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Doumeki in Wonderland
Fandom: xxxHolic, slight Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicles mixed with Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There.
Pairing: Watanuki x Doumeki
Rating: PG-13
Notes: I do not claim these characters, they belong to CLAMP! This is part four, coming after Reason, enjoy! The poem at the end is Jabberwocky from "Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There" Written by Lewis Lewis Carroll and published in 1872. This is Doumeki's POV once again, next chapter will hopefully be the last, and will be in Watanuki's POV, also this one explains where Yuuko went during the last chapter. I had WAY too much fun putting this one together, and with the last chapter's sad ending, I am hoping this will lighten the mood a little. I also need to mention that this was supposed to follow a fancomic I was working on in which he had met the characters from Tsubasa, which is why Doumeki knows who they are.


His eyes fluttered open, only to see darkness all around him. It was cold, and it was raining. Where was he? Doumeki sat up, not even bothering for his eyesight to adjust to the darkness. Hadn't Yuuko and Watanuki taken him to Yuuko's shop? He was supposed to be poisoned or something. He didn't remember anything after that. Was he dead?

Then he realized it wasn't dark here at all, he was in a room that was painted completely black. He could see himself just fine. He was no longer in his school uniform, but wearing his Gi and black Hakama from archery club. He hadn't remembered changing?

Footsteps could be hear behind him, and he turned to see a rather oddly dressed Watanuki; in pin-stripped black pants and a navy pin stripped vest, a long sleeved white dress shirt with cuffs under the vest, there was even a flower pinned to his vest. The clothes themselves were not what was odd, but the fact that he was wearing a headband with... rabbit ears? Why would he be wearing that? Must be something Yuuko had forced him to wear for some sort of sick entertainment of her's.

"Hey, where are we?"

The boy looked angry for a moment, then yelled, "MY NAME IS NOT 'HEY'! I AM-"

"Watanuki, yeah, I know."

"Watanuki? Who is that? I am the white rabbit." The boy said, raising an eyebrow, and adjusting his glasses.

"White rabbit? What are you talking about?"

"Idiot," the boy said, looking at a pocket watch he had pulled out of his vest pocket, "I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I don't have time to sit and chat. I am very late."

"Late for what?"

The Watanuki rabbit did not answer him, and only ran in the direction Doumeki had been facing earlier, and through a door he had not seen before. Doumeki followed the Watanuki rabbit through the door, and series of other doors, each becoming smaller and smaller in the process. The final door was too small for Doumeki to even crawl through.

"How the hell did Watanuki get through this?" he wondered. He was on hands and knees, looking through the tiny door, seeing Watanuki running further and further away on the other side.

Looking back, he could see that it was still raining, even though he seemed to be inside, he was still getting wet, and he wondered how that was possible.

"Tears," he heard a voice from behind him. He turned around, but saw nothing. Tears? How was that even possible? It didn't make any sense, and what was that voice. This place was weird for sure, and he was sure it must be a dream.

"That's right," came the voice again, but he still could not find the owner. It was a woman's voice, and it sounded much like Yuuko's, so he guessed that that was who it was. But that didn't explain where the hell she was! Or who's tears they were.

"Watanuki-kun's," Came Yuuko's voice once more. Could she read his mind or something? Why was Watanuki crying? He heard the loud 'dong' of a tower clock, as the tears began to come down faster, flooding the room. He had read the book Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, and knew what would most likely come next, but he had not seen anything labeled 'Eat me' or 'Drink me', so maybe it was following its own pattern.

"Follow the white rabbit," Yuuko said. Well that is what happened in the book, and he guessed that was what he should do, for the time being at least.

At this point the room had completely flooded, and he couldn't breath. He began swimming upward, seeing a light. He was closer to the light with each stroke upward, and soon surfaced in the Sea of Tears, as it had been called in the book. He was outside now, no surprises there, and it was a bright sunny day, unfortunately, there was no land in sight.

"Doumeki! You idiot! Wake up! Wake up!" Another voice, this time it sounded like Watanuki, who else would be calling him an idiot? He didn't see Watanuki anywhere, and he was still swimming in the Sea of Tears. A strong gust of wind almost lifted him out of the water, and then a wave came crashing down on him.

Doumeki didn't have time to think as the wave pushed him deep under the water again. He couldn't move, and he was tossed by the waves, making him dizzy. He choked and coughed, but before he knew it, he was covered in sand and lying face down on a beach.

Doumeki looked up, spitting sand out of his mouth, and there he was.

"Watanuki!" he called out. The rabbit-eared Watanuki looked back, but didn't say anything, then ran off in the other direction.

When he finally gained control of his legs, he stood up, and went off in the direction Watanuki went in. He was afraid he had lost the other boy, but determination kept him going.

