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View User's Journal

Thoughts of a dark and twisted mind
1. How much gold do you have? 29686
2. Are you questing for anything? yes
3. Do you think I care about what you’re questing for? no
4. Did you answer no? yes
5. If you did, do you want a cookie for getting the right answer? no
6. How much gold do you want to have? 29724
7. Is it a lot? yes
8. Do you like cookies? eh
9. Can I have my cookie from before back? yeah
11. I lost my cool. Is that okay? yes
12. Are you smart? iq is 125
13. Are you a loser? i'm psychotic
14. Are you all of the above? no
15. How many times have you jumped rope in the past three and a half weeks? i don't jump rope
16. Do you even know how long a week is? 7 days
17. Do you play Neopets? no
18. Do you think it’s totally gay?no clue
19. Or do you secretly love it and want to be all cool and stuff? no
20. Have you ever lied? yes
21. Do you ever want to lie? already have
22. Are you going to get married? no
23. Are you going to have 2.5 children? no
24. Is that even possible? no
25. Do you like money? no
26. What’s your name? E.N.S.
27. What’s your nickname? The Keeper Of Suffering & Sorrow
28. Do you hate me? no
29. You don’t even know me and you hate me. What’s wrong with you? i don't hate you
30. Am I driving you mental? no
31. Are you already mental? yes
32. Have you ever sky-dived before? no
33. Are you scared of heights? no
34. What’s you dog’s name? i don't have a dog
35. What’s your cat’s name? kitty
36. Do you have a beard? no
37. Is it itchy? no
38. Do you shave it often? no
39. Are you going to spontaneously combust in five seconds? no
40. Are you going to take me with you? no
41. Do you even know what spontaneously combust means? yes
42. Have you ever kissed someone? no
43. Were they hot? I don't know yet
44. What’s your favorite color? black
45. What color is your hair? brown
46. If you could dye your skin, what color would it be? black with red tribal tattoos
47. Who’s your least favorite person? Calli Rose Vasquez
48. Do you have a plan to kill them? not kill, humiliate
49. Do you hide such plans in your basement/lair? yes
50. H’OMG. You reached question 50! Are you happy? no
51. Are you going to dance in your underwear with happiness? no
52. Or are you going to fight the force and run around nakie? yes
53. Are you hungry? no
54. Do you want some of my mashed potatoes? no thx
55. What time is it right now? 9:39am
56. How long have you been sitting here? 12min
57. Are you going to visit my shop? yeah
58. Are you going to buy something? maybe
59. Are you at least going to vote in the poll to earn your greedy little heart some gold? yeah
60. Does your hand hurt? no
61. My fingers are cold. Will you somehow light a match for me? yes
62. Are you my friend? if you want me to be
63. I hate you too. Gosh. Evil person. Malevolent: I'm taht d@mn evil
64. Did you notice that wasn’t a question? yeah
65. What is the sound of one hand clapping? no clue
66. If a tree falls in the middle of a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? yeah
67. How would you even know if it fell anyway? no clue
68. Do you like rhetorical questions? eh
69. Do you know what a rhetorical question is? yes
70. What’s a Bamzu? no clue
71. If you could choose between double sided tape of masking tape, which one would you pick? masking
72. Why? no clue
73. What’s your favorite word? damnation
74. What’s the first word you said? don't know
75. Is this extremely boring? no
76. Then why are you doing this? Idiot! i want to
77. Post your favorite smiley. twisted
78. Wow it’s ugly. You have an odd taste in Smileys. I psychotic remember
79. I’m running out of ideas. What’s a good question? favorite hero is?
80. Forget this. Are you ready for the next set of random questions? yes

This or That
81. Cats or Dogs? cats
82. Red or Pink? red
83. Black or White? black
84. Christmas or Halloween? halloween
85. This or That? this
86. Potatoes or Pickles? potatoes
87. Stamps or Tape? tape
88. Outside or Inside? outside
89. TV or Books? books
90. Video games or the Internet? vid games
91. Socks or slippers? socks
92. Cold or hot? cold
93. French or German? german
94. English or Spanish? english
95. Bunny or Hawk? hawk
96. Anime or Manga? anime
97. Furuba or Fruits Basket? f.b.
98. Jack or Jill? jill
99. Silver or Gold? gold
100. How much gold do you have now?
101. Night or day?
102. Good or Evil?
103. Boy or Girl?
104. Dead or Alive?
105. Soft or Hard?
106. Now or Never?
107. New or Old?
108. Beau or Belle?
109. Handsome or Beautiful?
110. Science or Civics?
111. Algebra or Grammar?
112. Lunch or Recess?
113. Luck or Fate?
114. Tattoo or Piercing?
115. Underwear or Boxers?
116. All or Nothing?
117. Square or Triangle?
118. Emerald or Ruby?
119. Diamond or Sapphire?
120. March or June?
121. On or Off?
122. Stop or Go?
123. Spiders or Bees?
124. Play or Work?
125. Greek or Roman?
126. Trickery or Honesty?
127. The Beginning or The End?

