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Icon's Journal V1.0
Yes...there are versions of my journal! Why you may ask? Because every journal should have something special about it. Enjoy!
My Computer is Getting A Massive Upgrade.
So I want to save my precious files here. Just in case I lose them on a floppy....xD

The first two are stories if you are interested in reading them. One's for aquabregade_queen, another is for one of my made-up animals.

Then the last section are lyrics cause I'm hardcore like that. 8D

How did this happen?

Fixing his beard, an old man eyed the children that were sitting before him. Noticing the children’s eagerness to hear another story, the old man picked up his cane and asked the children in a hoarse voice, “What do you see here in my hands children?” A girl with long, silky hair that was the color of a deep rosy red had raised her hand, but then put it down quickly. After that, all of the other kids decided to shoot their hands into the air. The girl though was holding her hand and looking at the old man as if she was sorry for hurting him. The old man saw the expression on her face and stood up, held the cane with his right hand, and walked to the little redheaded girl. Confused, the girl looked away bashfully, tossing her hair over to hide her face. “Rose, I know you didn’t mean any harm. Thank you for warning me.”

Walking back over to his tree stump, the old man took his cane and whacked a bush at the end of the stump. A dog that was foaming at the mouth had fallen over with a lump on its head. “See this kids? We all could’ve been hurt by this creature. Now…” The old man had sat back down on his tree stump and continued, “Who wants to hear a story about how and why we live in this glorious city?” This time, all of the children shot their hands up at the Heavens, even Rose. Clearing his throat, the old man asked once more, “See my walking stick, children? When I was very young, my grandfather had made this stick for my father because he couldn’t move his right leg at all for it was paralyzed. What you see here was not what it looked like 90 years ago-”

Interrupting, a boy of 10 blurted out, “You’re almost 100? Holy cow! Wait…does that mean you’re as old as the world or the universe?” Except for Rose, all of the other kids laughed until the old man yelled out over their laughter.

“Quiet! All of you!” When the kids all hushed and some hugging each other out of reaction, the old man continued once more, “Listen well, Billy. If you don’t, Aquarius will haunt you in your sleep for all an eternity! Now, let me finish my story. Where was I…? Oh, I remember now… about 90 years ago, you couldn’t find these. The only place you could get one sturdy like mine was in the woods and even then it was a dangerous place. Did we find this stick? No. According to my grandfather, he had told me that a water angel gave this stick to him. None of us believed him then but now, we are starting to believe his words…Why do I say this? Because it is believed that one of Aquarius’ ancestors had become a spirit who had guarded the rivers of the Algora Mountains. Let me take you into a land that was once your city.”


Almost twenty five years ago, something strange had happened to the world. Something…abnormal. Something different. Was it a miracle? Was it meant as an omen? Or did the fate of this mysterious…”subject” depended on it’s own will when it was the right time? No one knows but soon, everyone would find out…

“Ahhh! I’m late! I’m late! I’m late!”

Running frantically around her room, a girl of fourteen tossed her clothes on and ran out into the kitchen. Pushing everything out of the way, the girl didn’t stop until she found her breakfast pastry. “Ugh! I’m gonna be sooo late! I’ve never been this late before!” Stuffing the pastry into her mouth, the girl grabbed her backpack and ran out the door, locking it with her keys. Once she was done, she stuffed her keys in her back pants pocket and jumped off of her front patio. Hair flying into her face, the girl yelled out, “Why me? What did I do to deserve this?” Kneeling on the ground and digging through her backpack, the girl found a clip that she could use for her hair. Grabbing her hair, the girl twisted it and added the clip in to where her hair would hold.
“There…that should do but now, I’m later than ever!” Picking up her bag and hugging it, the girl ran as fast as she can to her bus stop. Stopping and leaning against a pole, the girl huffed and puffed as she slid down to the ground. “I’m late! I’m late! I’m late…”
Walking up behind the girl, another girl tapped her on the shoulder and asked, “So, Aqua. Whacha late for? Last time I checked, you’re pretty early.”

