WOW a new year already! Many people make resolutions, but most fail. If everyone would actually follow through with what they wanted to do to improve themselves or something in their lives, I believe that this world would actually be one step closer to peace. We make our lives the way it is. It is by choice, not by fate. It's still very mind boggling to me that people will let the bad things that happen in their lives eat at them and control them. Okay something bad happened to you, deal with it and move on. If I let everything that bad happened to me bother me all the time, I would be a very cranky and unhappy person. I don't though, I pick myself up after a period of time to mope, cry, and feeling sorry for myself and move on. I say oh well, its an experience in my life that will make me a better and stronger person. Why is it so hard for others to do the same? Why do they feel that hurting others or themselves makes it ok? People need to realize and really think about this....Do you honestly think that by being this way you are truly justified? If everyone out there decided to get even, make someone pay, or live to make others miserable for bad deeds done to them...we might as well set off a nuclear bomb on ourselves. That is what it will be like anyway....self distruction. I for one love life, the people in my life, and the things around me. I would like to think that I am setting a good example to my children. I make mistakes and I get hurt...its with and move on. Stop letting the bad be excuses for your failures. You control that and how you feel. It is your own fault if its not what you wanted out of life. So stop and be a better person today!!!!! biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin