--October 25, 2005 --

Well today is my 14th birthday!!!! Im so glad that im FINALY turning 14! Unfortunately my dad is not gonna be home. He still has work, and its a school day anyways.. crying But I was so glad when I wooke up and found a b-day card sitting on my tv and when I opend it $40 came out!! ninja Right now..Im just on gaia feeling lonely..and talking to my friends online. 3nodding Wow! Christie deticated an AMV ta me^^ Its sooo awesome!!! *Cloud is so hot* It even has a DDR song in it 4laugh I LOVE IT!

Yay! My bestfriend Christie and her family invited me out ta dinner for my b-day!
And I can go! I cant wait! Yayayayaya!

.......-After Dinner- OMG!!!! IM GOING TO KILL CHRISTIE!!!!! stressed I was embarressed that I could not finnish my food...then her mother made the ppl at Applebees sign "Happy B-day" ta me xd and then I could not finnish th sundae I was givin redface But over all it was realy fun^^ A good laugh n all.. ninja Too bad its over now... (well not realy..Im probly gonna hear christie at school laughing at me.. crying ) oh well...I had alot of fun^^

--October 31, 2005 --

Yay!! Its Halloween!!! None of my friends wanted ta go trick or treating around the neighborhood.. crying so im on gaia...oh well!! My friends and I are chatting on gaia so its all ok. And im trick or treating on gaia so all is good^^ Wow theres alot of ppl in my neigborhood that I never even know.. xd Theres all these cute little babies dressed in costumes^^ There so cute 4laugh But there taking away my candy! crying Well anyways...I am wearing my Naruto shirt I got for my b-day and alot of ppl (all girls) complamented me on my t-shirt saying that they love naruto..and its nice ta hear that^^ Its better than in my old school.. stare ppl would say "ahaha! Chinese Porn!" stare Stupid Bastards... Its not Chinese and its not porn damnit! scream Well back on the Halloween subject.. sweatdrop
The fire alarm at school today was pulled...and I was able ta get out of 4th hour for a while^^

--November 4, 2005 --

Omg.... The fire alarm was pulled every day this week... xd Its kinda funny..but its getting old..Today it was pulled 2 times... one b4 4th hour and one during 4th hour...the second tim it was pulled that day they made it into a Lock Down. So (I was in P.E Class) and the girls went into the girls locker rooms and we were shoved into this TINY area closed off by gates... xd I was like "Sure, lock us in a place wit no exits! now if the person who did it comes...then we r REALLY screwed!" sweatdrop

--November 10, 2005 --

OMG!!! Im sooo pissed at the ppl who hav been pulling the fire alarms!!!
stressed each fire alarm costs the school about $100 each time its pulled. And the fire alarm was pulled today right b4 school started and then student council came to EVERY classroom and said "If the fire drill is pulled one more time..no more Winter Dance..and if it keeps going then we will have ta take away more events even sports..." I was pissed...and ta make this worse someone pulled the fire dill not even an hour later! scream I was told that student council started crying...Winter dance is now canceled and if the winter dance is canceled..then so is the prom! (Because WInter dance was gonna pay for Prom)
I feel so bad for the seniors at our school right now... neutral

--November 15, 2005 --

Yay! today I got my braces off!!! It took forever!!! But now I have ta wear a retainer... crying They could not get the right size out....and so they had ta keeo sizeing it...I kept gaging when they put the retainer molder in my mouth... whee they did that 3 times.. stare But I was able ta get a bag of candy, 2 free movie passes, and 2 balloons!!! 4laugh lol

--December 24, 2005

Yay! Its Christmas eve!!!! Today, I went to my bestfriends church. My Mom and Dad came too! Christie got me Kodocha volume2 and I got her a T-shirt that says "Im NINJA (You cant see me)". Keychain of Kiba, and Naruto Pins^^ During Church, we sang Christmas songs and we lit candles it was so fun!! 3nodding Afterwards, on the way home, we looked around the neighborhood for Christmas lights...there were so many! It was so cool! When we went home..we snacked on some food and we decided to open presents! 4laugh I got.....