“Huh? I’m late though! It’s 7:27 and the bus came at 7-te-Crystal?!” Standing up and turning around, the girl came face-to-face with Crystal, another girl, and three guys. Blinking, the girl stood there with a dumbfounded expression. After awhile, the girl asked while pointing her finger in front of her, “Who reset it?”
Crystal shrugged her shoulders and looked at the girl behind her. Shrugging her shoulders to, the girl behind Crystal said, “I dunno Crystal! From what I can remember, Aqua decided to set her watch like 15 minutes earlier than the regular time so she wouldn’t have to be late anywhere again! But I guess that was all a figment of my imagination!”
“Oh I remember now, Alex! She did do that!” Crystal replied in a mocking tone with her hands on her hips. Holding out her wrist, Crystal showed Aqua her watch. “See? You’re early.”
Sighing in relief, Aqua hit her forehead softly with her palm and said, “I’m such a dunce!”
“But not as big as me…” Crystal pointed out as she gave Aqua a noogie. Releasing Aqua, Crystal said, “So…since we’re all here early, we might as well walk to school. Who’s hungry?” A wide smile presented itself on Crystal’s face.
A finely dressed boy stepped forward and put his hand on Crystal’s shoulder, sighing. “Crystal. When do you not think about your stomach?”
“Yeah! I mean, come on! Do you want all that food to go down to your thighs?” A boy with a clown nose and a black cat walked up to Crystal as well and ruffled her hair. Tapping his clown nose with his other hand, the boy said, “Rad thinks you should try to start eating dinner so you’re not starving yourself in the morning.”
Crystal looked over at Alex and Aqua with an expression that said, “Help me out here!” Looking back at Rad and the other boy, she said, “Well…uh…you see…I…um…Aqua? Any ideas?”
Standing up straight, Aqua pointed her thumb and Alex saying, “Both Crystal and Alex stayed at my house after you, Billy, and Daniel left. Then like at 9…those two went to Alex’s house and that’s all I know. We didn’t eat dinner because we had a bunch of ice cream and stuff after school, remember Rad? Or did the candy get to your head?”
“Still! You have to eat dinner pr at least eat breakfast!” Rad pointed out as he grabbed his cat. Crystal saw the cat and patted it on the head. Soon, she wound up stealing the cat from Rad and ran down the street towards the school.
“Fine Rad! I’ll just get to school early to eat! HA!” Crystal exclaimed as she hugged Rad’s cat and ran. “Catch me if you can!”
“Crystal! That’s not fair! You took a head-start! Wait for me and Aqua!” Alex yelled out as she grabbed Aqua’s hand and said in her normal voice, “Come on guys. Crystal might trip on her way.” Pulling Aqua now, Alex started to power-walk that soon became a jog.
Lagging behind, Daniel and Billy put the right hands on their backpack straps and said, “Let’s go.” With that, they left Rad to run by himself unless he decided to run with them. Within seconds, Rad was caught up and already ahead, almost caught up to the girls.

“I’m gonna get you Crystal! Give me back Untitled you evil person!”

Besides Rad and Crystal yelling at each other, all you could hear was laughter until they reached the school. Crystal stopped on a dime and stared at what was left of their beautiful school. Rad stopped shortly after her as did the others. Aqua stood there next to Crystal and stared at the school with a happy expression but sad eyes. Then Aqua gasped. “Oh no!”

Crystal turned around quickly and asked, “What’s wrong, Aqua?”

“Mother’s necklace…”

“What about Mother’s necklace?”

