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Every me and every you.
i had this on me other account. i rote it an it sux -_-
it all started when kyo learned about who he was. his life seemed endless and pained. he lived each and everyday like nothing was wrong. but there was a secret to his well being. dark hair covered his face and tall he was frail and slim eyes represented shadows. his name was koiji. he took away kyo's youth and turned him into a monsterious person. kyo died at the age of 16. his innocence lost from the man who had raised him. his heart was black. he killed himself looking into a pair of eyes that took away his breath and said his last words "...even in death i will forever love you..." saying that blood spilled from the poor youth and he fell asleep. kyo woke up and stared at the ceiling sweating and panting " was that another dream?" he asked himself coldly. a girl entered his room and looked at him in worry. she looked down to see the boy with the blonde hair and blue eyes looks at her "sarah? whats wrong? dont worry it was just a dream i promise" the girl stood there her hair was long and blond as the boys. her eyes were a light brown she smiled lightly "well then get back to sleep before you catch ill again kyo..."
sarah walked away leaving the room closing the door and resting on it. "im sorry you must live this way kyo...i promise one day ill set you free" her fists clenched as did her teeth. she looked out the window and saw him. that tall dark man with shadowed eyes smiling devilishy "i came for kyo...and you and i both know you cant protect him from me forever" sarah's grip tightend as she saw him disappering with that look remaining on his face. she whispered to herself that not even the night could hear "not this time...not this time will i let you take his life...your world will not claim him from mine...i will kill you first..koiji"