*Kodocha Vol 2 <-- From Christie
*"I Love Anime" T-shirt
*"I'm NINJA, (You cant see me) T-shirt
*Chrono Crusade Dvds 2,3,4 (Now I have em all)
*.Hack//LOTT Dvd 3 (Now I hav em all)
*Ah! My Goddess Dvd 1
*The Complete Aquarian Age Series
*The First 6 Full Metal Alchamist Dvds
*"I Love Anime" Wrist Band
*Roy Mustang Rubber Keychain
*Ed Rubber Keychain
*Inuyasha Rubber Keychain
*Kikyo Rubber Keychain
*Naruto/Sasuke Keychain
*Ed/Roy Keychain
*Sesshomaru Pin
*2 Naruto Pins
*Itachi Pin
*Sakura Pin
*Sango Pin
*Gaara Pin
*Hidden Leaf Pin
*Sasuke Pin
*Al Pin
*Ed Pin
*Inuyasha Pin
*Kakashi Pin
*Baby Blue Watch
*Baby Blue Neckless
*Baby Blue Bracelet
*Baby Blue Earings
*Dark Blue Neckless
*Dark Blue Earings
*Dark Blue Ring
*White Circle Neckless
*Light Blue Earings
*Hoop Light Blue Earings
*27' Tv
*40$ (Later Spent on Parents gifts)

Buahahahah!!! I got sooo much! 4laugh 4laugh heart

--December 31, 2005--

Yahoo!!! Its New Years Eve!!!! 4laugh 4laugh Naruto Years Eve Marathon is on!
I was only able to watch the last part of it^^ It was so cool! 3nodding My Mom, Dad, and I watched The New Years Ball thingy drop! mrgreen (did not sound right xd ) lol well after dat..I called my bestfriend Christie and shouted "HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!" ninja Ahhh..It was great^^ 4laugh But next week..its back ta stupid school!!! gonk I hav ta take my final exams!1 (I was sick during testing so I hav ta take em afta break)

--January 30, 2006--

A few days ago I was abl to talk with my councler and she was able to change my Aglebra Class. I did not like my Algebra teacher, he was stupid. Well ne ways I was lucky to have been moved to my bestfriends class! Well today it was my first day in her class and everything went well...except..when I was doing my work some dork threw a pen at me. whee When I looked around to see who it belonged to no one answered..they just stared at me. I (being me) got pissed. And just stuck it in my binder because who ever threw it at me aint gonna get it back because it hit me. (I mean if u acsidently hit someone in the head you should say "sorry! can you please hand it back? I did not mean to hurt you!" wink BUT NOOO! there guys were like "Hey! give me back my pen!" im like "NO! You threw it at me and it hit me in the head! like I would give it back after that!" stressed Then this OTHEr guy said "wait u mean that black pen I gave to that guy? Hey! that means thats MY pen too!" Im like gonk "I dont give a ******** whos pen it is! They aint gettin it back! scream " I was copying down the problems on the board trying to ignore the constant "Give it back!" saounds eminating from ALL OVER the friggin room! Then One of the guys said "Hey! who the hell are you!?! Hey! Mulan! give it back!" Im like "Shut the ******** up! My name aint MULAN!" (I got pissed because he said that cuz im Azn) then the "give it back" noises continued and then he said " teacher! this miss POKEMON over here stole my pen!" I was like "HEY! MY NAME AINT POKEMON! SHUT UP!" (The teacher did not answer he was talkin to another teacher) Almost everyone in the class started laughing at me. I felt like crying. Then he said "Hey! get ANIME freak here to give me back my pen!" I said " STOP CALLING ME NAMES!!!" scream Then I stuck my ERASER in my backpack and he said 'LOOK! shes tryin to steal my pen!" I was like "NO! u MORON! I PUT MY ERASER IN MY BACKPACK NOY UR DAMN PEN! Your pen is still in my binder!" stressed Then the teacher said 'Hey! whats goin on!" I said "he threw a pen at me! and he aint gettin it back! blaugh " Then the guy said "NO! she tried to catch it!" I was like "NO! U LIAR! IT HIT ME!" Then the teacher took all 4 of us out into the hall and asked what happend. I told him what happend and he said "Just give me (the teacher) the pen" I said "Fine with me!" So I gave him the pen. And My bestfriend asked if I was ok. I wasnt. I kept hearing those guys complain and call m more names..I couldnt hold my tears any longer. So I started to cry. "Hey! look shes crying!" said a voice. And I heard more whispers saying the same thing. After a while one of the guys (not the one that called me names but the one that threw the pen at me) said he was "sorry" and told the teacher I was crying. The teacher sent me to the councler. And as I walked out the door. 2 guys outside the door said "Ahah! He was called pokemon! what a loser! ahah!" I cried even harder. I felt like screaming. I ran to the conslers room crying. And my counsler asked what happend and I told her. She called the teacher and told him of what happened. After that I went to lunch and my bestfriend was there with me. She said she was sorry for what happend and she even got my stuff for me. My other friends where pissed and asked for my class room # and who the kid was so that they could beat the crap out of em. 5 of my friends asked that same thing sweatdrop . I felt glad that so many ppl cared about me. And I hope that tomarrow nothing bad will happen. Right now I feel like I could never show my face again in that class. But I will not let them get to me. I was lucky to get transfered to the same class as my bestfriend and im not gonna let that s**t-head ruin it! scream