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`.~,~`Black and White Rainbows`~,~.`
Pouring Out My Heart, Whether It Be Amazingly Joyful, Dreadfully Maddening, Horribly Frightful, Or Terribly Sad.
The Experiment, The Drome, G-Corp, Spectors...Timmy?
Gaia's Spectors and the G-Corp Labtechs are all at it again. Labtech 072's profile mentions February 18th, today. A lot of killing, resurrecting, and mutations have been going on, not to mention how a labtech blew up G-Corp's West Wing killing several labtechs and grunnies. (Poor grunnies. T.T) Many were affected during the explosion, and 710 is almost like a human grunny, she resembles the little critters very well, but she does not act like them and she is ill as of now. Then there are the "Wraith," and the kidnapping of 550. That poor girl, how many times is she going to have a near death and actual death experience, not mention all the bringing dead people back to life and the violent reactions to the contents of certain syringes... I'm just waiting for everyone's intentions and for what today is about to be revealed. It has been made obvious that it is realated to the evolving items released recently, The Experiment and the Drome egg, but The Experiment the most so far. I even saw things about the Assasin's Guise being meant for Gaian's protection later on. Something about zombies as well...which reminds me of litttle Timmy's case. The evolving items expert, Dr. Singh, and her little partner Timmy. Since he was put in a barrel that seems to have contained the same substance as what makes The Experiment, he has been going through some rather disturbing transformations. A horn is protruding from his forehead, and scale-like spikes have formed all around it, like a protection. There actually seems to be a creature inside Timmy's head, in the back of his skull toward the bottom, there are cracks from a failed attempt at escaping, as well as swelling in other places, but when it finally broke through his forhead, it started burrowing out desperately to freedom. Either that or it's trying to take over Timmy's body and make it it's own, as it took out Timmy's normal eyes, has been growing the 'scales' on him for protection most likely, his arms are becoming so long he'll have to use them to walk soon....not to mention he now has a hunger for flesh, he sees Gaians like us as walking milkshakes for pete's sake! It's all because of the waste in that barrel, that is apparently the same sort of substance used for The Experiment! And returning to that subject, The Experiment seems to be what's getting a lot of people killed and turning others into...other things...Timmy is enough of an example for that... The Spector Detective Agency seem to really not want G-Corp to do whatever they're up to, for they say it will be disaster for all of us. I can actually agree with that idea, for with how long I've known Gaia every event that involves the Underground Testing Facility in the forums comes with some sort of monsterous disaster for Gaians, like Halloween a while back with the Grunny out break... Might be better for me to keep my mouth shut about that, just in case. However, the Labtech's still seem to have something good about them, and at least they try to fix their mistakes, so they might have something in store. I'm still deciding who's side I wish to take...What I want to know the most though, is what is going to happen with the Drome egg? What is the Drome egg for? In the description, it mentions G-Corp making the owner sign a waiver that any lost lives and such are not their fault, so it seems like the Drome egg is even more dangerous that The Experiment, though I could be wrong. The unleashed terrors of what I think may have been The Experiment are proof enough it's dangerous as well, once again, Timmy is a good example. Anyway, nothing much has happend with the Drome, except for that it's slowly starting to chip away at it's shell. I really want it to come out of there so I can see what it has to show for itself, at the same time I almost don't want it too since it may end up being even more dangerous that the Experiment....
Just know Gaians, take care, the Labtechs are up to something, the Spectors watch, wait, and know everything, and I hear there are other 'groups' getting involved as well, even individuals going out on their own. Today another disasterous out break may occur, so keep and eye out and be safe, and keep your back to wall. It's dangerous when these two groups are involved.

Images that may be interesting to whoever read this:

Images and symbols I've seen for the Spectors in their signatures:
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G-Corp's oh so famous and infamous picture, that 'G' :
[This First One Is The Header For A Majority Of Their Journals]
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Now, here's Timmy's 'evolution,' the poor boy, feels like the Labtechs are using him as a Lab Rat since he was exposed to The Experiment and hasn't died yet, and is mutating instead!:
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Great, and now that Timmy bit Dr. Singh, I bet she's gonna get infected and start mutating too. Well, I think it serves her right, because I'm led to believe she agreed and LET the labtechs do this to poor Timmy, so it's only fair in the end for him to bite and infect her. I'm really starting to dislike her lately, if you can't tell. -sigh- Anyway, here's what I had to say about the transformations as each one progressed and came to be ( maybe progressed isn't the right word, makes it sound like it's a GOOD thing this is happening to him. = =; ) :

1.] This here, THIS is what, no WHO Timmy USED to be. Timmy was once just another innocent kid, a boy out to have fun watching the evolving items and working with Dr. Singh. Until that evil woman agreed to let G-Corp experiment on him. -sigh- Comparing Timmy like this to how he is now is really rattling.

