--February 18, 2006 --

Today we looked all over the internet for 6 hours or so for a Welsh Corgi Puppy. My mother had one when she was little and when I saw a Welsh Corgi on Tv it was so CUTE! I really wanted one. But where I live Corgis are kinda rare. So it was hard to find one. Well after 6 hours of searching the internet. We finaly found a phone number for 4 male corgi puppies in our area code. We were looking for a female Corgi and they Lady who posted the ad for 4 male puppies says she also had some female corgis but they were a year old. Well we wanted to check them out first. We had found another ad that talked about a sort of "Pet Fair" where people bring all kinds of pets to sell. I wanted to see these puppies so that when I go to the fair I could compare. Well we left the house with a camera. We did not know that the lady lived about an Hour and a Half away from where we lived. She lived right next to the biggest nuclear powerplant in the U.S! It was WAAAY in the desert gonk . When we got there we found out that the lady was actually a dog breeder. We first looked at the female corgis and did not like what we saw... they looked much older than a year and they looked like they were not trained correctly. We asked to see the male puppies. And She brought out one at a time. The first one was SOOOOO CUTE! I did not want to let it go! Then she brought out the other 3. They were fat. I liked the one she brought out first. He looked more stable and healthy. My mother wanted one of the fat ones but I kept telling her I liked the first one. I told them that I wanted THIS (the first one) puppy. And they decided to go ahead and buy it now. The puppy was about $250. I guess the corgi puppies are pure bred. While they were paying I brought the puppy in the Van. He just walked around the car sniffing and trying to eat everything on the floor. I sat there trying to figure out a good name for him. I had thought of 3 names.... "Junior", "Kero", and "Buddy". After my parents got into the car I decided to name him Junior. I called my bestfriend Christie and told her the awesome news that I got a puppy! We drove to her house with Junior and I showed her. I was still thinking that "junior" was not the best name for him. After wards we went to petsmart and got him 2 food bowls, and some toys. And then we brought him home. We had not gotten him a cage yet so he slept in my bathtub. He fell asleep quickly and I sat next to him and said "I think Kero is the best name for u!" and so we OFFICIALLY named him "Kero". The next morning I took him out into the upstairs hallway. He just walked around and was scared of the stairs. I was tired and while I was pating him I guess I fell asleep! My dad woke up about 30min after I had fallen asleep... "JACKIE! Wake up!" I woke up and I wasl ike " OMG! Wheres Kero!?!" he was just sitting there by my side stareing at me the entire time. He had never wondered off! I was so surprised! Then he peed on the floor...and I realized.. this was the begining of a new adventure... xd

--May 25, 2006 --

YAY! Last day of school! My Freshman year of Highschool is almost over!!!!! I had to finnish my final exams first gonk . Thankfully today is a shortened day... My mother let be barrow her RAZAR cell phone^^ I took pictures of some of my friends using it. After each final exam we had 15min of free time with our friends. While changing classes. I took 2/4 of my exams yesterday and today I need to finnish the last 2. Well my English One exam was not hard at all^^ And we had 15min to talk with our friends. So I went ova to my friends Stepen and John and we talked for a while. I took some picture of them and then it was time to go. I went to my final, final exam sweatdrop . It was my World Cultures Exam. this exam was the exam with the most number of questions. Well I finnished it in 45min. And I turned it in. The teacher graded it and I got an A! Then we had free time for another 35min. And my friends Leah and Tabita and I just talked and took pictures of each other and other friends. My friend Beatrice had to move back to Hong Kong this year. She transfered at the begining of this year and she is really nice but she was still getting used to the language. Well this would be the last time I would ever see her again. So we said our goodbyes and hung out. Then The bell rang and it was time to go. We all yelled "SCHOOLS OVA!!!" and ran out the door. I cant wait to findo ut what I get on my report card!