“It was in my locker!” Aqua took off jumping over a low-cut bush and ran down a path of cobblestones and ashes along with some little fire spots. Huffing and puffing, Aqua kicked open what was left of the entrance of the school and ran inside. Crystal gave Untitled back to Rad and ran after Aqua. Soon, the others ran after Crystal out of instinct and reaction. Crystal stopped at Aqua’s side and stared at her black locker, tears falling from her eyes. Without a second glance, Crystal hugged Aqua and cried along side her.
Realizing what was happening, Alex took Aqua’s hand and held it between her own, whispering, “I think your mother was happy that you weren’t here when the fire happened. Her soul will live on within everything you cherish. Even us since she was like our mother too. It’s okay.” Alex then hugged Aqua and Crystal while trying to hold back tears.
Walking up to the girls, Rad and Daniel looked at each other and then at Aqua. On the other hand, Billy walked up to Aqua’s locker and reached inside, looking for something. Rad looked at Billy and asked him, “Hey, what are you lookin’ for?”
“This.” Pulling out a small pile of ashes, Billy picked up a piece of a tarnished string and said, “If it wasn’t for the bag it was in, your mom’s necklace would’ve really been history.”
Aqua cheered up a little at the thought of this and she and Crystal stopped crying. Clearing her throat now, Aqua then mumbled, “What is happening to me?”


A few weeks after the school incident and the necklace being restored, the group decided to have another “summer vacation” to hang out at the smoothie place down the street and surf at the beach again and all that jazz. But, something special was going to happen soon and everybody was really hyped up for it except for one person.

“Hey, Aqua! What do you want for your birthday?” Crystal had asked Aqua over the phone.

“Like I told you, I just want you and everyone else to be at my party. Nothing else.”


It was about 200,000 years ago when all was calm. Dragons roamed freely among the mountains, rivers, forests, and villages as did the habitants. Humans were unknown to this land but they were alive. The natural inhabitants of this land were dragons of all sizes, water serpents, wind serpents, animals of every species, and people. However, these people were unique. They had the appearance of elves, with pointed ears and such; they talked through song, they told stories through nature, and everything they made was with the natural elements of their world; earth, fire, air, ice, and water.

Everything was going smoothly until a very young dragon didn't come out to do her daily check-up on the river. An elderly dragon found out from the birds and glided over to the cave of the "lazy" dragon. Landing on the edge with a soft thump, which was amazingly soft for a dragon that weighed about the same as 15 full-grown elephants, the elderly dragon snorted and flames were emitted from his nostrils into the enclosed space of the cave.

The young one growled in response but yet, she didn't move for she had her back turned to the elderly one. With a flick of her tail, she blew smoke out of her nostrils and did nothing else after that. Only sat and waited.

Frustrated, the elder dragon bit the female on a laid-out wing and a growl formed deep within his rib cage, emanating a noise like a revved-up motorcycle. Scared and hurt, the young female jumped up and turned around, snapping and snarling like a mother wolf protecting her young.

The elder one noticed something strange about her and laid his head down. As soon as the female backed up into a corner and turned her back on him once more, a singly voice had risen within the cave saying, "I have no patience right now, elderly one. What do you want?"

Picking his head up and with a confused look on his face, the elderly dragon responded with a stern voice of a storyteller, “Look Sinlar. I will be as patience as a father waiting to see his newborn. I will not move from this here spot until you completely explain to me what is going on. I will wait until my death day if I have to.”

Head off the ground, the female looked over her shoulder and tossed a glance at the dragon who was waiting for her reason why she had been neglecting her duties. Opening her jaw slightly, the young one hummed deep in her chest until she blew a thin line of fire around her and the elderly dragon, warming them up.

“If you say you have that much time, then I will answer your request. But, I have to be left alone now for I am weak and tired. When Dawn lights the sky tomorrow and the birds are sending the morning greetings, then I shall call for you. Until then, you will hear no more from me. Good night Liquidsteel.”

“Sinlar…” Sighing and showing that he was giving in, the dragon continued. “Fine. I shall go but mark my words. If you’re seeing that snake again, I will do something about it.” Waiting, the elder one sat there eyeing the young one with eyes of dark hatred.

Snapping, Sinlar looked over her shoulder and growled, “What do you have against serpents?! They are just like us! Nothing is wrong with them!”

“Don’t raise your voice to me!” Roaring, the elder dragon pushed himself out of the cave and glared at the female within the warm den. “They are not like us one bit! They are slimy, skinny, and they spend most of their time dilly-dallying while danger is approaching!”

