie was abandoned as a baby. She spent 5 years of her life in an orphanage until a kind young lady adopted her. For the next six years Jamie lived happily with her new mother. She felt special and her mom always told her she was. Unforunately, her adopted mother was shot on the streets after a gang broke out into a battle of guns and knives. Jamie had been there holding her mom's hand. "Always hold me in your heart Jamie, because I have always held you in mine. Stay sweet my dear. I love you." Jamie cried next to her mom for what seemed like hours that day. The gang war proceeded to go on until the sound of sirens cut through the air. Along with the boys from the gang, she ran off stricken with a sudden fear. Since then she has roamed the streets, holding on to a precious locket with her mother inside. Never knowing where she was going and never wanting to be found.
Likes: Animals, Her locket
Dislikes: Police, guns, strangers