Tell Me the First Word that Comes to Your Mind
128. Bat
129. Halloween
130. Dog
131. Science
132. Test
133. Quiz
134. Nature
135. Sakura Blossoms
136. Rain
137. Bandana
138. Banana
139. Paper
140. 140
141. Mouse
142. Blue
143. Green
144. Fire
145. Word
146. Clip
147. Guy
148. Police
149. School
150. Jail
151. Quix
152. Spell
153. Splee
154. Ron Bruise
155. Alien
156. Study
157. Knife
158. Mistake
159. Music
160. Lullaby
161. Ninja
162. Avatar
163. Icon
164. Chocolate
165. End
166. No
167. Subliminal
168. Message
169. Light
170. Forever

Yes or No
171. Do you enjoy living?
172. Have you ever seen the movie Spirited Away?
173. Do you like listening to music?
174. Have you ever thought about suicide?
175. Have you ever had a nightmare?
176. Can you drive yet?
177. Do you have any pets?
178. Have you ever had a night terror?
179. Do you know what a night terror is?
180. Do you like playing video games?
181. Do you like Role Playing?
182. Do you remember the first time you went to school?
183. Are you old enough to vote?
184. Are you married?
185. Do you have children?
186. Do you believe in love at first sight?
187. Are you sad?
188. Do you miss the Crocodile Hunter?
189. Do you have to study for a Science test tomorrow?
190. Is your favorite season summer?
191. Do you play any sports?
192. Do/did you get good grades?
193. Are you a ladies man?
194. Do you play Dance Dance Revolution? (DDR)
195. Are you happy now?
196. Are you supposed to be doing something important?
197. Are you lazy?
198. Are you clever?
199. Do you want me to stop this?

More Questions
200. How much gold do you have now?
201. What’s your favorite season?
202. What kind of music do you listen to?
203. Do you get nightmares when you eat dessert after eight PM?
204. What car do you have?
205. What kind of car do you want to have?
206. Have you ever played Kingdom Hearts?
207. What kind of game console do you play the most?
208. Do you think falling sakura blossoms are romantic?
209. Do you even want to fall in love?
210. What sports do you play?
211. Are you a boy or a girl?
212. Do you know what an element is?
213. What month were you born in?
214. What’s your Chinese Zodiac animal?
215. Are you a Rooster like me?
216. What’s your star sign?
217. Are you an Aries, like me?
218. Do you like learning about the Zodiac and things like that?
219. Are you a tree-hugger?
220. Are you a vegetarian?
221. How long have you been doing this?
222. What time is it?
223. Are you listening to music?
224. What do you feel like listening to?
225. Do you have an Ipod?
226. Is your computer so old it doesn’t know what an Ipod is?
227. Do you want to continue?
228. Do you think there should be a prize for finishing this quiz?
229. What should it be?
230. What’s your favorite forum on Gaia?
231. Do you have a Minishop?
232. Do you want a Minishop?
233. Can you believe I’m making these up as I go?
234. How many friends do you have on Gaia?
235. Is that more or less than the amount you have in the real world?
237. How many of them are online right now?
238. Are any of them hidden?
239. Do you know how you can hide yourself?
240. Do you know what Anime is?
241. Do you know what Manga is?
242. Have you ever eaten pocky?
243. What’s your favorite flavor of pocky?

244. Movie?
245. Song?
246. Book?
247. Anime?
248. Manga?
249. Website?
250. Color?
251. Computer?
252. Class?
253. Food?
254. Country?
255. Continent?
256. Language?
257. Name?
258. Person?
259. Enemy?
260. Animal?
261. Font?
262. Number?
263. Clothes Style?
264. Time?
265. Day?
266. Month?
267. Holiday?
268. Currency?
269. Office Supply?
270. Candy?
271. Flavor?
272. Year?
273. Famous Person?
274. Place?
275. State?
276. Province?
277. Shape?
278. Subject?
279. Video Game?
280. Fictional Character?
281. Constellation?
282. Zodiac Animal?
283. Gaian Friend?
284. Button?
285. TV Show?
286. Element?
287. Direction?
288. Season?
289. Question?
290. Ninja?
291. Era?
292. Word?
293. Letter?
294. Sentence?
295. Ocean?
296. Flower?
297. Car?
298. Racing Driver?
299. Bubble?