Anger filling her heart, Sinlar jumped up and landed with a loud thud on the entrance of the cave, shaking some of the rocks off the edge. “They are NOT slimy and skinny and they do NOT dilly-dally when danger is near! They are us! Why can’t you understand that? There is absolutely no difference between them and us!”

“They are NOT like us in any way! I understand that perfectly! Last time I checked, WE are the ones fighting off the dangers that approach us! Not them! Their wards can’t even stay up long and strong enough to keep a hare out much less a stampede of raging elk! You think they are wonderful but there is nothing wonderful about imbeciles who don’t do anything to help us or to save their kin!”

Looking away very quickly and flicking her tail in disgust, Sinlar spoke in a voice no louder than a whisper. “To us, they might be small but they are incredibly amazing. To them, we are big but wise.”

“What did you say?”

Raising her voice, Sinlar said, “To us, they might be small but they are incredibly amazing. To them, we are big but wise.”

“I’ve had enough of this! Until you shape up and start taking your responsibility and the right life for a dragon, you are not to come out of this cave!”

“You can’t do that!”

“Related or not. Same blood or different, I will not tolerate with this nonsense.”

“But…Father! This is injustice!”

“Injustice or not, you will stay in this here cave for if you don’t, you’ll be spending a decade in the dungeons. No light, little food, and best of all…” a smirk had appeared across his snout, “no outdoors. So you wouldn’t be able to see you incredible friends.” Before Sinlar could say anything else, Liquidsteel created a firewall within the threshold of Sinlar’s cave.

Eyes full of shock and fear, Sinlar plopped down right there and stared at her father and the wall with wide eyes. Once Liquidsteel was finished with the wall, he flew off into the distant baby blue sky. Not knowing what to do, Sinlar let a crying roar burst from deep within her, shaking everything around her. Her cry fading into the now dark and gloomy abyss of her home, Sinlar took a quick glance at the outside world. Even the father that had shunned her from her very own happiness. Now the only thing Sinlar could do is weep and groan for the loss of her life, her friends. Even her freedom had been tossed away.

Feeling no need to stare out into the daytime sky, Sinlar turned around and walked back to her corner, circling it like a cat. Once she did a few rounds, she laid down, facing the blazing gate of horror, the gate of her closed dreams. Sighing deeply, Sinlar mumbled to herself, “O, Nightwind. Please help me out of this one. Please…”

Closing her eyelids to cover her glassy eyes, Sinlar feel into a deep sleep with a river tears flowing out of her eyes.


Spreading its proud wings and jumping off of a slippery wet rock, a serpent took off into the air, soaring as if it was made for the air itself.

Random Lyrics

Bad Boy - Cascada

Remember the feelings, remember the day
My stone heart was breaking
My love ran away
This moment I knew I would be someone else
My love turned around and I fell

Be my bad boy, be my man
Be my week-end lover
But don't be my friend
You can be my bad boy
But understand
That I don't need you in my life again

Won't you be my bad boy, be my man
Be my week-end lover
But don't be my friend
You can be my bad boy
But understand
That I don't need you again
No I don't need you again

Bad boy!

You once made this promise
To stay by my side
But after some time you just pushed me aside
You never thought that a girl could be strong
Now I show you how to go on

Be my bad boy, be my man
Be my week-end lover
But don't be my friend
You can be my bad boy
But understand
That I don't need you in my life again

Won't you be my bad boy, be my man
Be my week-end lover
But don't be my friend
You can be my bad boy
But understand
That I don't need you again
No I don't need you again

Every Time We Touch - Cascada
I still hear your voice,
When you sleep next to me.
I still feel your touch,
in my dreams
Forgive me my weakness,
But I don't know why,
Without you it's hard to survive

'Cause every time we touch,
I get this feeling
And every time we kiss,
I swear I can fly
Can't you feel my heart beat fast,
I want this to last,
Need you by my side
'Cause every time we touch,
I feel the static,
And every time we kiss,
I reach for the sky,
Can't you hear my heart beat so
I can't let you go,
Want you in my life.

