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Erm- hiya!
Yesh, another quiz....
1. Your gender? Female.
2. Your favorite memory? When I was little, my first and best, is when I was little enough to hug my mom around the legs, but no higher.
3. Your worst memory? That, is rather embarassing... sweatdrop
4. The pets that you own? A dog and a cat, both very loved.
5. The jobs that you?ve had? Babysitting, and taking care of dogs while their owners were gone.
6. The sports you have taken/were in? Swimming, golf, tennis, soccer...
7. The arts you have taken/were in? Various art classes, band (WOOT), uh...
8. You?ve taken swimming lessons? Well, yeah. Duh. I was on a swim team from the time I was 6, until I was 13.
9. You know CPR? Yes, sadly. Both health class, and a babysitting class. Oi, guess what? I'm a SAFE SITTER!!! (sarcastic)
10. You?d like to grow up to be? An artist/manga artist/cover artist, or a newscaster.
11. You?ve accomplished one of your dreams/goals? Nope. Those are to be a newscaster, before I get thrown out, and to go skydiving in my pj's when I'm 80 or so.
12. When you were 5, you wanted to be? A palenotologist. (sp?) Heck, I just wanted to study DINOSAURS!!!
13. When you were 10, you wanted to be? Either a waitress, or an oceanographer
14. Best birthday party? They have all been wonderful.
15. Worst birthday party? Well, it wasn't mine... it was my friend Acrilla's, and I ended up screaming at a different friend... that REALLY sucked...
16. You have one best friend? Nope.
17. You have more then one best friend? Yup!
18. You have a twin? Nope.
19. You have a brother or sister? Sister.
20. You are or would like to get married? Oh yes!
21. You have or would like to have a child? I'd like to someday.
22. More than one child? Probably.
23. Your dream pet is? (highly un-realistic, but true) a pheonix
24. Your dream vacation spot is? London, or anywhere in England.
25. Have you traveled? Yeah
26. Would you like to travel? To England
27. A language you?ve learned? Not besides English
28. A language you are currently learning? I have enought trouble speaking my native language, why learn more?
29. Have you sold anything valuable, that you wish you didn?t? Yeah, in Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicals.
30. Have you sold something valuable, that you were glad you did? In the above videogame.
31. You have something pierced? Ears.
32. You would like to get something pierced? Already done so, only my ears. Maybe a second piercing.
33. You have a tattoo? Nope. Ew. Ouch.
34. You?d like to get a tattoo? Only if it's henna
35. You?ve done something really rebellious? Yeah, tramped down in the woods without telling anyone, and then proceded to get yelled at by my mother.
36. Have you ever been grounded? ... Yes. More than once.
37. You were grounded for (how long)? A week, is the most.
38. Are you clumsy? Heck to the yes.
39. Are you funny? Sometimes.
40. Have you been called cute? Yes.
41. The nicest thing someone?s said to you? Well, Acrilla told me one day, when I was really depressed, and we were talking on the phone, "You need a hug. The first thing I want you to do, is go get a hug from your mom as soon as you get off, okay?"
42. The meanest thing someone?s said to you? N/A
43. Your sign is? Virgo
44. Your Chinese sign is? Monkey! Ooh Ooh Aah Aah!
45. Your favorite quote? "I'm living in my fragile fantasy, and only the hardest of hearts would break it."
46. Your favorite hangout? Behind the shed in the woods, where there's this tree branch that I can sit on any time!
47. You have your own room? Yes, thank goodness.
48. You live on your own? Nope, family of four.
49. You?ve had an imaginary friend? Oh yes, many.
50. You?ve had more than one? Yeah.... don't most kids?
51. What are your pet peeves? n00bs, and idiots who don't rp correctly, and morons in general. Oh, and people who diss band. Those are the worst.
