I woke up with a splitting headache, and immediatly remembered where I was. It was hard not to, with the roaring of the water streaming by and the pitch blackness. (Light) I held out my hand, palm up, and before I knew how or why, there was a small ball of light hovering inches above it. Well, at least it is no longer pitch dark. I looked around. I was in a totally enclosed small dark cave. The water rushing by me on my rock was swift and deep. And I was on the only piece of solid ground. (might as well swim downstream) I questioned my sudden urge to jump back in the water. Looking around, I saw no other option. There was no going out the way I came in. So, I took a big breath, and jumped into the water.
Surprisingly, the light ball stayed over my hand. Guess it wasn't fire-based. I swept along for a bit, and was starting to wonder if it would be the end of me, with no air at the top of the tunnel anymore. Then I was falling, and landed with a splash in a large pool. (that rock!) Looking around, I saw a rock jutting out a little bit. The water here was not as fast moving, but I had to swim very hard to get to the rock before I would be sucked out of this cave and deeper into the water tunnels. I reached out, just before it would have been too late, and grabbed, with the tips of my fingers, the rock. I reached it with my other hand, and realized, with great chagrin, that the light went out when I plopped my hand up on the rock. Did I break it? (no, it is fine) I ingored it for the moment, and concentrated on pulling myself ashore. The rock was smooth, and it was hard not to slip. But as soon as I had my whole body pulled onto the edge, I held out my hand again, and the light returned. I sighed, relieved.
The cave I find myself in now is large. The waterfall's mist caused the walls to shine reflectively, and the entire area must have been a hundred feet across. There was dry rock on my side, which extended down quite a ways. (go that down there) I decided to go towards the wall, and see if there was any way out. On the far end of the wall, away from the waterfall, there was a tunnel. It was good sized, and had, interestingly enough, two steps leading up to it, as it was not floor-level. The steps were smooth, as were most of the rock in this cave... however... there was something more man-made about it. (go in anyways) I shrugged, and stepped cautiously into the tunnel, and walked quietly into its depths.
The tunnel went along for quite some time, and many hours passed without finding any other openings or any other caves. At times, it did widen, and changed from the five foot across size to about twenty feet across. But it remained one path, so along it, Rose followed.
After about eighteen hours, though she didn't know the exact time of it, Rose became very tired. When at last she came to another tunnel widening, she walked over to the farthest side, and curled up in a ball. She kept her left hand clear, certain that if she needed to, she could summon back the light, and blind anyone who might possibly come by. But, as she stifled a yawn, she curled her hand up just enough so that the light went out, and she slipped into the pitch blackness, almost invisible, instantly. She fell, then, into a light sleep.
to be continued...
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