From the Archive of My Head, Written In a Journal Or Book
(The Contents - An Archive of Knowledge Or Memory)
In the book, I did research on life to a point, one must read or knows limits.
In Alphabetical Order Is Subject Matter.
I shall place the intentions of my work and definitions later.
Mainly, it is a definition or encyclopedia of life on scratch.
Some information is not yet complete. There are many more topics that could be unlisted. Yet, I have what I could have.
No more, no less, yet others would seek what is material, or satisfactory. Such a witness of life is content to a point one questions living way. Yet, I live to the fullest and made a promise, I shall not be immortal, yet eternal after that of Spirit and a Lord to decide where I go, and not mankind. - Christian or broken beliefs based on a lot, though the world was worse as mankind repeats mistakes.
I shall not argue existence but the point is made clear as life proved me somewhat worthy, yet I know one is not. That one is I. Though found blameless, shunned, or hated. One is with an immense love to spare the generations and have the compassion that I hold. For I had not seen trial like they grieving though felt their pain in remorse of witness.
Yet, the stories are many and any lost or rediscovered, I will be dead by the time projects and more of much is complete. For it is impossible to rather commit all, yet list categories. From such the stories of one, to many more.
For you O reader, if anyone interested, I had listed my project here.
For contributing help or idea, I am grateful, if so any thought on my authorship.
Maybe they will find it suitable to a good cause, rather than the chaos some or I see to project. I kept my contents near me, hoping to keep the pages' or work's originality. I do not plagiarize, yet observe life as it is for what I've seen.
The Bible and projects composed by mankind prove me along with arguments. For I made a golden rule, I shall not interfere as to harm but defend. Though have seen clear to the point of my blindness. For life, to acknowledge me, and not be blind still, I have seen that great hope that makes me content as it spares.
Taught by all sides, my memory to they greater, cannot be matched but by younger to clarify to me, along with the older, thine freedoms without material or rather wants of selfishness to ego. Though, not the ancient days, in modern it would make no sense to commit the deeds of manifest to the point life proves itself worthy.
I. An Old Myth, Reality, And History
II. A New Age
III. AI Generations
IV. All in one sector
V. Ancient Past
VI. Archive Documents
VI. Archive Media
VII. Associate Records
VIII. Bad List, Personal Archives, Balance Of Pillars, Book Banning,
IX. Biblical Belief - The Challenge Of Self And Similarity And Difference Of Belief
X. Biomes, Beasts, Bugs, Nature
XI. Business Card & Craft
XII. Chronological Flows & Matrix
XIII. Chaos And Wickedness
XIV. Chat Records And Class
XV. Codex And Community
XVI. Company Log
XVII. Composition And Collections
XVIII. Constructive Materials
XVIIII. Core Product
XX. Corporation And Enterprise
XXI. Creature Lore
XXII. Credit Of Administration, Community, Council, Developer, Elder, Profession
XXIII. Criminal Histories
XXIIII. Cryptological
XXV. Discrepancies
XXVI. Domain Local
XXVII. Economic Out Of Place Artifact And Natural Production
XXVIII. Education Biography
XXVIIII. Elder Care And Attitudes
XXX. Encryption Security Sectors
XXXI. Environmental Rescues And Treatment
XXXII. Environmental And Ethical Codes
XXXIII. Exchange Currency
XXXIV. Fraud Department
XXXV. Game Development
XXXVI. Generations Timeline
XXXVII. Heaven And Hellish Thoughts
XXXVIII. Imagery Logos
XXXVIIII. Industry Sectors
XXXX. International Environment
XXXXI. Inventions of History And Elements
XXXXII. Job Offerings
XXXXIII. Languages And Symbols
XXXXV. Limit To Mindset
XXXXVI. Limitations
XXXXVII. Man Made Disaster
XXXXVIII. Mathematical Calculations
XXXXVIIII. Medical Pharmacy
XXXXX. Metaverse
XXXXXI. Musical Bases
XXXXXII. Modernism
XXXXXIII. Natural Exploration And Elements
XXXXXIV. Operating Systems
XXXXXV. Peace And Wars
XXXXXVI. Personal Needs
XXXXXVII. Physical Body
XXXXXVIII. Preservations And Record Keeping
XXXXXVIIII. Preserving Records Of Life And Transaction
XXXXXX. Principles Of Mankind
XXXXXXI. Psychological Behavior
XXXXXXII. Questions - FAQ
XXXXXXIII. Quotations Or Statements
XXXXXXIIII. Raising A Kid - Guidance
XXXXXXV. References And Dictionaries
XXXXXXVI. Responsibility With Relationships, Men And Women
XXXXXXVII. Restricted Material And Ancient Regrets
XXXXXXVIII. Restrictions
XXXXXXVIIII. Riddles To Be Answered
XXXXXXX. Sea And Sky
XXXXXXXI. Social Media, Entertainment, Sports
XXXXXXXII. Spiritual Life
XXXXXXXIII. Survival Issues
XXXXXXXIIII. Templates - World Ethical Base Projects Or Web Project
XXXXXXXV. The Path I See
XXXXXXXVI. Thoughts On Equality And Inclusion
XXXXXXXVII. Terms Of Service
XXXXXXXVIII. Trading Cards And Reputations
XXXXXXXX. Tutorials And Teaching
XXXXXXXXI. Universal Arc - Space And Matter
XXXXXXXXII. Violence Prevention
XXXXXXXXIII. Vision Of God And Existence
XXXXXXXXIV. Weapons And Support Codes - Self Defense
XXXXXXXXV. Who Or What Is X Being Of Consciousness
XXXXXXXXVI. Work Statuses
XXXXXXXXVII. World Oppressions
XXXXXXXXVIII. Youthful Examples: Purity And Models Of Being
XXXXXXXXVIIII. Zionistic Temples - Origin Of Ruins, Sacrificial, And Foundations
XXXXXXXXX. Zionistic Defense And A Sinner's Repentance To God Or Manifest
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Samuel's Poetry & Thoughts - I'm an open book. Clear conscience. Just, days are sort of not knowing what to do. So, why not. Maybe someone can give me advice despite my clueless and dogma. - Very blunt yet obscured.
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