Name: Kioku
Student or Professor: Student
Nickname: Kio
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Orientation: Straight
Relationship Status: Single
History: Kioku grew up in a normal human home, except that she always realized that she was much more happier than her friends. On her tenth birthday, it became known to her that she had a gift. She could literally take people's memories from them and store them in her own mind. It started on accident when Kioku touched her mother's head and the woman temporarily forgot who Kioku was. As she got older Kioku slowly began to master her gift, but putting memories back was often hard. She also struggled to develop brand new memories to replace those that were lost. They were often fuzzy. After a few years, Kioku found herself treating many people and taking away their horrible childhoods, unwanted secrets, and regretted decisions. It began to drive her mad as these memories began to mix with her own. Her parents became a mess as they watched their daughter slowly begin to fall to pieces. She had horrible night terrors each night and often relapsed into others' memories. Even at points transforming into a child form of herself when the memories were terrifying enough. It hit a point where Kioku's parents begged her to take away their memory of her. And she obeyed. After that Kioku ran off, homeless. Fortunately, it wasn't long before she discovered the Atlantis Academy. She applied wanting her gift to be kept secret. Only the Headmaster could know the reason why she some wanted to lock her in a crazy house, now. The reason she was disowned by her parents and why she couldn't return to a life around the needy humans. Atlantis Academy would be her safe haven. All she had to do was keep the secret...
Weapons and/or Powers: She can take/steal people's memories. Often used as a healing process for others. She also transforms into her younger self after an overwhelming 'episode.'
Timid. Shy. Doesn't like to talk to people much. Spends a lot of time thinking and suppressing memories. She has a big heart for others, but it's been scarred and maned by memories.
Character Flaws:
Humorless: Her "past" has now turned into a pit of darkness that swallowed up what she used to know as hers. She finds little joy in anything, so jokes just fly over her head.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Due to such intense memories, she often re-experiences them if an event triggers them.
Growing Insanity: As years pass, her new memories torture her. She can't tell what's hers and what's not.
Habits: (at least two)
Quirks: (at least two)
Fears: (at least two)
Aspirations: (at least one)
Loves: (at least three)
Likes: (at least three)
Is Indifferent To: (at least three)
Dislikes: (at least three)
Hates: (at least three)
Describe your character's voice:
Describe your character's walk:
Describe your character's face:
Describe your character's body:
Describe your character's style:
Describe your character's posture:
Describe any physical characteristics you feel necessary: (This is where you can say if something is or isn't in your picture, any differences, anything you want highlighted, and also such things as shapeshifting appearances, etc)
Answer the following ten questions in character:
What do you think is your best quality?
"(answer here)"
What do you think is your worst quality?
How do you react to confrontation? To kindness?
What do you think makes something funny?
How many licks would it take you to get to the center of a tootsie pop?
If you could change one thing about yourself - physical, mental, or otherwise - what would you change?
Tell me about the best relationship you've ever had - with a sibling, friend, parent, significant other, or anyone.
In a nutshell, how do you think people who like you would describe you?
In a nutshell, how do you think people who dislike you would describe you?
How would you describe yourself?