--June 15, 2006 --

For the past 3 weeks I have been at Basketball Camp. And Its been fun... but I have also been attending the Basketball Practices and Weight Lifting. And I have gotten MANY injures from Basketball. crying . Camp was Now ova but Practice is not. Well today I said Goodbye to my friends at camp..and went to practice..... We played tis new game called "WAR"..Its one ball placed at half court and once coach says "go: u and someone in the second line (there r 2 lines) beat the s**t out of each otha to get there. Then once u get the ball. u Better be able to shoot because the other person will kill for it. And theres no rules I got a way with...

5 bruses (2 on left arm 1 on right arm 1 on left leg)

13 scratches (5 on right arm 1 is a bruse/scratch 3 on left leg 2 on right leg and 1 on right knee)

My right foot, second toe has no nail because the ENTIRE nail broke off (It hurts! Its bleeding)

My right big toe is blue (and im am NOT KIDDING) Theres a bruse under the nail that takes up my entire toe.

2 of my fingers got jammed into the basketball so they hurt.

My Back, legs, arms, fingers, toes, and neck all hurt with a stining throbing pain

I HATE that stupid game "war"! I won 1/3
Another girl almost broke her Knee and another girl had 8 bruses on ONE arm. And EVERYONE had a red knee due to falling and sliding across the floor while trying to get the ball xd .

--June 16, 2006 --

YAY!!! I Got my repport card!!!!
I got all As on EVERYTHING!!! My final exams, my overall grades! YAY! This is the first time I got all As! 4laugh 4laugh 4laugh 4laugh IM SO GLAD! And my bestfriend Christie also got all As! But she always gets all As stare . But even so AWESOME JOB CHRISTIE!!!

--July 25, 2006 --

YAY! I Just got back from going to Comic Con International in San Diego!

Well here is my story...
My bestfriend Christie and I were planning on going to Comic Con for the second time this year. I then found out about Vic Mignogna's Official site and saw his list of conevntions. I began e-mailing him asking him to attened Comic Con this year. I got an e-mail that said that there was a small chance that he could go. Then about 2 months or so later I found out about the Risembool Rangers when I went on Youtube and watched some movies of Vic Mignogna. I went on the Risembool Rangers website and saw that they were the official Vic Mignogna Fan club. Vic Mignogna was my fav voice actor so I totaly joined! Then once I joine I looked on "Vics Con List" and noticed that he was going to be going to Comic Con next! I was in shock! But for some reason Comic Con was not listed on Vics Site (Only on the Ranger's site). So I wanted to make sure and I joined the Risembool Rangers Forum and saw that they were going to meet at comic con to have lunch with Vic!

I told them that I was also going to comic con and that I was a huge fan of Vic! They were all so nice! This one girl was organizing the entire meeting and she was very helpfull^^ I met many friends on there! Vic told the girl that he would be there Friday-Saturday. So we decided to meet at the Funimation Booth at 11:00 Friday, and 12:00 Saturday. I really wanted to meet everyone so I did my best to organize everything. Well then the girl that was organizing everything in the first place was not able to go anymore. So I took on the job and got everything organized! People had to go to work so it was only Me, Christie, Kimba, Niki, and Ahi..Who would meet up friday. Then Saturday everyone else would come.

Well I had to leave Thursday because I liv in AZ. I told Christie and my friend Megan was was going on. Megan is not able to go so she came up with an idea to draw some thing for Vic to sign for her! So made a cute and funny comic and a picture of Dark Mousy that she wanted him to sign (The comic was a gift). The comic was about me xd . It was called "The day Jackie ALMOST met Vic" it was so funny. Christie and I loved it and we could not wait to giv it to Vic!. Then I found out that the Voice of Al, Aaron Dismuke would be at comic con as well signing stuff with Vic! I could not wait! And I foundo ut that Aaron was about my age.. well sorta.. (Im 14 (1991) hes 13 (1992) ).