52. What are your phobias? Spiders. They make me tap-dance.
53. What makes you feel safe? Going to the woods.
54. Felt out of place? Popular people... most of them anyway.
55. The craziest thing you? That made no sense...
56. Done your homework the night before? Yeah, always.
57. Did your homework 5 minutes before class? Done that too... sweatdrop Only if I've left it at school though.
58. Copied someone else?s homework? Same as above.
59. Copied off someone?s test? Nope! ^_____^ Very proud of it too.
60. Faked sick to get out of something? Well.... Yeah.
61. You?ve colored your hair? Nope, wanted to though
62. Gone for surgery? Nope.
63. Have had stitches? Yup. I think 6 on the side of my knee.
64. Have had your wisdom teeth removed? Don't even have them yet, duh.
65. Lost a tooth that will never grow back? Nope! Some are loose though, from a childhood accident...
66. Shaved your head? Nope.
67. Waxed something on your body? Nope. Ewie!
68. The best present you?ve ever received? I have no idea..... THERE'S TOO MANY! gonk
69. The worst present you?ve received? Hmmm... probably the flying harry potter thingamabob that hangs from the ceiling. It's like those planes.
70. Given a reaction to something or someone without realizing it? Yeah.... sadly, a lot.
71. Snort when you laugh? Sometimes..
72. Snorted only because something was so funny? Yeah....
73. Spewed milk out of your nose? No, Big Red though. That BURNED.
74. Ate something gross? Not really, I really doubt it. I would remember that.
75. Picked up something gross? Yeah, decaying lettuce.
76. What?s the meaning behind your real name? a brook, meaning a bubbling, peaceful stream.
77. Do you know the meaning behind your last name? Yeah... "The Black One" which is totally un-fitting.
78. How did you get your name? I have no clue....
79. How about your middle name(s)? see above.
80. The best dream you?ve had? I can't really remember my dreams///
81. The worst nightmare you?ve had? same as above- again.
82. Your favorite number? 13.
83. Your favorite color? blue! really light, almost periwinkle!
84. Your idol? ... Do you really wanna know? Hiyao Miyazaki if you must, or J.R.R Tolkien...
85. The preferred text you use (comic san, arial)? Blackadder, or Informal Roman.
86. The name you wish you were given? Bridgit. I don't know why...
87. Will you change your name (or have you already)? I may... in the far future
88. A contest you have won? None... gonk
89. Your favorite food is? Pocky!
90. Your favorite time of the day? Twilight
91. What?s your schedule look like? Busy, and boring.
92. Your busiest day was? The time last year that I was swimming. That whole time.
93. Are you an outgoing person? Most of the time.
94. Are you really shy? I can be, when I want. It depends on who I'm with.
95. Have you had chicken pox? Nope!
96. Tonsillitis? Ditto!
97. Any illness that has kept you at home for more then one day? Yeah, some stomach viruses, and strep throat.
98. Have had pen pals? Yeah!
99. A car you own or would like to own? Voltswagon Beetle, painted like a lady bug!
100. Are you superstitious? Nope, not really.

The things that you like: (Y for Yes, N for No)
