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Fandom: xxxHolic
Pairing: Watanuki x Doumeki
Rating: PG
Notes: I do not claim these characters, they belong to CLAMP! My newest fic.. Might have a part 2.. If I feel like it...Um.. Doumeki's POV.. since that is what I prefer doing.. no idea why... It took me two weeks to get this done because of Writer's Block.. so sad.. Anyway.. To keep from getting people confused DouWatanuki = Doumeki in Watanuki's body, and WataDoumeki is Watanuki in Doumeki's body... So yeah, here it is... finally... Sorry it's so long..


They stared at each other in silence for the longest time as Yuuko stood in the corner with a big, evil grin. The tension became thicker with each passing moment and they could hear the far away ticking of a clock.

Finally, 'Doumeki' stood up and began ranting and yelling about why this had to happened to him as 'Watanuki' covered his ears, mumbling about how noisy the other boy was being right now. Yuuko only grinned more.

Then 'Doumeki' turned and pointed at the sitting 'Watanuki', "AND YOU! DON'T YOU COVER YOUR EARS! LISTEN TO ME WHEN I TALK! IF YOU WEREN'T IN MY BODY, I'D KICK YOUR a** RIGHT NOW!"

"Give it a rest," 'Watanuki' said, standing up.

'Doumeki' sighed, "Isn't there something you can do about this, Yuuko-san?"

Yuuko grinned and replied, "You cannot afford the cost of the wish. There is of course one thing you can do."

'Doumeki' perked up. "What is that?"

"You'll have to figure that out for yourself. For now, I suggest Doumeki teach you to shoot a bow, and you teach Doumeki to cook. And you will have to keep this a secret, so you will have to act as such. Doumeki, you give us a Watanuki impression first!"

DouWatanuki smirked, "I'm the great Watanuki-sama! I love to fan boy over Himawari-chan, and I scream like a little girl when I see ghosts!"

WataDoumeki's eyes went wide, "I DO NOT ACT LIKE THAT, YOU JERK!"

Yuuko was in a fit of giggles at this point. After she had her laugh, she turned to WataDoumeki, "Now, Watanuki-kun, you give us a Doumeki impression!"


It was obvious WataDoumeki was not done, but Yuuko stopped him, "Perfect! Now go make me a cake!"


Yuuko was still grinning, "I want chocolate cake, and sake!"

"You drink too much. You're going to have liver problems."

"Are you concerned, Watanuki-kun?"

"What? NO WAY!"

There was more giggling now as Yuuko said, "And this would be a good time for you to teach Doumeki to cook!"


"YOU KNOW HOW TO COOK?!" WataDoumeki yelled.


"THAT'S NOT EVEN A WORD! Why do I even bother making you bento everyday?"

"Because I'm always saving you."


DouWatanuki shrugged, "I just want to."

WataDoumeki blushed.


A few days past, and they were starting to get used to their new, and hopefully temporary bodies. They tried to act as normally as possible while pretending to be the other person. Oddly enough, no one even noticed. Even when 'Watanuki' stopped fawning over Himawari.

"So what do you think it is that we need to figure out?" WataDoumeki asked out of the blue.

"I don't know."

"Do you think Yuuko-san is trying to teach us something?"

"Knowing her? Most likely."

WataDoumeki nodded as DouWatanuki position his arms with his bow. They were on the archery range at their school, having decided to come to practice while no one was there.

"This is harder than it looks. How do you make it so easy?" WataDoumeki asked.

DouWatanuki shrugged, and was once again re-positioning WataDoumeki's hands on the bow.

"Don't let anything distract you, and don't take your eyes off the bull's eye. It's just you, the bow, and the target."

WataDoumeki nodded as DouWatanuki helped him aim the bow. WataDoumeki closed his eyes for a second with a sigh, then opened them again to hear DouWatanuki say, "Shoot."

WataDoumeki released the arrow, and it sped forward. He was way off, hitting the target next to the one he was supposed to be aiming at.