(music beats)

Your arms are my castle,
Your heart is my sky.
They wipe away tears that I cry
the good and the bad times,
We've been through them all.
You make me rise when I fall..

'Cause every time we touch,
I get this feeling
And every time we kiss,
I swear I can fly
Can't you feel my heart beat fast,
I want this to last,
Need you by my side
'Cause every time we touch,
I feel the static,
Every time we kiss,
I reach for the sky,
Can't you hear my heart beat so
I can't let you go,
Want you in my life

'Cause every time we touch,
I get this feeling
every time we kiss,
I swear I can fly,
Can't you feel my heart beat fast,
I want this to last,
Need you by my side.

Miracle - Cascada
Boy meets girl
You were my dream, my world
But I was blind
You cheated on me from behind
So, on my own, I feel so all alone
Though I know, it's true,
I'm still in love with you!


I need a miracle, I wanna be your girl
Give me a chance to see, that you are made for me!
I need a miracle, please let me be you girl,
One day you'll see, it can happen to me!
I need a miracle,I wanna be your girl
Give me a chance to see, that you are made for me!
I need a miracle, please let me be your girl!
One day you'll see,It can happen to me,
(Can happen to me!)

Musical Break

(Miracle)- echo

Musical Break

Day and night,
I'm always by your side
Cause I know for sure,
My love is real, my feelings pure,
So take a try, no need to ask me why!
Cause I know, it's true,
I'm still in love with you!

I need a miracle, I wanna be your girl
Give me a chance to see, that you are made for me!
I need a miracle, please let me be your girl,
One day you'll see, it can happen to me!
I need a miracle,I wanna be your girl
Give me a chance to see, that you are made for me!
I need a miracle, please let me be your girl!
One day you'll see,It can happen to me, It can happen to me!

Musical Break

(Miracle) - echo

Musical Break


A Neverending Dream - Cascada

I'm waiting for the night drifting away
On the waves of my dreams to another day
I'm standing on a hill and beyond the clouds
The winds blowing still and catching my doubts
I'm hunting on the night the slave to my dream an illustrated seen decends in the sleep
We're playing for the fights emotional games
I'm turning off my eyes and hiding my shame

(Chorus)x 2
A neverending dream a dream of you I believe I received a sign of you
tonight I want to hide my feelings too
as you do and I want to be with you

I'm waiting for the night drifting away on the waves of my dreams to another day
I'm standing on a hill and beyond the clouds the wind's blowing still and catching my doubts

I'm watching all the flowers dyeing away
inheated breath of life at the dawning day I'm waking up in spring and kissing your face the sweet imoving thing I feel your imbrace

A neverending dream.......

(Chorus) x 2
A Neverending dream a dream of you
I beleive I received a sign of you tonight I want to hide my feelings too as you do and I want to be with you

(Chorus) x 1

Truly Madly Deeply - Cascada

I'll be your dream, I'll be your wish, I'll be your fantasy.
I'll be your hope, I'll be your love, be everything that you need.
I'll love you more with every breath
Truly, madly, deeply do.
I will be strong, I will be faithful
'Cause I'm counting on

A new beginning,
A reason for living,
A deeper meaning.

I wanna stand with you on a mountain,
I wanna bathe with you in the sea,
I wanna lay like this forever,
Until the sky falls down on me.

And when the stars are shinin brightly in the velvet sky,
I'll make a wish, send it to heaven, then make you want to cry.
The tears of joy for all the pleasure and the certainty,
That we're surrounded by the comfort and protection of

The highest powers,
In lonely hours,
The tears devour you.

I wanna stand with you on a mountain,
I wanna bathe with you in the sea,
I wanna lay like this forever,
Until the sky falls down on me.

Oh can't u see it baby?
You don't have to close ur eyes,
'Cause it's standing right before you,
All that u need will surely come.

I'll be your dream, I'll be your wish, I'll be your fantasy
I'll be your hope, I'll be your love, be everythin that you need
I'll love you more with every breath
Truly, madly, deeply do.

I wanna stand with you on a mountain,
I wanna bathe with you in the sea,
I wanna lay like this forever,
Until the sky falls down on me.