Back to This Again
300. How much gold do you have now?
301. Do you have a boyfriend?
302. Do you have a girlfriend?
303. Do you know what a Quix is?
304. Neither do I. I think it’s misspelled.
305. Did you notice that number 236 is missing?
306. Did you just scroll back up to check it?
307. Are you now laughing at your own stupidity?
308. Do you have any social life at all?
309. Have your parents ever ruined any plans you had?
310. Do you sometimes wish that life would just end?
311. Do you know those are called suicidal thoughts?
312. If you could have any motorcycle you wanted, what kind would you get?
313. Is 13 an unlucky number?
314. Are you superstitious?
315. Who posted above you?
316. Who’s gonna post below you?
317. What’s your favorite instrument?
318. Did you think that I meant instrument of torture?
319. When was the last time you took a bath?
320. When was the last time you took a shower?
321. What’s your favorite animated movie?
322. What’s your favorite non-animated movie?
323. Do you think Ron Bruise is Tom Cruise in disguise?
324. Do you even know who Tom Cruise/Ron Bruise is?
325. Do you think that puppies are adorably cute?
326. Do you want some of my gold?
327. Guess how much gold you think I have right now.
328. What’s better, an electronic pencil sharpener or an old hand powered one?
329. Can you believe I’ve done 329 questions?
330. Do you think I can keep going?
331. Did you cheat and look to see how many questions were left?
332. Are you really not caring at the moment?
333. Do you wish I would just keel over, shut up, and die?
334. Have you ever cussed before?
335. Would you care if one of your friends told you he made out with a girl he knew for three hours underwater?
336. Did you know that one of my friends told me that?
337. Would you be emotionally scared for the rest of your life?
338. I am.
339. I’m getting bored. Should I stop?
340. Do you want more questions-that-aren’t-questions?
341. Like #338?
342. Too bad. You’re getting them anyway.
343. -sigh- Maybe I should stop…
344. I should really study for a test tomorrow…
345. Have you ever played Harvest Moon?
346. Which one?
347. Do you have a PS2?
348. What’s your favorite game for it?
349. What time is it now?
350. I’m stopping for tonight. But you can’t tell that.
351. Do you like football?
352. What’s your favorite team?
353. Are you upset the Redskins have been doing so suckish lately?
354. Have you ever read the manga Fruits Basket?
355. Who do you like best out of it?
356. Did you know it’s also called Furuba?
357. Are you upset that the next one that comes out will be all the way in April…? (T=T)
358. Ah~! I bet you’re from the future and have no idea what I’m talking about!
359. When does the next Fruits Basket come out in your world?
360. Have you ever been to Italy?
361. I’m going there during spring break. Isn’t that grand?
362. Do you know what the drinking age is in Italy?
363. What’s your favorite restaurant to eat at?
364. What would you do if you liked your best friend’s boyfriend?
365. DO you like your best friend’s boyfriend?
366. Shame on you! Oh well. I do too. It’s okay.
367. Actually… Nevermind. Go away.
368. WAIT don’t leave me!
369. Why are you taking this quiz?
370. What’s the farthest away you’ve ever been from your home?
371. What’s your favorite flower?
372. Do you know how to play piano?
373. What’s the best gift you’ve ever gotten?
374. Do you drink soda?
375. If you could act in any play, which would it be and why?
376. Do you have any pets?
377. I have a dog. He’s very fluffy. I wish you were fluffy…
378. Wow. That question disturbed me.
379. ANYWHO! Have you ever flamed someone before?
380. Do you know what flaming is?
381. What’d you say to them?
382. Are you eating right now?
383. What are you eating?
384. Can I have some…?
385. Please…? I’m starving!
386. I bet you’re eating mashed potatoes… Am I right?
387. I know I am. Stop lying.
388. Nuh-uh! I can see you! Yes, you, sitting in front of the computer, reading this question!
390. Is it Christmas time where you are?
391. It is here. We got a tree yesterday, and I got to pet a cow. <3
392. Do you know what <3 < ----- that is?
393. ORLY? What is it?
394. You’re wrong! Haha! Sucker!
395. Guess how many pages there are right now.
396. No, not on Gaia, stupid. I mean how many pages of this quiz there are on my Microsoft Works thingy.
397. I’ll tell you the answer in question 439...
