Okay. Here's the deal.
You may read this, or it might be gone.
It may be that no one ever reads this. Or just you, and later, you go to look for it, and it's not there. And, of course, there is the ever present possibility that everyone who reads my journal will stumble across this entry, and shake their heads.
Because this entry does not exist.
This entry is a figment of your imagination.
well, sorta. that would be kinda cool if it really were, huh?
Pretty much, I'm putting this entry up in the slight chance that a certain event will not occur tommorrow that would facilitate my ability to actually sit down and write my next entry. Which I think has to be a long one... I think. depends on if the stupid IE or firefox browser on my computer decides to go postal on me. it has happened before, and in those instances, the actual posted entry ends up being significantly shorter than the original, due to my frustration about having to repeat myself.
Anyways. Like I was saying. If said event fails to occur tommorrow, I will be very, very busy, and, of necessity, will not be able to do more than hop on and check my mail. If that. And the next few days may also prove just as difficult. Due to, of course, my kids starting school next week, and me also.
(if you had no idea i had kids, ignore that and keep reading)(as if you could ignore that! lol)
anywho... this non-existant entry has now become cumbersomely long, especially for a simple "hey, it might take me a while to get that next entry up" entry.
and no, i couldnt have written the entry in the time it took me to write this. that takes a lot more thought into what i'm putting down.
which brings me to my final point.
when tired, i tend to ramble.
i need to go to bed. nite everyone! ... or, no one.
gonk stressed domokun stare
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