I wanna stand with you on a mountain,
I wanna bathe with you in the sea,
I wanna lay like this forever,
Until the sky falls down on me

I wanna stand with you on a mountain

Hurricane - Cascada

We where laying on the whitest sand,
Oh sun above seem to fall in land.
It seems like you and me could wait forever.
Oh put the cloud strolled in and the sky got dark then it kind to see the wind picked up.
A cold wind was coming time to run now or never more.

So come out of the storm why don't you babe.
Tell me that you love me that you're love won't change.
Cause the wind is blowing out gonna turn to a hurricane.
So come into my heart why don't you babe.
Show me what you've got if you need me today.
Cause the wind is coming out gonna turn into a hurricane.

You have 5 seconds to terminate this tape?

5? 4? 3? 2? 1?

So we took heaven from the pouring rain in an old broken down forgotten place
Upon high ground where the flood wouldn't drown us.
Oh the night was long, the wind was cold.
On your shoulder at the storm above
We were waiting for morning to make or get a way

So come out of the storm why don't you babe.
Tell me that you love me.
That you're love won't change.
Cause the wind is blowing out gonna turn to a hurricane.
So come into my heart why don't you babe.
Show me what you've got if you need me today.
Cause the wind is coming out gonna blow into a hurricane.

1000 Words Lyrics – Koda Kumi/Jade
I know that your hiding things
Using gentle words to shelter me
Your words were like a dream
But dreams could never fool me
Not that easily
I acted so distant then
Didn't say goodbye before you left
But I was listening
You fight your battles far from me
Far too easily
"Save your tears cause I'll come back"
I could hear that you whispered as you walked through that door
But still I swore
To hide the pain, when I turn back the pages
Shouting might have been the answer
What if I cried my eyes out and begged you not to depart
But now I'm not afraid to say what's in my heart
Though a thousand words
Have never been spoken
They'll fly to you
Crossing over the time
And distance holding you, suspended on silver wings
And a thousand words
One thousand confessions
Will cradel you
Making all of the pain you feel seem far away
They'll hold you forever
The dream isn't over yet
Though I often say I can't forget
I still relive that day
You've been there with me all the way
I still hear you say
"Wait for me, I'll write you letters"
I could see how you stand with your eyes to the floor
But still I swore
To hide the doubt when I turn back the pages
Anger might have been the answer
What if I'd hung my head and said that I couldn't wait
But now I'm stroing enough to know it's not too late
Cause a thousand words
Call out through the ages
They'll fly to you
Even though we can't see
I know they are reaching you, suspended on silver wings
Oh a thousand words
One thousand embraces
Will cradel you
Making all of your weary days seem far away
They'll hold you forever
Oh a thousand words (a thousand words)
Have never been spoken (ohh yeah)
They'll fly to you
They'll carry you home, (carry you home) and into my arms
Suspended on silver wings (on silver wings!)
And a thousand words (ohh)
Call out through the ages (call through the ages!)
They'll cradel you (ohh yeah)
Make all of the lonely years to lonely days (lonely days)
They'll hold you forever.
Ohhhhhhhhhhh a thousand words