101. Strawberries? y
102. Broccoli? y
103. Roller coasters? y
104. Books? LOVE
105. Cartoons? y
106. Phones? y
107. Manga? heart
108. Anime? heart
109. Gaia? heart heart heart
110. Neopets? n
111. Movies? y
112. Soap operas? n
113. Reality TV? n
114. Comedy?s? heart
115. Plays (ex. Romeo and Juliet)? y
116. Dance recitals? n
117. Dance festivals? depends...
118. Music festivals? heart
119. Concerts? heart
120. Tame animals? y
121. Wild animals? y
122. Farms? y
123. City? y
124. Essays? n
125. Short stories? y
126. Rock music? y
127. Pop music? y
128. Classical? y
129. Country? domokun NO domokun
130. Metal? some
131. Paintings? blaugh
132. Drawings? heart
133. Flowers? heart heart
134. Trees? heart heart heart heart heart heart heart
135. Barns? heart
136. Lamps? t
137. Amusement parks? t
138. Zoos? heart heart
139. Water parks? y
140. Aquariums? heart heart
141. Spicy foods? y
142. Sweet foods? heart
143. Sour foods? heart
144. Healthy food? heart heart (most of it anyway)
145. Exercising? y
146. Sports? y
147. Fishing? y
148. Ice fishing? never done it before...
149. Snow forts? heart
150. Ice skating? y
151. Swimming? y
152. Running? y
153. Walking? y
154. Shopping? y
155. Ebay? y
156. Amazon? y
157. Television? n
158. Shoes? y
159. Clothes? y
160. Blankets? y
161. Cold? not really
162. Hot? depends on how hot!
163. Sleeping? heart
164. Dreaming? heart
165. Light? y
166. Dark? heart heart heart
167. Clouds? heart heart heart heart
168. Sun? heart heart heart heart
169. Moon? heart heart heart heart heart
170. Stars? heart heart heart heart heart
171. Horoscopes? yeah, they're fun
172. Hospitals? n
173. Doctors? n
174. Nurses? n
175. Unicorns? y
176. Dragons? heart heart heart
177. Dwarfs? y
178. Elfs? heart heart heart heart heart
179. Knights? heart
180. Royalty? y
181. Jesters? heart heart heart
182. Feather pillows? n
183. Cameras? y
184. Video cameras? y
185. Long hair? y
186. Short hair? y
187. Beards? n
188. Moustaches? n
189. Ear hair? NO WAY
190. Rodents? depends on what kind!
191. Mammals? y
192. Blinds? n
193. Curtains? y
194. Tea? heart heart heart
195. Coffee? heart heart
196. Iced tea? heart
197. Cake? heart
198. Cookies? heart heart heart
199. Sushi? heart OMG YES! heart
200. Chopsticks? heart heart

To be or not to be? (The job you?d rather have is?)?
201. A Doctor or a Dentist? dentist
202. An Artist or a Singer? artist
203. A Plumber or a Farmer? farmer
204. A Veterinarian or a Doctor? veterinarian
205. Dog catcher or a Door to door salesperson? ...neither
206. Dance teacher or a School teacher? school
207. A Secretary or a News reporter? News Reporter is actually what I want to be!
208. An Officer or a Taxi cab driver? Neither, definitely not.
209. Bus driver or a Subway driver? bus
210. Engineer or a Bread maker? bread maker
211. Director of Movies or Director of Video games? movies
212. Clothes designer or Video game designer? clothes
213. Author or a Webpage designer? author
214. Hockey player or Football player? neither
215. Photographer or Model? photographer

Random questions:
216. You like to wear socks? Yes!
217. Do you like clean laundry? Ooooh, they smell so nice!
218. Do you like fresh bed sheets? The best kind!
219. A show you never miss? I always miss the ones I swear I won't
220. Have you been to a zoo? yeah!
221. Do you like Dr. Seuss? heck to the yes!
222. Do you like to read comics? Manga, preferably
223. Do you randomly read people?s profiles? yeah, all the time!
224. Ever left a comment to someone you didn?t know? Yup! Plenty of times.
225. What?s your favorite board game? Life
226. Favorite video game? OH NO! Any Final Fantasy, and both Kingdom Hearts, Pikmin...
227. How about a favorite computer game? Solitare!
228. And what about online games? Puzzle Pirates
229. How high can you count? I counted to 1600 before... in the bathtub.
230. Ever had a cat in a hat? nah, wait.... yeah, I think so.
231. Do you like rhyming? Yup!
232. How ?bout rhyming poems? Love 'em
233. Do you like poems that have a deep meaning? Truly do! They're the best kind.
234. Or what about poems that are quirky? not really
235. Have you ever had to tame a wild animal? nope
236. How?d that go for you? n/a
237. Worst injury you?ve had? sprained wrist
238. An injury you?ve imagined? Falling from a building...
239. An injury you?ve imagined that came true? Nope, almost though
240. A wish that you?ve made? That I would be accepted for who I am
241. A wish that came true? none, not yet. They will, though. They will.
242. Have you prayed for anyone? Yes
243. Built something? Yes
244. Are you tired of all the quizzes on Gaia? Never!
245. Or are you quite amused by some of them? Most definitely.
246. A thread you?ve found most amusing? The Kingdom Hearts RP I'm in
247. Have you bumped in threads? Oh yes, but only if that's what they're for.
248. Have you randomly posted something in a thread? Yup! ^_^
249. What?s the longest quiz you?ve taken (Gaia or not)? This quiz, by far.

250. The shortest quiz you?ve taken? Can't remember...
251. When you?re bored, you? Stare out my window, and watch the day pass
252. Have you ever picked your nose? When I was little.
253. Picked your belly button? .....ew. no, duh
254. Are your feet smelly? Depends on how sweaty they are wink
255. Do you use foot sprays or lotions? Nope!
256. Have you ever used lotion for aches and pains? Nope.
257. Do you like commercials? Hate 'em
258. Do you have a favorite commercial? Yes, the one for hard water. A kid fills a water balloon with water, and throws it at a mail man, but it knocks him out, and the kid's expression is priceless.
