Hello, one and all! Sorry again for a late update. I was supposed to update last week but Gaia is having problems with the house arranging page. Anyway, I’m typing this at one in the morning so excuse the lack of interesting comments no one even reads.
Comic 71 :: Legend of Zelda :: Final Battle
And here ends the main part of the Legend of Zelda storyline. Yay! Look! Its Fire Emblem style!
Comic 72 :: Legend of Zelda :: Cassie_365
I love the expressions on this comic. OH! I forgot to mention! Since Gaia has NEW mouths, I will be taking advantage of them. I will now pay more attention to mouths, and facial expressions. Gaia made a good move in making the new mouths, but they messed up when they deleted the old ones. Bah!
Comic 73 :: Legend of Zelda :: See Link Run.
He’s escaped from danger before. He’ll be fine.
Comic 74 :: Quest for Scientist :: Homelands
Don’t ask on how if the n00b doesn’t log in anymore how they were able to get enough gold for the dress or how Crystal can be in the towns. Why? Because then I wouldn’t be able to dodge the question for weeks until I come up with an answer.
Comic 75 :: Quest for Scientist :: Endless Stabbings
VG cat reference? What VG cat reference?
Comic 76 :: Quest for Scientist :: Squabblings
No Comment.
Comic 77 :: Quest for Scientist :: Squiggly Spooch
No Comment.
Comic 78 :: Quest for Scientist :: www.nextdayanime.com
Like anime? Then go to nextdayanime.com It has the cheapest anime anywhere. 100% of my anime DVD’s come from this website. They shipped my DVD’s the very next day! The last panel is telling you of a code you’re supposed to put in while ordering from this terrific website! They’re also VERY DISCOUNTED! First there’s a discount if the anime is liked by the site owner, then another discount “just for fun” and your order can have up to 8 discounts! It’s even cheaper if you use a gold card. I trust them for all of my anime needs. Soon, they’re going to include anime snacks!!
Comic 79 :: Quest for Scientist :: What’s Anime??
I don’t quite care much for the new layout.
Comic 80 :: Quest for Scientist :: Da Vs. Dr
No Comment.
Hope to see ya again! And hopefully by then Gaia will have fixed the house glitch. Because I need to get into one that has not yet been arranged.
GinoLeTV · Mon Aug 07, 2006 @ 07:41am · 0 Comments |