Well, lets see. . .
My hair is always up in a ponytail. Sometimes up high on my head, and sometimes lower, like an athlete, my friends say.
I HATE cheese, brocolli, asparagus, spinach, oinions, garlic, cloudy weather, JAWS, and many other things.
I spend all my time listening to some type of music, in my head even, but usually blaring it in my room.
I rarely paint my nails, and when I do they're always different colors.
My best friend Breanna and I plan on traveling through Europe and other places when we grow up.
I have no clue what I want to be when I grow up. And I really don't care.
I want to visit Neverland.
I wish on stars at night.
I love having sleepovers.
I don't like to run a mile in PE, but for some reason I love to do it on my own or with my sister.
I think about you all the time, and it irritates me.
I'm afraid we'll never meet.
I'm afraid it's gonna be too hard and end too soon.
I'm afraid of the dark by myself.
I like to hold hands with myself when I'm alone.
I do jumping jacks when I'm waiting for something.
I love to connect with my music.
I always fight with my family, all the time.
I love to sing to myself or the mirror.
I love poka-dots!!! Especially pink!
I love vintage fashion.
I love to clash my outfits.
I hate it when people spend an hour on just how they look.
I hate being alone, even for a minute.
No, I REALLY REALLY HATE being alone.
I work for my money.
I always seem to forget something when I pack for a trip.
I can't see any image possible on my computer.
Your brother still hates me.
I don't know why I write in my journal so honestly now. It's all your fault.
But I like that you read it anyway.
I don't like to make you mad or sad-
But I know I will. . . A lot.
I jump on my bed and hit the ceiling a lot.
I can't really ride a horse.
I scream during ANY movie. Even the Little mermaid, no joke.
I like to lean all the way out my window.(Second story, yes)
I'm not supposed to date until I'm 16. . . redface
I'm impatient and it takes at least 2 hours to fall asleep.
I love to make people laugh. You wouldn't believe the things I've done at school just to get an audience.
The reason I probabally don't try to make you laugh is because I'm too shy/nervous/embarrassed to be perverted. And 99% of my humor comes from being very perverted.
Flowers never live long when I keep them in a vase
I want to mail you something, but I don't know how!
I can't do a cartwheel. I can do a handstand underwater. Last time I tried to do a flip, was on a trampoline. And soon after I broke my arm, for the second time.
I literally smack my head against something when I can't stop thinking about you.
I hate being hated, for any reason.
I hate being so honest with you.
Your turn. Do you still love me?
P.S. [I can't snap my fingers.]
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The Hills? PUH-LEASE.
*Lisa Frank*
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"You don't have to answer to anyone."
Tony Hawk

"You don't have to answer to anyone."
Tony Hawk
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