*Sigh* Why oh why Japan? Why? What's with you and metrosexuals? The man looks his best when is beautiful you say? No, no I'm sorry, the man looks his best when he's muscular, battle scared, dirty, gruf, and fully dressed or NO shirt at all. Real men don't not wear skimpy clothing. Real men do not stand in gay poses, it's ******** disgusting what men you have created. Snake is your best model. Oh wait, he's an American GI. He's one of the manliest of men. Gruff voice, eye patch, built body, fully dressed or no shirt at all. That's how all male characters should be. Ok, another example. Auron. Auron was probably the maniliest character in the Final Fantasy franchise. Barett still reminds me of Mr.T. I PITY THE FOOL!! But anyway. Auron was an awesome guy. Only problem is that he was in the Final Fantasy that I absolutely hate. Actually, I don't care for most FF games. Final Fantasy X bored the living s**t out of me, just as Kingdom Hearts did. Oh another, Sora. Sora I thought you were a ******** girl at first. Sorry, maybe I shouldn't get on you so hard, you're just a kid. But hey, here's a tip, lose the ******** chains, emo.
Akira Toriyama, you pwn. I loved Dragon Ball Z up til GT. Gohan was a douche as an adult, but hey the fusion s**t was awesome. There were no sissies in Dragon Ball, just huge muscles and s**t blowing the ******** up. I love your art style.
But hey, I should wrap this up. My mind is fading away in the late hours of 3:00 in the monin. So, good night.