(beep) the alarm was going off reading 7am (beep) "arrrggg...more sleep thank you" kyo rolled over and hit the alarm. he then fell back asleep. 15 minutes after he returned to his sound sleeping a voice interupted him "kyo...you have to the count of three to wake up before i beat you!" her voice was mad like every morning. kyo simply just rolled over and sat up. the blanket falling as he rose and stretched. sarah looked at him her eyes widened her mouth drooped her face reddened and her nose bled as she screamed "KYO YOU SLEPT NAKED AGAIN! PUT CLOTHES ON NOW!" she ran out of the room and into hers panting nervously while kyo looked at the door with a confused facial expression "hmm who would have thought that my nakedness would have bothered her this much" he shrugged then went to get his school uniform. he set the clothes on his bed as he walked into the bathroom looking into the mirro that showed him half of his body. "why wont you go away? where'd you come from" he spoke softly while running his fingers along his chest were a scar was layed out. the scar was unlike a normal one. it was black and shaped like an x. he wondered where he had gotten it and sometimes he thought that he retreved it from one of his crazed dreams. reality had stopped to him when he got like this. the only thing rushing through his mind was a person who looked just like him took a dark blade and stabbed his chest while looking to an older male who just smiled. "that smile!" his confusion deepened " why would anyone smile watching that" he drifted away for what seemed like an eternity. finally reality hit him again and he got dressed and went down to the kitchen to see sarah reading like usual and humming "oh! hi kyo. im glad to see that you decided to wake up and get dressed" she looked happy but her eyes always seemed to show woory. he simply sighed and looked out the kitchen window to see the day that was before him.
"yea. i finally did. i think today just might be a good day" he smiled and bit into an apple.
after their breakfast they moved out and headed to school. sarah always walked in the back reading her book. she watched kyo as he walked smiling carefree. sometimes she found herself staring. loving his movements, wanting to walk with him. she had been with him for a year now. he hasnt yet turned 17. she couldnt help but jump as she felt a hand being placed on her shoulder. when she turned around she screamed "SAKATO YOU JACKASS!" she took her book and tried to hit him in the head. he jumped and ran to kyo "ahaha to damn slow sarah!" he teased her. she mummbled and went back to her book. kyo looked at the two. he chuckled. he was truely happy to see them two fighting. he thought it was humorous. sakato noticed that kyo was staring at him "so uhhh hiya kyo! how'd ya sleep" kyo smiled. kyo loved sakato. he loved how he cared and listened and always helped him. "just fine. hey i was wondering....ummm you think i can come over tonight?" kyo blushed. sakato blinked in confusion and sarah looked up from her book (what?!? why does kyo want to go to sakatos?) she asked herself slightly annoyed. sakato was silient for a moment then smiled "of coarse! are you planing on staying the night too?" kyo smiled happily and nodded yes. sakato smiled "ok then i guess ill have to go out and rent some movies k?" kyo smiled and huged sakato. sarah stood in annoyance and growled as she passed the two. "BAKA'S I HOPE YOUR LATE" she screamed already way ahead of 'em. they both looked at eachother then laughed.
the school day draged on forever like usual. sarah was always studying and kyo always sat happily. sakato would sleep. snoring loudly and drooling all over the desk. the teacher would try to wake him just to watch him fall back into his sleep. she would sigh then just leave him. it was now lunch. all three sat together. sakato and sarah were fighting like usual. arguing over who gets the patato and kyo just watched smiling. (wow! those two must really like eachother. i just hope sakato like me as much!) he thought while a slight blush rose to his face thinking of sakato. as if sakato read his mind he looked over to see kyo blushing and smiling away. sarah stopped her yelling as well. she liked it when kyo smiled. it was a good thing. it meant that even though his true life lead him to death this false life lead him to the right steps. he only had a month left. in that time both sakato and sarah new what would happen. that beautiful boy that sat there with them that slept naked that never seemed to be mad or hate anyone would be there god. sakato was wanting it. and he waited for it. he too had been with kyo for a year now and his love for him was stronger then the past god. sarah however didnt no her feelings towards him. sure she loved him but just how much? "hey whats wrong you guys? your just staring." kyo asked. confusion showing in his voice. both sarah and sakato snapped back to reality and answered in a frantic yet unison voice "ohohohoh nononon were fine its nothing just sid tracked" they both made a nervous laugh then glared to eachother. they returned to there arguing fighting over who copyed who. kyo returned to his laughter. lunch ended and the rest of the day went by as usual. school finally ended and they all started to walk home. this time sarah wanted to walk with kyo as sakato didnt. he was lost in his thoughts. kyo was being to worry so he looked at sarah and spoke softly "hey sarah...i think im just going to go home with sakato. ill see you tomarrow" both sakato and sarah stopped. sarah couldnt believe what she was hearing. sakato was just standing there in amazment.sarah looked at the two and growled at sakato. "fine kyo...but i better meet you at the corner tomarrow morning or else your not getting you lunch!" she walked away without another word and sakato came up to kyo and hugged him from behind whispering in his ear "no worries kyo" he kissed kyo's ear "ill feed you plenty..." sarah felt the cold vibe sneak up on her as she turned around to see kyo blushing and sakato glaring deathly at her. she new that when sakato was like that he was being protective. she shivered again as his glare turned colder wordlessly telling her to leave before he made her. she sighed and continued to walk. "just remember sakato...you have a job to do. dont get carried away" he heard those words and snarled slightly "you should be the one to talk...you betrayl" his voice was cold and sarah felt a tear rising (i didnt mean it...i didnt...i didnt betray them! i swear i didnt) she returned home her past was flooding her mind. blood dweled on the floor and the walls her beautiful white dress was no longer white. she screamed.
it was cold that night. white blanketed the ground and other surficed areas. there she stood. long hair moving in the cold breeze, her wings spread out far singing in the snow and moonlight land. sarah was a angel of song. she would always sing when something was wrong. this night was diffrent. she sang more deeply. he watched. a human. his name was roy. tall with black hair and green eyes. he was only 20. she met him durning a watch over. he and her fell in love imeadiantly. even though there love was deep it was forbiddend. "sarah...run away with me...trade in your wings for a chance to be free with your heart" roy spoke softly as the cold showed his breath. sarah couldnt feel the cold but she saw it "roy...its forrbidden!" she cried. roy simplied just smiled and embraced her. that night was diffrent. he held her tighter then before and tears fell from his eyes "sarah...promise you wont forget me? promise that no matter what you'll always love me" his sadness shown in his voice. "of corse roy...our love will never be seperated" she didnt no how to cry. he looked into her eyes and smiled one last time kissing her "then just remember...ill always love you" just like that he disappeard. sarah looked for him. weeks had gone by. she did find him. laying in the snow holding a letter. sarah looked at him as his over frozen blood still staind the ground he was on. she opened the letter and read it "sarah...i no that you will have found me. dont cry. i did this for you. i new that if i died then you would be free from being caged. im still waiting and with you...and sarah remember ill always love you" for the first time in her life a tear escaped her "ROY! NO NO ROY!" she shook him but he wouldnt wake. he was frozen there never to move again. he gave his life to save her. to save her from losing everything she had "roy..." she stood there. her wings turned dark. her eyes blackened as she screamed. madness ran through her veins, she bolied with hatred. it grew so strong that she killed the town were he lived. she killed them all. blood covered her beautiful white dress. her wings bursted away from her. she wouldve been sentenced away to the other world. she wanted it. she wanted to see her roy again "you will serve as a worrier miss sarah! and when your mission is done you will be forgiven and become an angel once more" she wanted to scream no. to sentence her to hell. instead she was left to wait and wonder. she had one more chance. if she became an angel again she was gunna fight and bring her roy back to her. "roy..." sarah spoke coming out of the past thoughts "i remember roy...your here with me...and that youll always love me" a tear fell.
sakato and kyo finally got to there destination. sakato's house. they entered. kyo looked around an saw the dark walls and big rooms a large t.v. a big dark blue couch and chair. "hey kyo? you can come in...is something wrong?" sakato said tossing kyo a drink. kyo shook himself an took the drink going into sakato's house more "no...its just the first time i been here. im just getting use to my surrondings thats all..." kyo smiled an so did sakato. "well thats good. i want us to have a good night not a bad one kk?" kyo just simply smiled an nodded yes.
after a while the two boys gave up there game playing an decided to watch some movies. first they watched comidies. then they moved to horror. the lights were off and only the television was on. kyo watched with delightment and fear while sakato sat back and watched his secret love enjoy the movie. sakato watched as kyo would tense durning a climatic parts. "enjoying the movie kyo?" kyo jumped slightly as his friend placed a hand over his shoulder. he simply nodded. 'maybe hell let me kiss him' sakato thought to himself. he looked at kyo in his eyes as kyo did the same. without notice kyo found himself kissing sakato. there lips lightly touching soon becoming harsher an more intimate. sakato snapped back to reality and removed himself "gomen nasai. im so sorry kyo!" kyo stared at the other boy. panting slightly blushing heavily. "it was ok sakato....i actually liked it." saying that the two boys stared at eachother and captured eachothers mouth's once again.
sarah couldnt sleep that night. to much noise. every little thing was keeping her awake. she felt like she was going to crack. "errrg men! what are they doing...knowing sakato hes prolly trying to hav sex with kyo!" (drip drip) blood poured from her nose at the thought an she ran to the bathroom to clean herself up. "DAMN YOU SAKATO!"
koya was hopping around her usual way. lydia however thougth she was a bug needed to be squashed. lydia was only here for two things...

