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These journals are backwards, so if you want to read the story start to finish, go to the Archive and start at the bottom!
Part III: Chapter 9
::Kari awoke the next morning and slipped down out of the tree, landing silently on all fours. She stood and walked just as quietly to the edge of the pond, passing Sane, careful not to wake him. She knelt by the water and cupped some in her hands, scrubbing herself clean to the best of her ability in her current dressed state. She was in just her chestcloth and pants, though, so was able to clean a fair bit of herself before quickly redressing and moving to Sane's side. She thought to wake him, but decided against it and watched him sleep for a moment before standing with a sigh and walking off into town::

Sane eyes flickered open and he smiled to himself. He stoos up and stretched his arms and legs out, sighing as he looked around and found that his new found friend had already left. He walked over to the edge of the pond that Kiah had just used and cupped some water with his hands he splashed it onto his face and smiled as he felt refreshed. Standing up he stretched again and stalked off towards town. "I should see about those supplies and check on Hector." Sane thinks to himself as he continues to walk.

::Kari moved through the bustling streets of the city. The commoners had apparently recovered rather well from the trauma of the previous day. She slipped through the crowd with ease and made her way to a smithy near the edge of the city. Stepping inside out of the crowded street, she took a moment to adjust her eyes to the darker state of the shop. Looking around, she grinned with a sense of dejavu. This smithy looked much like the one back in Bremer, with racks of weapons along the walls and the smell of hot iron eminating from the back workroom::

Sane walks through the town to the Inn where he knew Hector would have rented a room for the night. Sane swings open the door to the Inn and steps inside looking aroudn he sees that there a a few people sitting at tables enjoying breakfast, Sane smiles and nods at a few people that look his way. He walks over to the desk and smiles at the old lady that is standing behind it, "Excuse me Miss my friend rented a room here last night, might you know if he is still around or has he left already?" The lady looks Sane over and smiles, "Yes I can tell you, what was his name?" Sane smiles, "Hectorhis name is Hector, miss." THe lady looks at the log book and smiles, "I believe he left a moment ago. Said something about going to check on the armor he needed fixed." Sane nods, "Thank you very much." Sane bows and walks out of the Inn towards the armor smith.

::A middle-aged woman emerged from the back of the smithy, her face and apron covered in soot. She had long brown hair a simple look about her. She smiled to Kari:: May I help you, Miss?

::Kari smiled politely back and wandered around the room, her eyes grazing over weapons:: I just thought I'd stop in and see what this city's steelwork was like.

::The woman watched her with curiosity, aparantly noticing Kari's knives and katana:: You are one of the Angels then?

::Kari stopped dead in her tracks, her eyes frozen wide and a knot tightening in her stomache. She slowly turned to the blacksmith, regaining her composure as quickly and convincingly as she could manage:: And why on earth would you think something like that?

::The woman seemed to not notice Kari's initial response and shrugged casually:: You have weapons on you.

::Kari was not convinced:: And every person who steps in here with weapons on their person is sent from the Heavens?

::The woman seemed confused for a moment, but then exhaled loudly in understanding:: Oh, I see. You have not heard the stories yet then. The people of this city are calling you and your group the Angels.

And why is that?

Because you saved us from him. ::She seemed afraid to even use the overlord's name:: You released us from many long years of fear and servitude.

::Kari watched her blankly for a moment, then turned away:: We are only a group of bandits taking back what rightfully belongs to our leader. ::She paused, then added coldly:: Angels went extinct centuries ago. There is no such thing anymore. All that remain are the Elves, their weakened decendants.

::The woman's smile had faded, and she obviously realized that her customer had something to hide. Nontheless, she changed the tone and turned to a more professional attitude:: So, is there anything in particular that you desire, Miss?