259. Have you watched the show that plays nothing but commercials? No, I HATE it...
260. Watched paid programming? Would rather die.
261. Bought something from paid programming? Not old enough, and too busy scoffing at it.
262. Are you flexible? Yup! I do yoga, in fact.
263. What?s the longest time you?ve spent on the internet? either 7 or 8 hours...
264. Do you have dial up, highspeed or something else? cable connection. highspeed! ^_^
265. Do you envy anyone? A few people.
266. If someone paid you a ton of money, would you jump off a cliff? Ah- no. With a parashute, maybe.
267. How about a plane? Yeah!
268. Would you do it for free? Heck yes!
269. What?s something you wouldn?t do for any amount of money? Let a spider crawl on me.
270. What?s something you would do for any amount of money? Eat pocky.
271. Ever been dared to do something dumb? Yeah. Kiss a toilet.
272. Did you actually do it? Kind of. I kissed my finger, and then stuck my finger on the toilet. xp
273. Something you were forced to eat was? Peas. I hate peas...
274. Have you hidden food from your plate you didn?t like? Yup! Peas...
275. Ever snuck it to the dog? Tried, but she wouldn't eat it.
276. What about the cat? Yes, he glared at me.
277. How about the hamster? Don't got one...
278. Have you ever been to a castle? No, but I will someday.
279. Would you like to visit a castle? Heck yes!
280. Do you like living in the now? Nope.
281. Would you rather go to the past? Sometimes.
282. What about the future? Maybe.
283. What do you think the future holds? Dark days, with Nature dissapearing, the forests dying...
284. Ever wanted to take over the world? Yeah, so I could let the forests grow.
285. What are some shows you used to watch as a kid? Hmmm... Bill Nye. He used to be on one of the days of the week, but I forgot.
286. Do you still watch them? Yeah, but only in science class.
287. What movie scared you as a kid? Snow White, Casper, and Star Wars. Only when I was REALLY little though.
288. Ever thought a monster lived under your bed? Yup. It's still there.
289. How about in your closet? Mhm... That one's still there too.
290. Ever try to beat a train? Never been on one in fact.
291. Have you ever been hypnotized? Nope.
292. Do you remember the experience? n/a
293. Would you like to be hypnotized? No, that'd suck.
294. Do you prefer to type or write? type.
295. What?s the longest thing you?ve written? Can't remember, some Eragon fanfiction or something.
296. What?s the longest thing you?ve typed? This thing.
297. Do you handwrite? Yeah.
298. Is your writing messy? Not really, but it's not neat either.
299. Are you questing for any specific item right now? Yeah, my dream avvie.
300. Has anyone donated to you? Yes, a few of my buddies.

Your feelings:
301. What makes you sad? When a tree is sad.
302. Happy? When I eat pocky!!!
303. Mad? My parents.
304. Scared? A strange presence
305. Does food make you feel better? Well, if it's chocolate...
306. What does make you feel better? chocolate.
307. Do you write poems to express yourself? Sometimes.
308. Do you draw to express yourself? Loads.
309. Do you take your anger and put it towards something positive? I attempt tp.
310. Broke something you were so mad? Yeah, not very often though. I usually rip paper.
311. Cried yourself to sleep? Yeah, it was really depressing.
312. Laughed so hard you cried? One can't do it enough.
313. Cried so hard you laughed? Yeah, that was the weirdest thing...
314. Your friends help you when you feel sad? All the time. I love them for that. Thanks!
315. Take your anger out on others? Rarely.
316. Laugh the pain off? I never can...
317. Sweat when you?re nervous? Yup.
318. Stutter when you?re nervous? Yeah, really embarrasing.
319. Do you blush when embarrassed? Hence the stuttering.
320. Become forgetful when you?re nervous? Yeah, bad habit...

More Random Questions!
