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Dear Diary, What should I say today?
Dear Diary, Changes because of a Festival! What is going on?
"Tyson? Tyson, I'm heading upstairs for a few. Keep watching your shows and I'll be down later!" Lillian called from the top of the stairs.

"Okay!" Tyson replied from where he sat in the large living room. Seated comfortably on the couch, his eyes glued to the plasma tv that was mounted on the wall.

After hearing his reply, Lillian headed down the hall and towards her room. When she got their she opened the door that was heavily decorated with signs, streamers, and stickers. She shut it once she had stepped into her sanctuary, the place she came to rest and relax, her room.

"I'm home...Tyson is fine right now...Marm is fed...Tony is too...I watered the plants...looked in the classifieds for another job...and did some homework. Time to relax and have some time to myself!" Lillian cried with glee as she streched her weary body.

The sixteen year old quickly changed out of her school uniform and jumped into some sweats and a oversized sweatshirt. Why should she worry about appearences in her own home? All that was around was Tyson...no Aphi in sight.

The name struck Lillian once she thought of the face behind it. That young man she met at that festival only a day or two ago.

"Aphismet...I wonder what you're up to right now." Lillian murmured looking out her window and into her snowy yard. She paused for a minute, not realy realizing how much she was dwelling on him. Of course, it only took a minute or so for her brain to click and come back spitting with confusion and anger.

"Wait!! W-what am I doing thinking of a guy I just met? I should be thinking of more important things! Like...Like writing in my diary about what happened at that carnival!" Lillian told herself as she sat down in her comfy bed. She thought it would be a good idea to busy herself with her diary and not daydreaming of her new friend. Now she was busy muling over the thoughts that were still very present and new in her brain. Such as this "Lab 305"....or whatever that place was called that was hosting this whole event.

"Hmm...where did I...Ah Ha! Here it is!" She cried upon retrieval of her diary. With that, the young woman fluffed her pillows and leaned into them as she began flipping to a new and fresh page in the diary.(which wasn't too hard since the diary was only two pages full...not even that.)

"Where do I begin though?" Lillian asked herself as she looked down in puzzlement at the diary page that was presenting itself to her.

"Maybe here? Bah! What do I care? No one is gonna read this." Lillian replied to her own question as she began to write down all that she could remember about the festival.

Dear Diary,

Well, a few days ago I had one of the biggest scares of my life! That actually turned out well in the end...as bad as that sounds. Weird, huh?

It began with Tyson running off during our deliveries. That kid decided he was bored and wanted to do something else instead of working with me. Not only did he leave me with an unfinished job, but he gave me a heart attack when I realized he wasn't in the sled when I got back!

Yes, we are using a sled right now to do our deliveries with! It's still too snowy to bring out the good old red wagon. Maybe in a few more weeks we'll be able to, but for now I dont feel like dragging that thing through a snow obstacle course.

Now, I looked all over to find Tyson after his disappearance. I thought Cid and Donny might have found him. Those two men are freaks if you ask me. I've been seeing them around a lot lately, and they are some creepy dudes.

Cid is a little guy, maybe a inch or two taller than me while Donny is huge! Donny is very tall and very big weight wise. I know I'm rather chubby, which I am working on! But Donny is REALLY chubby. Yet, I did get a chance to see if under all that fat he had some muscles, and sad to say he does. Between those two I think Cid is the brains and Donny is the brawn. That's usually how it goes for those creepy duos on the tv shows and comics right? Well, I saw them again yesterday and even today. Those creeps showed up at my school to see how Tyson and I were and if our house was safe. They say they know mom and dad but I'm not too sure. I still don't trust them. Both are very sketchy looking, like they were involved in some shady things in the past...heck they could be involved in something right now for all I know.

Anyways! I'm not gonna fill you up with that junk, Diary. Back onto the festival!

After I ran about for a good chunk of time and burned all the food I ate in a week off. I finally came upon a gathering hosted by this Lab 305. They had a sign up but I never got a chance to look at it when I came rushing through. On our way out it looked to be something French...Party de Amoure? or...was it Party till the Cows come home? Hmmm.....ah well. Who cares?

Well, once I got there I looked like one big fool. Screaming Tysons name out and running through all the people. Boy, was that one introduction. No one seemed to want to help me out though. A lot of people turned away and ignored my hollers. Just shows how bad our society has become!

I finally got fed up with the ignorance and took hold of one pretty woman's shoulder and shook it! Rash? Of course! It had to be rash! I lost my brother!

When she replied to my cries she told me he was over harrassing some Dr. guy. I knew I was doomed when I heard that. Tyson always gets into trouble and I always have to get him out of it. Just, as he gets deeper and deeper into the trouble the people get meaner and meaner.

Boy, was this guy weird looking! He looks like a demon out of my fairy tale books, or a villian out of Tyson's comic books. The guy had horns, pointy elf ears, and a devil's tail! He even had the long flowing hair to finish up the look.

When I got over he wasn't happy at all. The Cause? Tyson...Later on when we went home Tyson told me he pulled the guys tail. I don't blame him though. The weirdo was pretty creepy looking to me, just think of what he looked like to little Tyson!