Christie came over because she was going with us to comic con. Then megan droped by to give us the pictures she drew for Vic. We talked for a while and then Megan had to leave. Christie did not sleep much at all that night. You see LAST year we got 2 hours of sleep and I was hoping to get more sleep.. until the excited fangirl side of me began to appear sweatdrop . We sat there talking about how much we do not like Democrats (We r Republicans! Go Bush!) and I Began ti think... "Why dont we break our record of 2 hours of sleep?" .... We went to bed at like 3:15 or so and had to wake up at 4:00 xd ... and so we DID break our record...

We got up and went downstairs and got everything in the car. Then we set out for California! My dog Kero had to go with us because my mom was picky with the doggy hotel... stare But anyways.. after a long drive we arrived in L.A to see my Grandmother's Grave. My cell phone rang and I got a text message xd . Im not supposed to get text messages because we do not get them on our phone and if we do we hav to pay alot of money gonk I do not even use text messaging ne ways. Well I got one from Ahi and she said she would be late along with her twin sis Niki. I called her and told her not to text me ne more sweatdrop and that I would wait.

That day after we visited my Grandmother's Grave we set off to the Beach (After we dropped Kero off at a doggy hotel my mom liked stare ). It was friggin full! Well Christie brought her Boogie Boards and it was fun 4laugh I swam around like an idiot as Christie looked at me like this: stare ... xd .
It was fun though! I flipped around on the board and screamed when seaweed would get near me. But hey.. its the beach! (Theres no beach in AZ sad )

Then friday came around! I met up with Kimba, and Ahi.. and it was strange because Ahi found me and Christie and I thought I saw Kimba and I was right and when I was about to call her she found me xd in the line to get Vic's Autograph.
Christie and I decided to bring Megans stuff on Saturday when theres more rangers around. Well we went up and told Vic we were rangers.. He got up from his seat and said "OMG! RANGERS YAY! GROUP HUG!!!" He huged us all to death 4laugh it was cool^^ We took a buncha Pictures and held up the line for about 10min because we were chatting with Vic. I asked bout Lunch and he said he was too Busy because of Funimation and Southern Island's hold on him lol. And he said to try tomarrow.

Well we met up again at Southern Island and thats when I saw Aaron for the first time... At first he seemed kinda short... But then he turned around and I saw his face as he stood up...
Me: eek ...O..M..G .... redface
Christie: ... eek .... WOAH! ..... redface
He is sooo cute !!! 4laugh (Fangirl side of me Kicking In xd ) Well we waited in line and Kimba had this Cute little stuffed Kitty she made because she is cosplaying as Al. And we went up to the booth and got our stuff signed and Kimba asks Vic to sign the kitty. Vic tries and the marker will not stay/ write correctly... so he STREACHES the kitty out on the table (The Cat had Metal/ Bending wire so that it would rest on Kimba's Shoulders) and
Vic: *Streaches kitty* Gah! This cat is got working! gonk
Aaron: Dude! Its just a little kittie! *Gently takes kitty*
Aaron tries to sign the kitty and 5 seconds later...
Aaron: GAH! Stupid CAT! scream *Slams kitty on table repeatedly* Sorry I do not think i can sign this sweatdrop .
Kimba: *Looks Down* crying My Poor Kitty....
Ahh that was funny!
We AGAIN asked about lunch and he said he will try tomarrow. Christie and I took some pictures with Vic and Aaron and then left Southern Island.

Afterwards we took some group picts because Niki, Ahi's Twin sis met up with us and we took a group pictures and said our goodbyes because Ahi and niki could only go to Comic Con on Friday. But thankfully Kimba was going Friday-Sunday. Kimba is so awesome.. shes shorter than me and Christie and she's 24 years old XD. She had this huge Camera that I did not understand XD lol