He was led into a forest. There was a sign at the beginning of the path, the words seemed to have faded, and they pointed in many different directions. He wasn't sure where Watanuki had gone, but he decided to take the left path.

He heard singing, a man's voice, and he followed it, coming to a gate. He walked through the gate, seeing two men sitting at a table, drinking tea.

"Chii wants more tea!" came a woman's voice. He had not seen the woman a second ago, but there she was, sitting between the two men, that looked just like Fye-san and Kurogane-san, but they were dressed much differently then they were last time he had seen them, Fye wearing a top hat, but in a similar outfit as the one he had seen Watanuki in earlier, and Kurogane also had rabbit ears.

Doumeki sighed, and stepped through the gate, "Fye-san, have you seen Watanuki?"

The three at the table exchanged glances then Fye said, "I don't know what you are talking about, but I've never met a 'Fye', or a 'Watanuki'. But, why don't you sit down with us, and have a cup of tea?"

"I'm sorry, but I have to find Watanuki," he explained, just as the rabbit-eared Watanuki came in through another gate, showing something to Fye. Doumeki raised an eyebrow.

"Hey! Where have you been? I've been looking for you."

"How many times do I have to tell you! My name is NOT 'hey'!" The rabbit eared Watanuki yelled, then added to Fye this time, "I am running late, and it seems that my Watch is broken."

Fye looked at it and said, "That is because it is two days too slow."

What the hell? The rabbit eared Kurogane shifted in his seat and said, "I am out of tea."

The woman with odd ears agreed.

"Oh! That means it's time to move down!" Fye exclaimed, pulling rabbit-eared Watanuki and Doumeki into seats after moving down himself.

"Would you like a full cup? Or half a cup?"

"I told you I'm in a hurry!" rabbit-eared Watanuki yelled, and Doumeki routinely put his fingers in his ears. This pissed off Watanuki, as it always did, "And what are you doing blocking me out you idiot! Listen to me when I talk!"

Watanuki crossed his arms, then after realizing he was sitting much too close to Doumeki, stood back up and said, "I have to go, I'm very late!"

Then he ran out of the yard. Doumeki stood up to follow him, but he was pulled back down by the top hat wearing Fye, "You haven't finished your tea yet."


"Finish your tea!" the woman said, taking a sip of hers, grinning the entire time.

He quickly downed the entire cup, and ran off. After looking back he saw that none of them had noticed he was gone. It didn't really matter though, so he began walking back down the path he had seen the rabbit-eared Watanuki run off in.

After a while, he came to a clearing, and he saw a large house. He could hear the sound of an infant crying, and he walked toward the house.

Sakura-hime was sitting in a chair, rocking the baby, and when she saw him she said, "Hi! I have somewhere I need to go, do you think you can watch my baby until I return?"


"Oh no, silly! I'm the Duchess!" she said handing him the baby, "I'll be back soon!" And she was gone before he could stop her. He sighed, well, he couldn't leave an infant here by itself, so he decide to stay, for now.

He sat down, slowly rocking the infant. It had fallen asleep, and seemed to be resting peacefully in his arms. He felt himself growing tired as he sat there holding the infant, and he began to drift.

He was brought back to full attention when he noticed two girls walking in, one with pink hair, the other blue.

"Maru, Moro. What are you doing here?" he asked.

The girls exchanged glances and began laughing, "No! We are Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum! Would you like to hear a story!"

This was getting ridiculous, the characters from the book weren't even appearing at the right times, and quite frankly, this dream was starting to piss him off.

"I have to watch this baby, I'm not in the mood for a story."

"What baby?" they girls asked in unison.

"The one I am holding," he said, raising an eyebrow.

"All Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum see is a wooden doll! Silly boy!" They sang, dancing

around the chair he was sitting in. He looked down, and sure enough, he was holding a wooden doll, go figure. He put the doll down in the chair, and went to leave.

"Where are you going?" The girls asked, following him to the door.

"I have to find Watanuki."

With that, he ran out of the house, and back down the path.

"Doumeki! Wake up!" Came Watanuki's panicked voice again. Doumeki looked up, but there was no Watanuki in sight. He wanted to wake up, but it just wasn't working. He kept walking down the forest path wondering if he would ever wake up. No matter how much he tried, he seemed to be stuck in his own version of Wonderland.

When he looked up again, he was no longer in the forest, but in front of a huge castle, not like any he had ever seen before. A western style castle, well, as western-styled of a castle as he thought one was, since he had only seen pictures of them.

There was Watanuki. He was talking to a very extravagantly dressed Yuuko. She wore a crown, and there was a man next to her, just as extravagantly dressed and also wearing a crown. He had long dark hair, and wore glasses.

"I'm sorry I am late, Queen of Hearts," the rabbit-eared Watanuki said, bowing before the Queen.