Well, I begged for forgiveness and had Tyson join in. Before the guy could get a word out we ran! I gave him about twenty or fifty dollars...whatever was in my range of grasp in my purse. Bah, pocket lint ya know? I think it could have gone to a better cause though than become this guys forgiveness present. What was his name again? Dr.K....Dr.Cutie? Dr.Key...Dr.Kanch....Dr.Kyou! Yes! That's it! I think that's what the lady told me.

After we went barreling through the people, I came across a flowerstand! Don't worry Diary, you'll be able to experience the beauty that I saw and smelled. Once the flower I bought wilts I'll put it within your papers to keep it as a memory of that day.

Speaking...or Writing about the flowerstand! I met such a rude creature! His name was Rivener! Ooooh talk about a man who can get your blood boiling! He was so rude to little Tyson! Telling him to shut up! The kid was just asking him questions and he shouts in his face. When I told him he should've said something else he starts talking back to ME! Sadly, Tyson wanted me to buy some flowers for some Chloe and Roux he met. He still has to give the flowers to them, but he wants to finish his cards beforehand. I don't know much about these two, so I'm going along with him when he goes to give them their gifts. The cards say "Sorry" on them for some reason....guess he made them mad too....

Well! After speaking to Rivener. That little demon floating creature...he's a Raevan. Whatever that is. Maybe it's another term for a cloud beast? Yes! I did say cloud! Or something like that...he had no legs but he floated around carelessly. After looking around more I noticed that there were a couple more of those legless beings. Diary, they look so much like fantasy story characters I read about in those books mom and dad got me long ago. Maybe they are? I thought those things didn't exist though! Well....anything can happen right?

Once we walked away from that flowerstand and the bad mouth Rivener I met the nicest person. Well...I'm sad to say I met him at a type of chance game....The Lucky Pan was it? I think so. The prizes were these adorable Raevan plushies! Too bad my luck is awful and I didn't win one for Tyson. Maybe next time right? Besides he has plenty of toys. If he wanted to he could start his own store.

Now...back to <3Aphi<3 Aphismet. I met him after going over to the lucky pan. I have to thank Tyson since he's the one who got all us talking. My little boy accidentally bumped into Aphismet after chasing after me.

Aphi was so nice and charming...and so cute too! Tyson called himself a cupcake and Aphi went right along with it! He told him that he looked delicious and if Tyson wasn't so fast, he'd eat him right up! No Diary, that is not ***** language! Aphi was cute too nice to ever be something as disgusting as that.

What surprised me was how well he was with Tyson. I almost keeled over at how well he handled Tyson's energy and boisterous self! Usually people get angry with all his questions, loud voice, his actions, and him just being him. I'll use that Dr, Kyou and Rivener as an example for that. As well as Madam Boux who lives next door. She doesn't like Tyson because of that either.

Aphi on the otherhand found it normal! He said that it ws good Tyson was so curious and like this because he was just a child and that's how they are supposed to act. Oh...Aphi. You're such a prince.

I was frightened when he found out about our...perdicament. I thought he surely was going to call the cops and squeal on us! He showed so much concern for us, it was darlingsweet. I don't think he has told anyone yet, and he promised to keep our secret safe.

I'm okay with him knowing, but even when he offered assistance I said no. No? Yes, no. I can handle this. It's not hard. I'm doing exactly what I did before when Nanny was around. We're living the same lives. Sure, we might now be endangered, but I've been taking care of that! We're safe. I have baseball bats in every room and closet, and our traps are holding up. Sure, three or five were crushed acouple of days ago but we built some more yesterday. I have nothing to fear. WE have nothing to fear. I'm doing this to prove to myself that I can make it on my own in life. If you can't hold your own at sixteen you'll never make it through life! I'm not afraid of waking up one night to see someone standing beside my bed. They wouldn't be able to get in. Right? I'm not afraid of Mom and Dad getting killed somehow while traveling. Right? Police won't come and take Tyson away from me right? We'll live a happy life! I'm making it just fine! I'm the mom in this house now and I've done a darn good job in it! No doubts, no fears. Life will stay good as gold. For I am a Maevin, and we Maevin's live our lives without any help. We are strong and courageous! right...?...no doubts...no fears...

Ugh! Look at my ramblings! Anyways, back to Aphi! <3 Ugh, I think I might have a crush on the guy. I know he's older, but he's just too cute and kind.... No! We're just friends! He's too old and I'm too busy! I have a boy to look after and a home to keep safe! He's just around to keep Tyson happy. I don't need him. He's just a friend. A person to have playmates with with his kids and mine.

Tyson? My kid...never thought I'd say that. He's my brother but I guess he's also taken on the role as my child too. I'm taking care of him just like our mother would if she was ever around.

This weekend Aphi and I set up a playdate with him, his evil Raevan, his little brother, his Raevan(these two I have not yet met), Tyson, Marmaduke, and I at the park. I actually can't wait and am really excited. I just hope I don't make a fool out of myself when Aphi is around. Or infront of the dolt Rivener. Something tells me he's the type to bring up embarrassing moments if he ever had the chance to....