Well then Saturday came around and Christie and I were lookin around for rangers.. because 12 of them were supposed to come xd .
Most of em were loud and strange and they talked about some nasty suff that scared Me, Christie and Kimba. But they were Ok.
Later Christie and I were bored from walking and decided to just stare at Aaron and Vic from afar xd I dunno why we did it. But we did xd We stood next to a trash can and stared at them for about 30min or so. Im not 100% sure if they noticed but they did not seem to mind us stareing... lol Then the Rangers came by and decided to SCREAM at the Funimation booth "VIC WILL U HAV LUNCH WITH US!?!?!?"
Kimba: eek
Christie and Me: eek .... gonk ... crying ...*hides away from other rangers*
they were just screaming uselessly so Christie and I waited in line (SMART thing to do) and the Security gaurd came up to us and said "Back for more huh?"
Me: Oh! U remember Us^^
Gaurd: Yup^^ U hav more things for them to sign?
Christie: Yup^^
This time we brough Megan's stuff and showed the Comic to Vic. He laughed and Showed Aaron some parts of it they both laughed. Then Christie gave vic the Pic of dark Megan drew for Vic to sign. And I have my FMA poster to Aaron to sign. Aaron signed it and then drew a little Al chibi on the poster^^ It was cute heart .
We asked Vic about Lunch (In a Calm matter compared to Rangers).
Vic: Yea Sure! I have a couple of hours of free time in about 10min! Do you think you guys could wait a little?
Me and Christie: YEA! mrgreen
Rangers: WOOOOOOO!! YEA!!!!!!
Me and Christie: burning_eyes *Hide Me crying Please*
I thought it might b cool if Aaron could join us^^ And asked Kymba because i was Shy crying . She said 'Great Idea!" and asked Aarons mom if it was ok. I looked at the Rangers and they were screaming random things and dancing around like idiots.
Kymba: Um.. wouldi t be ok if Aaron were to join us for lunch with Vic?
Beth *Aarons mom): *looks at group of Rangers screaming* Um..he needs to go on a plane soon sweatdrop Sorry!
Kymba: Ok sad well Thanks ne ways...
Me: *glares at other rangers* crying darn.. it would have been cool... too...
Christie: Oh get over it Jackie! We are still having lunch with VIC!
Me: Well Ok.. ^^

Well then Vic stood up and we follwed him around the con to find a place to eat!
Rangers: Lets go to HOOTERS!
Me, Christie, Kimba, and Vic: stare .. Um... No.
Rangers: AAWWEEEE!!!! confused
Me: stare
We got in line to get some stuff to eat as Vic went to the bathroom... lol
I called my parents who were freaking out because im going to lunch with a "stranger" stare and I did not no that Vic was standing behind me while I was yelling at them telling them everything is fine. stare