322. What?s the most gold you?ve had on Gaia? 9k. I haven't really gone for anything really expensive before.
323. Do you have a shop? Yup
324. How much stuff have you sold in it? I have no clue...
325. How much gold have you made in it? Not enough.
326. Do you like hats? Yes! They're the greatest!
327. Hats that look like an animal? Even better!
328. Baseball hats? Nah, dorky.
329. Trucker hats? Uh, no.
330. Do you like underwear shopping? Oh I hate it...
331. Do you like shopping for bathing suits? Not really, it's so hard to find one I like, that fits!
332. Do you like shopping for special occasions? Yes! You get to try on all the pretty clothes...
333. What color of hair would you want? Silver
334. Do you wish that we had giant sized eyes like they do in anime? All the time!
335. How about super powers? Heck yes!
336. What super powers would you want? Invisibility, or flight.
337. What would be your super power name? Silver
338. Do you have a secret identity? Nah.
339. What would your costume look like? It would be like something from Final Fantasy! ^_______^
340. Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? SPONGE BOB SQUARE PANTS!!!!
341. Who has fairy godparents? Timmy.
342. Do you wish you had fairy godparents? Yeah.
343. Are you an average kid that no one understands? Oh yes. More than most people know.
344. Ever babysat? Yup.
345. Do you like babysitting? It's okay.
356. Are you a teenage robot? yes. the government told me to be! *dances* *screams*
357. Do you wish a teenage robot was your friend? Not really. They wouldn't have a heart...
358. Would you want a robot companion? Nope. Again, no heart.
359. Would you want a maid to clean up after you? Yes!
360. How ?bout a chef to make all your food? Heck yes!
361. Do you have a theme song? Yes! I stole Tifa's Theme...
362. Would you wish from a genie for a theme song? No, but that would be cool...
363. Do you have a dog that drinks martinis? No... where'd that come from?
364. Have you ever said D?Oh! Yeah, too many times.
365. Do you have a good joke to share? Nope, not really.
366. Do you like jokes? Yes, they're great.
367. Do you like cheesy jokes? Yeah, I make them a lot xd
368. Do you like cheesy pick up lines? Occasionally.
369. Ever used one? Yeah......... It sucked.
370. Had someone use one on you? Nope.
371. When I say ?Heart?, what do you think? AXEL! no, RENO! OH NO I CAN'T DECIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
372. When I say ?Vomit?, what do you think? Ew.
373. When I say ?Cow?, what do you think? Cows don't go moo, silly! Coconuts do!
374. When I say ?Kitten?, what do you think? Meow!
375. When I say ?Liver?, what do you think? SPLEEN
376. What?s the most random thing on your mind right now? Apples.
377. What are you thinking about right now? Pocky.
378. Do you like to wiggle your toes? Yeah!
379. Do you like to jump? Sometimes.
380. Do you like to clap your hands? Yup!
381. Do you like to do the hokey pokey? Love it! And you turn yourself around! And that's what it's all about!!!
382. Is twister fun? no, because I always lose.
383. What?s your impression of ice cubes? They give me the cold shoulder.
384. What?s a song that gets stuck in your head often? The Stanley Steamer song. Stanley Steamer get's carpet cleaner!
385. Ever get those annoying tunes in your head? Oh yes.
386. Do you try to counter the song with a better song? Yeah, but it doesn't work/
387. Have you ever been face to face with a lion? Nope, don't want to be.
388. Face to face with a tiger? No, that'd be scary...
389. What about a bear? No. How about not?
390. Did you say ?Oh my!?? I wish I could.
391. Well I?m almost done with questions, what?d you think? Whoa....
392. Did you have fun answering all these questions? Best way to waste time!
393. Did you answer with long answers or just yes/no? Sometimes, It depended on the question.
394. Did you give any wacky answers? A few.
395. What?s a question you might ask someone? What their impression of an ice cube was.
396. What?s a question you might ask a quiz maker? Why do you make these?
397. Do you like quizzing people? Yeah, sometimes.
398. Ever gone so blank, that you didn?t know how to answer someone? I do that all too often...
399. Ever gave an odd answer to someone? Yeah, again, all too often.
400. Yay! You?re done! Any last words/comments? I am? whoa................... Well, as to last words, heart Axel heart and heart Reno heart rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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