1. was to kill sakato an sarah
2. watch koya...

it was hell...she wanted to shoot her younger sibling rite in the end an then watch the blood pour out. she laughed lightly amused an cont. walking with her annoying younger sister koya, behind.

"damnit koya! must you be so damned annoying in the morn?!" lydia was getting annoyed.

"gomen sis. i no mean to b this ways jus its kewl that we get to go sumwere new instead of being caged up. its lonely in the dark ya no?" koya smiled to her elder sis an ate a cookie. lydia rolled her eyes an rubed the bridge of her nose in frustration.

"this is going to be a weird day. i can tell."

---the world were koji is---

"have you completed you mission yet?" koiji asked a woman thru the phone. "no my love. but i promise once i find them i will. when is your arrival?" koiji laughed evily an smirked. "soon enough, soon enough" with saying that he hung up the phone. he wasnt always this evil. it was his love for sakato that made him this way. they would always be together. but sakato only loved him! kyo...just the name running thru his mind made his blood rush in hatred. how he wanted him dead. he wanted to take him to hell were he belonged. he didnt deserve to be the altimate god. in a way you could say koiji's jealousy took over and turned him to the prince lord of darkness. he was still in the era were he shouldve killed kyo. but kyo escaped him. since that day he hasnt been able to leave this hell hole of a world no matter what he did. sakato and sarah were holding him there. once he killed sarah he could slip pass. knowing that sakato still felt for him the same he did when they were together. everyday he would cringe at thought of how he lost his love.

---flash back---

"sakato-san. i love you more then anything in this world. please come with me, please be my own!" a young boy still, koiji spoke out of his heart while he trembled thru his words.

"i am sry koiji-kun. i do love you but i cant. i made a promise to one day be with my lover again. my kyo. i am kyo's even in death. and kyo is mine. forever and always. once my love returns i will be freed."

"what about me sakato! im here now and waiting! u use and abuse my love! i cant stand this pain of lying anymore! we've been hiding our love forever!"