::Kari too changed her tone and fingered through a few bootknives on a rack, picking one up after a moment. It was simple, just a silver blade with a black leather grip, but it was well made. She brought it to the counter:: I'll take this. ::With very few words, Kari exchanged a few silver coins for the knife, strapped it on, and stepped back out into the street::

Sane continues his way towards the armor smith, "This town is really something." Sane says to himself when he sees that half the people in this town are taking short bows as he walks past them. Sane smiles and continues to walk, upon ariving at the armor smith he spots Hector arguing with the shop owner. "Gods damn you to hell! I want that armor! Why is it not for sale?! All it is, is a simple breast plate!", Hector screams with outrage. Sane walks up and grins, "Something the matter my good friend?" Hector spins and around a wild look on his face, "Yes! This damn man won't sell me this breast plate!" Sane shakes his head and looks at the shop owner who is backed up against the wall in fear of Hector. Sane smiles kindly and shakes his head, "I'm sorry for my friends outburst here, but may I ask why you won't sell him that breast plate?" The owner nods and walks towards them. "It was made for someone else... I simply can not and will not sell it to your friend... It is the finest peice of work I have done..." Hector shoves Sane aside, "That's why I want it! It's the finest work I've seen in a while!" Sane grabs Hector by the shoulder, "Look... he's not going to sell it... Leave it be... pick out something else..." Hector curses under his breath and broweses through the armor once more. Sane turns towards the man, "May I ask who you made this armor for?" The shop owner shakes his head, " I can not... he would kill me for sure if I toldanyone about him stopping by here..." Sane raises an eyebrow, "Now... You have my attention..."

::As Kari stepped back out into the street, her ears twitched as she picked up a familiar voice down the road a ways. She pinpointed the sound and recognized it as Hector's. He seemed to be yelling for a moment, but then his voice disappeared. Kari pushed through the crowd to where Hector stood and found him looking rather disgruntled, with Sane at his side, browsing through an armorsmith's stand. She walk carefully up to her large companion and set a soothing hand on his shoulder:: Easy there, Hector. ::She moved to Sane, who was conversing with the shop owner:: What's going on, Sane?

Sane smiles as he looks at Kiah, " Hello there Kiah... It's a bit of trouble we ran into here you see, Hector wanted to by this armor breast plate, however the man does not want to sell because it is reserved for someone. That I can understand... however the owner will not tell me who this man is, because he says he feels threatened. Somthing about the man killing him if he finds out about this man telling me." Sane shrugs and looks back at the owner of the shop, "Sir I assure you this man will not kill you if you utter his name." The owner shrinks away, "I am sorry... I can not..." Sane looks back at Kiah and smirks, "See... he won't tell me..."

::Kari glanced at the shop owner, searching his eyes thouroughly before turning back to Sane:: Just give me a minute, okay? Take Hector next door or something. ::At that, she moved to the shopkeeper and grabbed his shirt, tugging him behind the stall and out of sight. She tossed him up against the stone wall and placed a hand firmly on his chest, locking onto his eyes:: Listen to me. ::Her voice was firm, but not threatening:: We are the group you and the rest of the people of this city are calling the Angels. The ones who released you from an age of enslavement and poverty. You know our strength. ::Her voice softened, but her eyes stayed locked with his:: You must have faith that we will not let any harm come to you. He will never know, but we must if we are to keep you and this city safe. You have to tell us his name.

Sane shrugs and grabs Hector pulling him out of the shop, he walks over next door and leans against the building. Hector smiles, "Wonder how she's going to do this." Sane shrugs, "It's best not to ask questions."

The shop keepers eyes widen as Kari presses her hand against his chest, "Please... you must understand... This man... he is... Inhuman... I can not..." The shopkeeper attempts to strugle but fails. "Please miss... I knwo you and your companions are brave, but this man... has killed so many warriors... I fear for your life."

::Kari was growing impatient, and her eyes flashed a moment. She then reached to the side of her head and pulled back her long black hair to reveal her pointed Elvish ears:: You wanted Angels, you got the closest thing there is! ::She paused a moment, gathering herself once more and regaining control:: I will mind my own safety. I need none to do it for me. If you do not tell me the name of this creature, you put yourself, your family, and this entire city at risk. ::She knew it was an exaggeration, but perhaps this man held a key to Sane's search...or her own for that matter...:: Tell me.

The shopkeepers eye fall to the ground, "You... are elven... this man... he was looking for an elf... a woman elf... By the name of Kari, he stopped by here in serach of her and ordered a breast plate made for him. He gave me a metal I had not seen before to cast him this plate. He gave me a large sum of gold if I kept my mouth shut about him... His face was hidden under a cloak. But he did not travel alone... altough he did not leave his name... the name that he muttered to his apprentice was a name... I believe it was Farven... Yes... that's what he called his aid... Please miss I beg of you... this man threatened to end my life... if I told anyone about him... You must not tell a soul." The man looked at the ground, "As for me... I believe I am doomed because of my telling you this."