Aphi promised that Rivener would be kind to Tyson. That awful thing better be! If he isn't, he's going to get a piece of my mind! We'll be in a snowy area with good packing snow...snowballs will be a cynch to make! I'll make a few and bring them along incase he starts being rude earlier on. That way I'm prepared! Tyson has told me though that he doesn't want me to be mean to Rivener. Yes, ME!!! ME be mean to that brute!! ME his SISTER! The one who is looking out for him! That brat Rivener didn't even look at us when he came over to Aphi at the end of the festival.

Tyson is just too kind, innocent, and naive. He thinks these Raevan are superheroes. The beings he wishes he could someday become. I think Tyson would make a good superhero. He is always looking out for others, and by then he will be able to control all that energy of his and will be more polite. I'll make sure of that! The only thing we have to get by is not having any abilities. We have enough money to do something for him like BatMan. Boy, that man is sleek and so cool. Ty told me if he didn't fall in radioactive goo or get biten by a spider any time before he is sixteen(my age, of course!) than he's going to become a superhero like Batman.

Hmmm...I think Aphismet means well in setting this playdate up. I just am worried as to how it will go. Rivener is no superhero in my eyes. He's more like a supervillian. I just can hope for the best. Maybe I judged the guy wrong. He could have been just having a bad day...everyone does. Maybe he'll be a ray of sunshine at the park. For Tysons sake and for my health and sanity it would be nice if he were. I'll tell Tyson that he should restrict his questions and shouts while we're at the park.

Hehe, Aphi now has my phone number. <3 He asked for my phone number so we can stay in contact for the kids. I was so stupid I forgot to get his! I should make a note to myself to get it when we are at the park.

Diary, you should know Tyson and I have always made our own messages for the answering machine. Now I have to monitor our phone to make sure our answering machine is never heard! It's so embarrassing but I can't make myself delete it. I just don't want Aphismet to hear me. I sound so immature and like such a little kid. I want him to see me as a mature woman who can handle her own life and take care of here family. If he hears that machine than that will all go out the window! I don't think he's called yet, there's no messages.....not like I've been keeping tabs...really I haven't.

Oh I hope he doesn't hear us singing our superhero song! Ugh, how humiliating if he does hear it!

Dun dun dun! Here comes Super Tyson! Toot toot toot! Here comes Super Lilly! Saving the day! left and right! Forward on we go! We're off fighting the supervillians right now! Leave a message and we'll send you one back! When we come back from Saving the Day!! Hi-YAH!

Yes...that's what we sing....stupid I know but Tyson likes it. I admit I like it too. I just don't want Aphi to think differently of me.

Wow....I talked about Aphi a lot....I'm such a teenager! Ugh! A mature woman would never right such junk. I'm too lazy to strike everything out though...so I'll leave it and come back to it another time.


There! Now I won't like him anymore like that. Not that I ever did...We're friends. FRIENDS!

Bah...what else happened at the fair? Hmmm in the end when we were walking out Tyson ran back and got us these HUGE cookies. Whoever cooked them was really generous....or really stupid and has no idea how to read directions.

Here's what it looked like.

User Image

Despite it's look it was actually pretty good. Tyson and I spilt them both. In the first one on my side of the cookie was a note. I'll keep it in here, just another momento.

"Remember, the greatest gift is not found in a store nor under a tree, but in the hearts of true friends." -- Cindy Lew

Cute phrase, huh? I understand it but I doubt it has anything to do with me. Maybe Tyson? Bah, I never get anything right from those fortune cookie papers.

Well....I just looked up at the time and it's getting late! I need to go downstairs and see how Tyson is and think about what to make for dinner. Hmm...good old Mac n' Cheese? Or maybe some soup? It's still chilly out so I'd like to make something nice and warm!

Well, bye for now diary! I'll get back to you later! Few more days and we're off to the park! I'm sure we'll have tons of fun. I can't wait to meet Aphi's little brother and the other raevan. Let's hope this one will be more polite...and let's hope Rivener will be nicer too.

Good night Diary! My thoughts are safe within your papers.

With that final sentence Lillian released her pen from her grip and looked back at what she wrote. "Wow...that is a lot...I guess it isn't that hard to write in a diary. I think I could get used to this!"

Lillian giggled and closed her book, hiding it under her pillows. Yes, she knew that wasn't the safest of places for such a sacred thing....but it wasn't like someone was going to read it.

Tyson would be bored stiff if he tried to read all that she wrote.

"Well...time to go make dinner!" Lillian told herself as she stood up from her bed and streched her arms high above her head."Ahh....few more days. Few more days." She sang as she slipped into some slippers and headed out her bedroom door.

{{OOC: Cookie was made by Kyoupiruchi and was given out, along with the quotes, to participants of the Partie D'Amour. Also, Aphismet, the Woman who is Natsuki, Dr.Kyou, Chloe, Roux, and Rivener are not mine. They belong to the people in the guild Lab 305. Lillian, Marm, Tyson, Tony, Cid, and Donny are all my characters. Thank you.}}

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