2.] Dr. Singh is cruel. Dr. Singh is cruel. Dr. Singh is cruel. SERIOUSLY. Who the heck shoves their intern into a barrel of waste for being a little hyper!? That HAS to be her excuse for getting him exposed to The Experiment's contents for G-Corp.

3.] How long does she intend on keeping the poor boy in there?! Geez woman, what if he died? Guess who's going to be blamed and go to Gaia Prison? (I wish she would.)

4.] Well, at least he's finally out of the darn barrel, but not without cost. Look at the poor kid! His hair is tangled and messed up, his eyes swollen shut and even MORE messed up, his skin is GREY and even his clothes are screwed up! Uh, jail please?

5.] WHAT THE HELL DOC, HAVEN'T CHA EVER HEARD OF A HOSPITAL?! OR HELP FOR THAT MATTER?? Poor Timmy! His eyes have finally opened, but they're black as night and there's some serious swelling around them! DDD:

6.] And now he's losing the hair on his innocent little head. -insert slap to Dr. Singh's face- = =*

7.] Okay. Let me get this straight. Timmy. He's been in a barrel of waste. He's mutating. He's got swollen eyes. He has grey skin. He has lost all of his hair. Now he has a BRAIN sticking out the top of his head, and yet Dr. Singh is still SMILING!? Someone please put HER in an inescapable barrel of toxic waste.

8.] There's a grotesque and disturbing bump on this child's head, it looks like an overgrown zit that's getting ready to explode. Do you even CARE DR. SINGH?! YOUR INTERN IS TURNING INTO A FREAK OF NATURE.

9.] A horn. A horn. A HORN?! Of all things, a HORN pops out of his head?! What is this, turning Timmy into a unicorn/human/mutant hybrid?! Or is it something more? There are what look like scales forming around it, what are they for, I wonder? Not only that but Timmy's getting vicious... ;;>.>

10.] Yup, there's definitely somthing up with the gray 'scales' surrounding that horn. They're spreading. But. The most interesting growth. Timmy's arms have began to grow ridiculously long, I hope they don't get too long. I think that the possiblity that a creature is inside Timmy's brain has been confirmed and that there is according to some X-rays I saw from a labtech a while back, I think it's trying to take over Timmy's body if not escape....oh geez Timmy, what's gonna happen to you? Well, HELL, AT LEAST THAT DAMN DOCTOR STOPPED SMILING. Not very entertaining or funny anymore when your own intern who you DOOMED, looks at you hungrily and says you look like a giant, chunky, milkshake of blood, IS IT, DOC?

11.] He practically has scales for hair. - -; Hmmm....I don't see this resolving itself anytime soon, wasn't really expecting it to anyway. Gosh, I hope it doesn't spread to his whole body...afterall, I did mention it feels like the creature wants to take over... Timmy doesn't even look like his old self anymore, he's turning into a blood thirsty flesh hungry monster, no, zombie! Damn, what have they done with him? That poor boy, what in the world could Timmy possibly of done to deserve something as horrible as this...?

12.] AHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!! TAKE THAT DOC. I HOPE YOU MUTATE AND DIE WHILE TIMMY LIVES. -ahem- I mean....uh, yeah, it's Timmy's latest mutation I should be discussing, ha ha ha.... >_> Well, Timmy is now more terrifying than ever. There's a 'glint' in his eyes and drool that shows his 'hunger' falling from his mouth...I'm not sure where this is going, but I think that the Doc may end up transforming into a mutant or zombie as well, or something else; that is...if she even lives. Timmy might eat her.... Guess I'll just await for the next thing to happen...

