Heres another serving of STFU and listen. Or GTFO because i dont care if you disagree.
Fat people. Having an a** the size of a jeep doesnt mean youre disabled. You still should possess common sense. How about use it for the good of the community.
You fat bastards are draining us of our hard earned tax money. Thanks to John Howard announcing an "Obesity Tsunami" (he has no ******** clue), this revelation has been uncovered
apparently, 1/3 aussies are officially fat, lard asses (in technical terms: obese). Most of you asscheeks also have health cover (initial sign that you do have some common sense) and thanks to your poor judgement of appropriate common sense usage, we skinny/normal people are paying to keep you useless ******** alive. we pay out of our teeth for your diabeetus injections, IVF s**t for you shitheads who's ovaries got swallowed in lard, and hospital facilities when you cork it with a heart attack.
this is serious money, people. Its like getting an abortion instead of using a condom
why should we give you all our money just because you cant stop cramming burgers down your pie tube?
its not our fault youre a fat b*****d. you let yourself go. it has nothing to do with the taxpayers.
get off the couch and onto a treadmill. put in atleast the slightest mildly ******** excuse of an effort. dont give up n just say "ahh, the tax payers will cover it, ill just cart this lard around in my newly formed pouches to annoy the ******** out of average earning households"
(this dont apply to those with a real medical problem that prevents them losing weight etc etc, just the lazy a** jerks)
also, 1/3 aussie are NOT obese. there are like... 10 kids at my school who are actually obese out of say... 1600? oh yeah... thats really 1/3... john howard wasnt too good at maths, was he? emos are more common than fatties. open your eyes. but nevertheless, fatso's, stop stealing our tax money!
Cancel your health cover and pay for your own mistakes. youre never gonna learn how much of a burden your fat a** is until you have to take care of it yourself. youre letting australia down.
and "obesity tsunami" for ******** sakes... my first image was a giant wave of lard drowning out all the skinny people. i cmon... obesity does kill people... but not all in one hit. obesity isnt a major tragedy, and it doesnt hit only on the coastline.
you could have just said "obesity levels are increasing"
there is no need for a catchy title to advertise your views on fattyboombahs. youre not selling anything, no ones buying anything, howard, you are fat yourself, so shut the ******** up.
now dont get me wrong
i havent got anything against fat people. its when they drain our tax money that really pisses me off. fat people can have great personalities, but just like any regular burglary or credit card fraud, wasting our tax money can be described as a similar problem.
its great to know you all hate me for sayin this but atleast im not lying through my back teeth. the truth hurts sometimes - but a lie hurts more when the truth is uncovered
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let's join hands and cry together (like fags)

left gaia as Verlierer 9.0, returned as DREADFUL ED
dirtier, hippier, aussier and sexier than ever
and baked like a bread roll
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left gaia as Verlierer 9.0, returned as DREADFUL ED
dirtier, hippier, aussier and sexier than ever
and baked like a bread roll
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This is very bad for their self esteem and doesn't help them to lose weight since binge-eating is usually their first reaction to dealing with depression and stress. In addition they can be rediculed and even threatened by these same people for going out to exercise - this discourages them to lose weight. I know for a fact since I've been out for a walk with a very fat person and she had bottles thrown at her along with insults about her size by a bunch of youths driving past.
Some fat people also are quite healthy apart from being fat. Myself, for example, couldn't lose weight no matter how much exercise I was doing. I finally discovered that this was due to the amount of carbohydrates in my diet resulting in a condition called hyperinsulinism where my body was converting all the carbohydrates I ate into fat. Only after getting off carbohydrate-rich foods (which we're all told are good for us) did I finally lose weight and am continuing to do so. I have never asked for financial assistance in order to do this, I simply discovered the condition upon borrowing a book from a colleague and followed the advice it gave.
The problem is peoples attitudes. Give somebody a chance to lose weight and a proper diagnosis of their condition instead of making them feel bad about it and they prolly will slim down. Constructive and proactive approach.
Sorry for the wall of text razz