"i no that my lil koiji. i dun mean to hurt you i dun wanan see you cry in pain. i no im hurting you. but i love him i love him really i do. and i really love you to. you believe me dont you?"

koiji's teeth gritted as he fought back those tears starting to rip from him.

"damnit sakato! im not good enough for you ami? am i? wats rong wit me! noboy wants me! no one! you wont ever understand me! no matter wat i say or do. u make love to me an u leave me without a simple i love you! u dun even kiss me. u dun stay wit me. i lost myself to u! and u...u abuse it. u abuse my love more then anyone in this world does! i hate you! i never want to love anyone ever again! i will become a pitch black whole and i will disappear. no matter how much pain i go thru i always smile for u. i lie to defend you from losing him. but ur losing me now. i cant take this nomore! this is ur last chance! do u take me as to being yours so i to can hav u as mine? can u be wit me and only me and leave kyo? will u sakato? will you?"

tears poured thru the young boy as he spoke. sakato was silent for a moment and turned so he wasnt facing the young koiji. as he turned he started to walk away saying silently, but loud enough for koiji to hear.

"im sry koiji. but i love him and i cant be with u...ever" saying that he left. koiji broke down.

he couldnt take it nomore. he took a dagger givin to him by sakato himself an carved out his heart. turning him to a dark lord. and from that day he vowed to rip away kyos heart in front of sakato's eyes. then kill sakato himself.

---end flash back---

koiji smiled darkly an laughed again. blood pouring from his wrists and out of his mouth. he was beyond madness. he had lost control of himself. he had givin his heart to die an become a lord whose purpose is to live until sakato can be his. and death was the only way of doin that.

"soon my love. soon you will be mine...sakato" darkness swarmed around him and the only thing to b seen was his brite yellow eyes and the only noise was the laughter escaping from his lips.
karan sighed. koiji hung up on her without an 'ilove you' though he never did tell her that. she knew that this was a one-sided love. when she was 8 she was cursed to remain small and childlike forver until the day she gave birth to two children. one who will b evil and the other a blessing. with this she must kill the blessed one first for her purificating will turn her older. then she must kill the one who has spilled an angels blood on her and regain the life she wanted. but she had decided once this cute form turned human she would sacrifice herself to kill sakato.

once sakato died though she knew that koiji would kill her. she knew koiji's plan. and koiji knew of her intentions. he warned her many times that the only thing she has to do is kill her children an she would b rewarded with human abilities an the look of a 20 yr old. but what he didnt know is sakato's sister was involed in this plot of karan.

when sakato was younger he had a twin sister named kuian. she was dark and evil. he dispised her more then anything. but she loved him more then she should hav. she tried many attempts to claim him but couldnt. her and koiji were enimies for that reason. but once sakato denied koiji they both got along. kuian was a dark lord of tempt. shed seduce her victims then take them away in the dark and suck away there life. it kept her young and attracting. but still she craved that of her brother.

kuian had a secret. one that she loved to tease sarah with.sarah didnt no this but roy's death wasnt that of suicide...

---flash back---

"well, well mr. roy. aren't you just golden. i take it your little angel queen wouldnt run with you to save your life now? to think all you had to do was to convince her to come with you." kuian's smile turned more wicked. "but now you'll have to take her place.." she slowly walked towards roy.

"p-please i beg of you mistress! i tried i really did! plz dun kill me..." roy pleaded

"poor, poor roy...you wouldve made a great partner. but i need strong energy and i need something thats pure. your not exactly pure, but youll have to do." she took hold of roy and slipped of in the night. after his heart was taken she placed him in the snow an placed a blade near him. his wrists were slashed and on his chest layed a note that kuian wrote in roys handwritting.

"sarah...i no that you will have found me. dont cry. i did this for you. i new that if i died then you would be free from being caged. im still waiting and with you...and sarah remember ill always love you"

then kuian left, knowing that sarah would find him. and once sarah turned to hate kuian would steal her sole and use it to kill koiji. but sarah was captured b4 hand. so now karan an her ploted to help eachother out. for karan to get her evil child, and for kuian to get sarah.

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  • User Comments: [1]
    Community Member

    Thu Nov 23, 2006 @ 07:20pm

    yea to every1 who reads this it sux...heh if u hav any confusion jus ask bout it k? an if ya can tell me wat i should fix...an yes i no i hav bad spelling but im not gunna fix that till im done wit the whole story so ya!! thnx for readin!! ^^ sweatdrop

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