13.] Dr. Singh is getting her arm devoured! : D And she said 'YEEP!' like Timmy used to! 0: I think she's going to start transforming like Timmy O_o Mwah hah hah hah... Hmm.... That reminds me, looks like The Experiment has joined the Drome in it's second stage of transformation! :3 It looks like a slimy, deformed, plant. With and eyeball. . .;; Anyway, I figure that Timmy is very close to finishing his transformations if not very far since he's already 'feeding.' >.> Dr. Singh has been assigned a similar fate to his I bet, that is, if she isn't eaten first. x x;

Here's Timmy's X-Ray For All To View:
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Another thing. There has GOT to be something going on here, and the first thing I want to take note of, is that HAIR does NOT show up in a X-RAY. Some sort of 'fibers' of the creature or such must be bonding with Timmy, and even to his HAIR. Well....when he HAD hair at least, this X-Ray isn't very new, it's from stage 8 of his transformations. Even so, there are still things to be discussed. Let's start with the eye seen from the Timmy's right side in the x-ray. If you look very closely at where the eye is attached to the brain, you can see that it is not connected all the way. The creature took out his original eyes if I remember right. The creature, by the way, brings me to my next point. The 'creature' is in Timmy's head, it 'lives' inside his brain. If you look at the top of his head a little towards the back of it, you can see that it is a bit swollen, expanded even, probably a failed attempt at getting through to the outside by the creature. Also, RIGHT above the spinal cord, to the right, you can visibly see cracks in the back of his skull. Another failed attempt at escaping by the creature. Then it finally broke through the soft part of the skull, where the forhead is above the eyes, and you know what happened from there. Not just that, but if you look closely, you can see places in the brain where it looks like there are EYES in it, and there's a shape in there, with faint lines. Here's something else for you though.

This image is small, but please bear with me, this is the picture of a victim of a grunny during the...'incident' that time ago:
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If you compare the two, they're actually rather similar, Timmy's x-ray and the victim's. However, a labtech who was studying it said that they are not the same person, because the victim's head is smaller and they eye sockets are not as large.


This probably is Timmy regardless. I mean, the event occurred a while ago, and don't people grow? And the creature inside Timmy's head, it caused several mutations on the outside of his body, so who says there can't be changes on the inside as well? His eyes were also changed, and they became swollen, it could have messed with the bone of the eye sockets, that could explain the difference in the sizes. And since the creature was in his head getting reckless and trying to escape, it made several areas in his head change, so his skull itself could have been expanded, therefore his head now is much bigger than back then. But not only that, the traces in the brain, and what most Gaians believe is the outline of the creature, match those of the victim exactly from the Grunny's bottom jaw inside the victim's head. Which reminds me, the area towards the back of his head where I mentioned that it could be an area of his head where the creature tried to escape, it could also be because of the grunny. With the grunny latched onto his head trying to suck out the contents of it, it might have gotten a bit swollen from that too, it's not anything very important, but just some thoughts of mine on it. The labtech also mentioned the difference in the size of the brain, but if the skull expanded from having a living organism in it, the brain had to have expanded first since it was most likely pressure that caused the deformation. This 'creature' may have even been in Timmy's head all along, even before he was put into the barrel, it may have been injected into his brain when he was attacked by the grunny, that is, IF he was attacked, because there is still the possiblity that this Gaian is not Timmy.

However, that leaves a question.

"If the creature was in Timmy's head all along, why didn't it start doing all of this as soon as it got in there?"

Well, consider this. Maybe the creature needed something, to be 'awakened.' It's possible that the contents of that barrel had a reaction to the 'sleeping' creature inside Timmy's brain, and woke it up. The labtechs have both The Experiment and grunnies in their possession, and who knows how long the two of them have really been around? They could have been in existence LONG before they were made public, as a matter of fact, just about everything in G-Corp isn't supposed to be made public in the first place. Anyway, the two may have had some 'realtions' with each other in the labs and so one has a reaction to the other.

Those are my thoughts on Timmy.

However, once again, I'm still concerned about the Drome. What is in the Drome, what is in that darned egg? I need to know so badly, it's driving me insane! -sigh-

...I should really give my brain a rest, I've been thinking too much about this. Besides, if a lab tech or a spector found this, who knows what may happen, I could be asked to simply erase all of this or I may even end up getting involved, though I doubt it, because
The only way anyone of them should be able to find this is if I get ratted out on or if I post about it (both in the forums or on their accounts) and
Only certain members are supposed to be involved, they've already been 'chosen.'

Anyways, I have things to do and should put this to rest for a bit, I'm rather tired from thinking so much. x x;; So until I decide to update my thoughts on this,

Good bye Gaians,

and have a nice Gaiaversary! ^^

Yuki Hanabira
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Yuki Hanabira
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