398. Seriously. Go check.
399. You loser! If you had gotten the answer right I would have given you 1,000 more Gold!
400. Woooo! Number 400! So how much gold do you have now?
401. How much gold do you think I have?
402. I probably have more than you. Sucker.
403. Have you ever seen the Nutcracker? Like, in play format?
404. Have you ever given a hobo a ride?
405. OMG. That’s dangerous!
406. What’s the one animal you wish you could be?
407. If you could cuss at me and I could hear it, which word would you use?
408. Ohhhh, I get it. You’re a pansy and don’t want to cuss, because ‘the man’ will bring you down//
409. Just kidding, I don’t blame you.
410. How many friends do you have?
411. Why do I care?
412. So back to that animal thing. Why?
413. That’s not a good reason!
414. I love you.. And you know it.
415. Are you married?
416. Did I already ask that question? Hmmm… I wonder…
417. Oh well, whatever. What’s your favorite country?
418. Can you speak a language other than English?
419. What is it?
420. Can you even speak English at all?
421. I can speak French! Can you?
422. Actually, I’m a beginner. T=T
423. Je ne parle pas! I have a cold…
424. No, Je ne parle pas does NOT mean I have a cold. Idiot.
425. Only those with great wisdom know… That it means…
426. Wow, look at the time! I gotta eat something.
427. Have you ever seen a play before?
428. What’s your favorite play?
429. Have you ever been in a school play before?
430. Have you ever been to an Anime Convention?
431. Which one?
432. Say a random number.
433. What’s your favorite Happy Bunny saying?
434. Do you even know who Happy Bunny is?
435. Do you believe in Santa Claus?
436. Why not?!?
437. What time is it now?
438. The next question makes fun of you… Haha.
440. Tell me what a baka is.
441. Duh, I already know. Tell me.
442. Who’s your favorite band?
443. What’s the best style of music?
444. What color person are you?
445. What color do you think you are on the inside?
446. I meant spiritually, fool. We all know you’re red and other such colors.
447. How many calories do you burn in a day?
448. How old were you in 1987?
449. Have you ever built anything?
450. What was it?
451. What color is your carpet?
452. What color’s the wall?
453. What color’s the ocean? (Trick Question! o
454. Did you do the Gaia ‘06 Christmas Events?
455. What’d you get from caroling?
456. Did you get all the gift boxes?
457. What are the newest Donation Items right now?
458. What was in the last picture you took?
459. Have you ever stolen anything?
460. What’s your favorite quote?
461. If you could pick one superpower, what would it be?
462. Why did you join Gaia?
463. Which forum do you visit most?
464. What’s your favorite type of weather?
465. What are you looking forward to?
466. Are you a good or an evil person?
467. What do you think of Ron Bruise?
468. What do you fear most?
469. Where do you like to be?
470. What’s your favorite emotion?
471. Do you believe in the supernatural? (Ghosts, vampires and such)
472. What would you do if you saw a dead person lying on your bedroom floor?
473. Would you rather have someone laugh at you, or laugh at someone else?
474. If you could change something about yourself, what would it be?
475. Do you promise to answer the next question truthfully?
476. What’s your darkest secret?
477. Do you remember your last dream?
478. If so, what was it about? (If not, just post an odd face)
479. What are you most proud of?
480. Are you afraid of the dark?
481. What’s the thing/person you want the most?
482. Which hurts more: Wanting something you can’t have, or wanting something you know belongs to someone else?
483. Why are you taking this quiz?
484. If you could rule over any continent, which one would it be?
485. Which planet? (other than Earth)
486. Finish this: “Hell would freeze over before…”
487. Who’s your favorite Disney character?
488. Have you ever kissed a llama?
489. On the lips?
490. Do llamas even HAVE lips?
491. Do you have a big room?
492. Is there a TV in it?
493. Doughnuts or pie?
494. Do you own any fluffy things?
495. If there’s one person you had to share your room with, who would it be?
496. Meow or RAWR?
497. Have you ever gotten a gift box on Gaia?
498. What’s the date and time?
499. How much gold do you have now?
500. Sign your name and celebrate, for this is the last question!


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