"Dammit!" he yelled, about to throw the bow down, but DouWatanuki had already caught it, even though he was almost knocked over in the process.

"At least you hit a target."

"Shut up!"


"What is it going to cost for you to tell me how to fix this?" DouWatanuki asked the next day after arriving at Yuuko's shop. WataDoumeki was already in the kitchen cooking for Yuuko, and Maru and Moro had followed him.

Yuuko grinned, "Why do you want to know, Doumeki-kun?"

"An archery meet is coming up, and Watanuki still can't shoot a bow properly."

"Is that really why?"


Yuuko giggled, "The price is information, as valuable as the information I will give you."

"What sort of information?" DouWatanuki asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Your feelings."

"About what?"


He looked surprised, shifting his gaze to the floor. He had not expected her to ask such a question. He thought about it for a few minutes before finally saying, "You already know the answer to that."

"Do I? Well, then I guess it really isn't that important, or would you rather lose your archery competition?"

He said something under his breath, and she had to ask him to repeat himself.

"I'm in love with him."

"I thought so!" Yuuko exclaimed with a giggle, "Well, to get everything back to normal, you will first have to learn what it is like to be the other. And you," she said, pointing at him, "will have to get Watanuki to fall in love with you."

"How am I supposed to do that?"

"As part of the payment, you will only have three days to do so! And by the third day, you will have to get him to kiss you!," she said hugging herself, very much enjoying this.

"Why does that sound like something from a lame children's movie?"

Yuuko looked hurt for a moment, "It's from The Little Mermaid."

Go figure.

"What happens if I don't get it done in time?"

"Then you will be stuck in those bodies for the rest of your lives."

DouWatanuki sighed, "I thought so. What have I gotten myself into?"


Day 1

He could not ask Yuuko for any more help, or he feared he would also be looking at a part time job at her shop. Doumeki, still in Watanuki's body, had been making their lunch, and trying to teach Watanuki to use a bow. He never before realized just how tiring it was to be Watanuki. With all of Yuuko's 'missions' and being chased by spirits, and he was starting to realize just how ridiculous his lunch requests were.

Watanuki was obviously taking advantage of this opportunity while in Doumeki's body to ask for random food items for lunch , and he knew when things were back to normal, he would most likely stop making such outrageous requests. That is, if everything did go back to normal.

He walked by his home that morning, looking through the gate toward the shrine. He missed it, and it was so weird living alone at Watanuki's apartment.

He was just about to turn and leave when he heard a voice, his voice, call out to him, "Hey, what are you doing?"

It seemed that Watanuki had gotten down the 'Doumeki talk' now. He turned around to look up at himself, well Watanuki in his body.

"Nothing," he said, handing the taller boy the stack of bento he was carrying.

"Did you make the -"

"Yes, it's all in there," he interrupted. No wonder Watanuki was always so irritated with him.



"If you were going to tell Kunogi how you felt about her, how would you do it?"

The taller boy raised an eyebrow before asking, "Why? Do you plan on asking her out?" He was already grabbing the smaller boy by the collar, almost as if he forgot that it was his body.

"No, nothing like that. I was just wondering."

WataDoumeki let go of his collar, and thought about the question for a long time.

"I really don't know, Doumeki. I don't really think she has the same feelings for me, so I'd at least wait until I knew for sure."

DouWatanuki nodded, "But how would you find out?"

"Why are you asking me all this?"

"I'm... I'm just curious. That's all."

"I don't believe you," he said, pulling the other boy around to face him. He hated being in Watanuki's body, he didn't like being this much smaller than Watanuki while Watanuki was in his own body.

"It's nothing!" he yelled back, and began running toward the school.


DouWatanuki banged his head against the locker after changing into his clothes for gym. The real Watanuki was on the other side of the locker room getting dressed. Three days seemed to be too short of a time to get someone to fall in love with you and he thought by the end of the third day, he would still be in Watanuki's body. He did not want that.