Real Emotion Lyrics – Koda Kumi/Jade
What can i do for you
What can i do for you
What can i do for you
What can i do for you
I can hear you
What can i do for you
What can i do for you
What can i do for you
Far beyond the hazy borders of my heart
I can see a place
It's something like this
Every now and then I don't know what to do
Still I know that I
Can never go back
All the things I've seen
In those hazy dreams
Can't compare to what I see tonight
Everythings so different
That it brings me to my knees
And oh, I know, the world of Real Emotion
Has surrounded me
I won't give into it
Now I know, that world
It is the only way my heart can go
I hear your voice calling out to me
You'll never be alone
What can I do for you
What can I do for you
What can I do for you
I can hear you
What can I do for you
What can I do for you
What can I do for you
I don't plan on looking back on my own life
I don't ever plan
To feel I own you
Even if by chance everything should go wrong
You come in one day
And try to save me
If from time to time
It's an upward climb
All I know is that I must believe
Cause the truth I'm seeking
Always was inside of me
And when, I find, the world of Real Emotion
Has surrounded me
The many things that you
Taught me then
Will always be enough to get me through the pain
Because of you I am strong enough
To know I'm not alone
What can I do for you
What can I do for you
What can I do for you
What can I do for you
What can I do for you
What can I do for you
I can hear you
And if, I find, the real without the motion
Has surrounded me
And I can't go on
And you are there
The moment that I close my eyes
You comfort me
We are connected
For all of time
I'll never be alone
And oh, I know, the world of Real Emotion
Has surrounded me
I won't give into it
Now I know, that forward
It is the only way my heart can go
I hear your voice calling out to me
You'll never be alone
What can I do for you
What can I do for you
What can I do for you
I can hear you
What can I do for you
What can I do for you
What can I do for you
I can hear you
I can hear you

Dam Dadi Doo Lyrics – Nightcore
Dam dadi doo dam dam didoodi dam (4)

When the morning come come
I'm dancing like you're dumb dumb
And when the groove is high
when dummies jump to sky

if you feel the groove groove
the dummies have to move move
can you feel the beat the beat the beat

You never tell me what is wrong
'cause now it's time to be alone
let me love you everyday
so long you let the dummies play

dance to the beat dance dance to the beat (2)

Dam dadi doo dam dam didoodidam (4)

Dance dance to the beat

They tell me let's come home home
The party going on on
We only have to dance
Do dummies fall the trance

If you feel the groove groove
The dummies have to move move
Can you feel the beat the beat the beat

You never tell me whatis wrong
'cause now it's time to be alone
Let me love you everyday
So long you let the dummies play

Dance to the beat dance dance to the beat (2)

Dam dadi doo dam dam didoodidam (8.)

Never tell me what is wrong
Let me love you everyday

Dam dadi doo dam dam didoodidam (4)

I Write Sins Not Tragedies – Panic! At The Disco

Oh, well imagine, as I'm pacing the pews in a church corridor,
and I can't help but to hear, no I can't help but to hear an exchanging of words:
"What a beautiful wedding! What a beautiful wedding!" says a bridesmaid to a waiter.
"And yes, but what a shame, what a shame, the poor groom's bride is a whore."

I'd chime in with a "Haven't you people ever heard of closing a goddamn door?!"
No, it's much better to face these kinds of things with a sense of poise and rationality.
I'd chime in, "Haven't you people ever heard of closing a goddamn door?!"
No, it's much better to face these kinds of things with a sense of...

Well in fact, well I'll look at it this way, I mean technically our marriage is saved
Well this calls for a toast, so pour the champagne
Oh! Well in fact, well I'll look at it this way, I mean technically our marriage is saved
Well this calls for a toast, so pour the champagne, pour the champagne

I'd chime in with a "Haven't you people ever heard of closing a goddamn door?!"
No, it's much better to face these kinds of things with a sense of poise and rationality.
I'd chime in, "Haven't you people ever heard of closing a goddamn door?!"
No, it's much better to face these kinds of things with a sense of poise and rationality.


I'd chime in, "Haven't you people ever heard of closing a goddamn door?!"
No, it's much better to face these kinds of things with a sense of poise and rationality.
I'd chime in, "Haven't you people ever heard of closing a goddamn door?!"
No, it's much better to face these kinds of things with a sense of poise and rationality.


We Will Rock You – Queen

Buddy youre a boy make a big noise
Playin in the street gonna be a big man some day
You got mud on yo face
You big disgrace
Kickin your can all over the place

We will we will rock you
We will we will rock you

Buddy youre a young man hard man
Shoutin in the street gonna take on the world some day
You got blood on yo face
You big disgrace
Wavin your banner all over the place

We will we will rock you
We will we will rock you

Buddy youre an old man poor man
Pleadin with your eyes gonna make you some peace some day

You got mud on your face
You big disgrace
Somebody better put you back in your place

We will we will rock you
We will we will rock you

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