"And the king!" The other man exclaimed.

"And the king..." Watanuki added.

"Uh! Why have I been paired up with that creep for your little dream! I'd never marry Clow Reed!" Came a voice from behind him. He turned around to see Yuuko dressed in a purple kimono, she had yellow cat ears with brown tiger stripes. She must be the Cheshire cat of this dream, but why were there two Yuukos?

"I'm the real Yuuko," she said as if reading his mind again.

Doumeki raised an eyebrow.

"It's true, I put myself into your dream to try and get you to wake up. Watanuki went to get you the antidote for the poison you recieved, but he's back now, and also trying to get you to wake up. He has already given you the antidote."

"If the two of you are trying to wake me up, then why can't I wake up?" he asked, very agitated. Yuuko grinned, she made the perfect Cheshire cat.

"You there! How dare you interupt us!" Came fake Yuuko's voice. He turned back once more to see the three that had been talking earlier.

"I was talking to Yuuko-san," he said.

"I don't see anyone there. You must be punished for interupting my conversation with the White Rabbit! Off with his head!"

He turned around again, and the cat-eared Yuuko was gone, just like the Cheshire cat had been in the book. Just his luck.

"Wait. He needs a fair trial first," the king said.

"Fine," fake Yuuko groaned.

"I propse a test," rabbit-eared Watanuki suggested.

"What sort of test?" Fake Yuuko crowed.

"A chess game!"

"That sounds like fun!" The king and queen said together, "Lets begin!"

Doumeki sighed, this was stupid, this wasn't even part of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland .

"You're right, it's from Through the looking Glass, and What Alice Found There ."

Yuuko said, "Kind of. Oh well, I guess you will have to play, Doumeki-kun."

"This is ridiculous."

Cat Yuuko grinned, and when he looked back, he could see that they were only two pieces on a giant-sized chess board, he was the king on white side, While Clow was on the other side, with Fake Yuuko as the Queen piece, real Yuuko or cat Yuuko was a on his side, and for some reason Watanuki was Queen on his side. Two black mokonas were the knights on his side, and two white mokonas were on the other side. A lot of duplicates appeared, oddly enough. Then the game had begun, the other side moving first.

The game dragged on for too long it seemed, and his side was badly loosing at this point. How could his dream be beating him? He was playing a chess game with himself it seemed, but shouldn't that mean that he was evenly matched?

"Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe."

Doumeki looked up, as did all the pieces left. Someone was reciting a poem, and he couldn't recagnize the voice. It had suddenly become very silent, and all the extra chess pieces disappear, except the origional Kin Clow, Queen Yuko, White Rabbit Watanuki, Cat Yuuko, and himself. Someone was running toward them, as quickly as they could.

"Beware the Jabberwock, my son!
The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!
Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun
The frumious Bandersnatch!" He yelled, still reciting the poem.


There was panic, mass chaos as many people began running past them. He looked up into the sky, and could see a dragon-like creature flying towards them. He took in a deep breath, very agitated at this point. He wished this stupid dream would just end so he could wake up and have everything go back to normal, but it just wasn't happening.

He heard a yell, and he looked in the direction it came from. The dragon character had attacked rabbit-eared Watanuki. He began running in that direction instictly.

"You can't fight the Jabberwocky like that," the real Yuuko said.

"I don't have my bow."

"Then use this vorpal sword," she said handing him a sword.

"I don't know how to use a sword," he replied.

"It's a dream, you can do whatever you want."

He nodded, taking the so called 'vorpal sword' from Yuuko, then ran to attack the dragon.

"He took his vorpal sword in hand:
Long time the manxome foe he sought --
So rested he by the Tumtum tree,
And stood awhile in thought."

Someone was still reciting the poem as he fought with the dragon called Jabberwocky.

"And, as in uffish thought he stood,
The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame,
Came whiffling through the tulgey wood,
And burbled as it came!"

And on the battle went, as both danced with his twirl of the blade.

"One, two! One, two! And through and through
The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!
He left it dead, and with its head
He went galumphing back."

The dragon now lay dead, and he rushed to Watanuki's side, rabbit-eared Watanuki. He threw himself into Doumeki's arms and yelled, "Doumeki! Wake up! Don't leave me! DOUMEKI!"

More tears came now, and he had pulled rabbit-eared Watanuki close.

"Don't die on me Doumeki!"

"Watanuki, I'm not going to die!"

Then the poem was finished by the reciter:

"And, has thou slain the Jabberwock?
Come to my arms, my beamish boy!
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!'
He chortled in his joy.

`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe."

He held rabbit-eared Watanuki close as he said, "Don't die! Shizuka.. I... I love you."

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Tangible Insanity
Community Member

Fri Jun 22, 2007 @ 08:25am

Shizuka-chan in Wonderland!


I am loving this.

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