well since this is my first pOst On my jOurnal imma start Off by intrOducing myself...my name is kyO and i LOVE anime...right nOw im watching yakitate japan, narutO, narutO shippuden, basilisk, wOrld Of narue, kare kanO, fruits basket, baki the grappler, and Ouran highschOol hOst club...and fOr manga, at the mOment im reading kare kanO and ay yOri aOshi...im alsO a beginner in the japanese dialect which sOmeday mOve tO japan and marry HINATA HYUGA (well...at least sOmeOne whO has the cOmmOn characteristics Of her) lOl...im a filipinO engulfed in fascinatiOn Of the japanese culture...im alsO a prOud member Of twO japanese guilds and One jpOp guild...and i alsO fOund Out my authentic japanese name which is FUJIWARI TAIKI (thanks tO One Of the japanese guilds im in)
Community Member
I like Ichigo (Bleach), Kyouya Ootori (Ouran High School Host Club), and L (Death Note) xP.