::At hearing her name, Kari drew back in shock, releasing her hold on the man. After hearing him finish, and noting the name Farven in the back of her mind, she regained her composure and set a hand on his shoulder:: I swear no harm will come to you. I will stay until he returns for his armor. Are you sure that the one he searched for was named Kari? And an Elf?

The Shop keeper nods, "I believe so... I am not sure. He said he would be back for the armor... When I do not know though... But I am sure he spoke of an elf... I am sorry if I can not tell you more... that is all I know."

Outside Sane and Hector pace the dirt ground. Hector has a half pissed look on his face, "What the hell is she doing in there so long?!" Sane smiles, "Not to worry have faith soon enough we shall find out if she got the information we both wanted... and to think... all this waiting because you HAD to have that breast plate. My god Hector you always stir up trouble." Hector relaxes a bit and lets out a dry laugh, "Not always... well... Most of the time."

::Kari nodded in understanding:: Alright. Thank you. I swear your safety. I will stay until this Farven and his master return. What did he look like, do you remember?

The shop keeper nods, "Farven... he had on a red tunic, and black pants, his cape was also red and he wore a simple dagger on his belt. He smelt of blood... his face... was covered with a red cloth wrapped around his shoulders... I could only see his raven black hair... and his gray dead eyes... His master... I have told you wore a black cloak hiding his appearance... Yet there was somethign sinister about them... almost as if I was in the presence of the pure evil." The shop keeper shakes his head, "I thank you for your kindness in this village... I should have trusted you before."

Sane leans agains the building and sighs, "How much longer must we wait?" Hector laughs, "You? The great Sane is actually asking me this question? I told you we should have stayed inside." Sane shakes his head, "No no no... it is fine I can wait.

::Kari's eyes narrowed as she took the visual image from the man's head. Having him describe the men was a mere distraction so he wouldn't notice her pulling the picture from his mind, an act that was occasionally painful:: We shall keep a sharp eye. If you hear anything, I am staying in the gardens on the West walls of the city. Come there if you ever need to find me. If no one is there, wait until I or one of my companions returns and then tell them you wish to speak to me. They will know how to find me. ::She gave him a last reassuring pat on the shoulder before moving back around to the front of the shop and rejoining Sane and Hector, her expression calm and effortless:: Sorry that took so long. This guy has that shopkeeper pretty terrified.

Sane smiles and nods, "Hector here was starting to doubt you. But I knew you'd come through... So who is this person?" Hector smirks, "Yeah Kiah... who is this guy and what the hell did he want with the shop keeper?" Sane raises an eyebrow and smiles.

::Kari looked to each of them as she spoke:: He brought a strange metal to the smith and paid him big time to keep his mouth shut about the whole deal. He didn't come alone, either. He has an assistant, Farven, who wears all red and black and keeps his face covered. Grey eyes and black hair. His master wears a black cloak that conceals his features, and the shopkeeper swears they felt like pure evil. ::She was about to tell them of the strangers' search for her, but stopped herself, knowing it was better to not say anything about it to Sane:: Sounds like bad news to me. The smith fears for his life. I told him I would stay until this stranger and his aid return, and ensure his safety in return for this information. I ask that you two stay with me, as I would like to accompany you on your quest.

Sane smiles and takes a short bow, "Of course we will stay here, this sounds very intresting to me. And Hector will of course stay as well being that he love to be in your company. Right Hector?" Hector mutter curses under his breath, "Yeah... sure Sane... As long as I get to hit somethign in the end I'll be happy." Sane smirks, "Alwasy thirsting for a fight are we now?" Hector shakes his head, "I want this guy to be safe like Kiah says... she promised him his safety... I will help." Sane smiles, "So now what... I mean we wait... but what do we do until then?"

::Kari looked to him:: Good question. I suppose we just do what we can to help these people get back on their feet. We should try to help them get their new law enforcement system together and rebuild the parts of this city that have fallen to ruin over the years. ::She looked up to the darkening sky as dusk approached:: The day is almost over. The shops are closing and we'll have a lot to do tomorrow. I'm heading back to the gardens. ::At that, she turned and disappeared into the fading crowd. She soon returned to the solitude of the West gardens and let out a deep breath. She knew what she had to do, and it had to be soon...::

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