We got our food and I led Vic and the Rangers through the crowd of ppl to go to the lobby to eat. Then we sat down and people kept asking to take a picture of all of us stare
Me: Can we at least sit down and EAT first?
Them: Okies sweatdrop Um.. take ur time ...
Me: ^_^ *Back to eating*
Then once we were done eating we took a BUNCH of pictures! Then one of the Rangers (guy) had a sign that said "Who are you calling a pipsqueak midget!?!". And we took some pictures of...
*Vic holding sign
*Vic shocked
*Vic Smile
*Vic with "Adrian Monk"
*Group Pictures
and much more^^
Well after hanging out with Vic and the Rangers for lunch ... Vic had to leave crying
Then Christie and I decided to walk around some more... we left the Rangers for a while^^;
Well we made it around the front part of the con and winded right back where we were... and the Rangers were STILL there! We said "Hi" to them and they wanted to know our e-mail n stuff so we wrote em down. And said our "Good byes"^^ Then my phone rang and my Mother wanted to meet with us .. so we had to leave... Then Christie and I decided to take our time going there... and when we got there we talked with my mom and dad and told them what happend and told them how much fun we had^^ Afterwards Christie and walked around some more and saw Vic at the Funimation Booth Signing... so Christie and I decided to wait in line once more to say our last Goodbyes to Vic crying . And I guess the Rangers were right behind us! I turned around..
Me: *Bah!* eek .... Um Hi ^^
Them: YO! *Pulls out portable dvd player and puts in Negima!*
me: *Looks at Negima!* burning_eyes
Them: You wanna watch?
Me and Christie: *Ack!!* Um No Thanks we do not really like Negima sweatdrop
Them: OK ^.^
We waited in line for a while and christie reminded me that I needed to exchange a shirt.. well I did and came back. And the Rangers were STILL watching Negima gonk lol But then I look around and I see some guy with the same hair as Aaron Dismuke... and then he walked closer.. and it WAS HIM!
Me: eek eek eek 4laugh whee 4laugh heart
Christie: eek .... stare Uh..oh.. Here we go again...
Me: AARON AARON AARON AARON!!! *fangirl side of me came out xd * Christie! Can I follow him!?!?!
Christie: WHAT your kididng me NO! scream
Me: gonk AWWWWEEE COME ON!!! HURRY AND SAY YES! Im losing sight of him crying .
Christie: Um... NO!
Christie: stare N>>>O!!!! NOOO!
Me: Fine crying
Well after waiting a LOOOOONG time in line.. It was our turn next. Then Aaron came by the booth to say bye to Vic. Me: eek eek eek *frozen up* ...Its AARON!
Christie: Jackie get ur camera!
Me: *Still frozen up*
Aaron looks around and waves goodbye to everyone.
Rangers: AWWWEEE!!! NOOO!!! DOnt GOO!!!
Me: stare *hides face*
Aaron looks around again..
Aaron: Sorry guys! Bye! ^^'
Me: crying
Aaron glaces at me...
Me: sweatdrop ... ^.^ Bye! .... whee
Then that was the last we saw of him crying
Then we said Goodbye to Vic and got something else signed^^
We got our last huggs and left EXTREMELY depressed cry
THEN I saw Aaron leave theough a door and was willing to chase after him.. but I was too late crying .
christie and I just sat in the lobby of Comic Con next to a post and stayed there looking up ready to cry.
I admit I was crushed... I felt so bad and I wish I did things differently. But I know I had fun. We sat there for the reast of the comic con that day thinking and being depressed.

Then we went home and was even more depressed... sad

Then it was SUNDAY! We were even MORE DEPRESSED because Vic and Aaron were not there. But we were dressed in our Organization 13 outfits that Christies mom had made! It got Hot when we wore em but it was ok^^ Then we took pictures with my mom and dad and the parted. We JUST entered the con when some guy came over and ..
Guy: Hey awesome Organization outfits!
Us: Thanks^^
Guy: LOOK! *Pulls up shirt and pulls down his pants about 3inches or so*
(There was the sign of the Nobodies in KH2 that was on his stomach.. I guessi t was a tatoo that took up his entire belly!)
Me: eek eek eek xp xp xp burning_eyes gonk burning_eyes whee gonk burning_eyes .....
Christie: eek ...um..cool sweatdrop
Guy: Yup! Bye! *Walks off*
ME: He... he....he.. JUST FLASHED US!!! gonk burning_eyes
Christie: I Know xp
Well we walked around the con and got over FOURTY COMPLAMENTS!! And alot of ppl wanted pictures of/with us! we went back to the lobby and on our way to the post I saw this guy dressed as Rufus from FF..
Rufus: WEEE! Organization 13!!!
Me: COOL! Hey Rufus!
Christie: Huh? Who?
Me: It was Rufus^^
Christie: Oh! Really? I thought it was some guy in a wheel chair xd We again returned to the SAME post in the lobby and sat there... depressed. MORE AND MORE PPL KEPT ASKING FOR PICTURES XD lol but it was awesome! We stayed there for pretty much most of Sunday at comic con and then my parents wanted to meet up. We told em what happend and they were glad we had fun^^ Then we were about to change back into our normal clothes until i FINALY say a SORA! Yesterday there were like 10 Soras walkin round.. but when we were in organization form.. there was only one crying He did not look THAT great but it was ok I guess... He was a party pooper stare I was gunna run a glop him and say "SORA!!!!!! TIME TO KILL!!!!" but he would probly scream and run to his mommy.. he looked bored.. So I did not do it. We changed back to our clothes and left the convention.

We did not leave California till Monday because my mom had shopping to do xp lol But it gave us some more time to be depressed... lol But it was A BLAST!