What did he know about Watanuki? Well, for one, he was a great cook. Lets see, he was stubborn, very stubborn. He was pretty fast, but not as fast as Doumeki of course. He guessed that came with the years of running from ghosts, but Doumeki had made it so Watanuki didn't have to run quite as much anymore.

That week he also noticed that Watanuki's grades were not amazing. He was smart, Doumeki knew, but very stressed. Stressed because of the ghosts, Yuuko and most likely himself. To keep people from noticing the changes, Doumeki had taken on all of this, though he rarely ran from ghosts since Watanuki was usually around.

Lunch came faster than he expected, and he felt like he could hear a clock ticking, counting down the time he had left before he would be stuck in Watanuki's body forever.

Kunogi was busy helping a teacher during lunch, so it was just the two of them, to Watanuki's disappointment.

"I have an idea," DouWatanuki said, looking up at WataDoumeki, it was still weird looking up at himself.

"What's that?" WataDoumeki asked, taking a bite of the lunch DouWatanuki had made, and with a smirk said, "Needs more salt."

DouWatanuki ignored the comment and said, "I think we may need to learn more about each other to fix this... problem."

WataDoumeki nodded, "Maybe. But I guess I'm an open book. I really don't know much about you."

DouWatanuki was a little shocked by the reply he had gotten, but he decided that it would probably be best if Watanuki learned a bit about him too, and it would be easier to learn more about Watanuki if he was willing to tell Watanuki more about himself.

"What do you want to know?"

WataDoumeki stared at him for a moment, and he finally realized why Watanuki didn't like it when Doumeki stared at him; he was very intimidating.

"There's a lot. You are so quiet usually, and there's no pattern in what you ask for lunch, except that all the requests are pretty outrageous. All I know is that you enjoy archery, and you like to tease me."

"Hm. Well, I collect stamps."

"You said that when we stayed at the house with Yuuko."

DouWatanuki nodded, "I guess I did. You actually pay attention to things I say?"

"What? no!" WataDoumeki said with a blush, "It's just you don't say much, it is hard not to remember some of the things you say."

It was his turn to smirk. So maybe this would be easier than he originally intended.

"Oh, that reminds me," WataDoumeki started," Your neighbors asked me if I could babysit tomorrow afternoon, but I didn't know what to say, since I've never watched kids before."

"I watch their kids a lot. There is a 5 year-old, and a 14 month-old."

WataDoumeki looked at him, "You are good with kids?"

"I guess."

"Maybe you can come over and we can watch them together? Do you think your neighbors would mind?"

"Probably not," DouWatanuki said, shaking his head, "Might be a good idea to ask them first though."

WataDoumeki nodded, "Alright, I guess I can learn more there then, right?"


Day 2

There was a ringing sound in his ears, and it annoyed him to no end as he rolled over in his futon, over and over again. He was still half asleep. and it took him a while to realize that it was a phone ringing.

He peeked out from under the covers to look at a clock on the other side of the room. It was almost noon, and he had overslept!

DouWatanuki shot out of bed, and made a dash for the phone.


"Doumeki! What took you so long to answer? Were you still asleep? Hurry and get over here! I can't watch these kids by myself!"

It was Watanuki, and he sounded in a panic.

"I thought you said you were watching them this afternoon?"

"Well, the neighbors decided to leave early."

"Alright, I'm getting dressed. Tell Ryoko to take Toya into the other room and put on a movie, and you start making lunch. They will be fine, and I will be there in a few minutes."

"Thanks, you're the best." and then there was a click and a dial tone. Did Watanuki just say what he thought he did?

He shook it off, and got dressed, before practically running out the door and down the street. He almost forgot to lock the door, but he ran back, did that, and was once again on his way back toward the shrine.

His parents seemed to be out, and he found WataDoumeki in the kitchen.

"Thank god you're here! The kids are watching a movie, just like you said, and I'm almost done with lunch."

"I guess you will have to introduce me to them, since right now I am Watanuki Kimihiro and all."

WataDoumeki nodded, seemingly a little shocked when he heard his first name spoken.

"You let them call you 'Shizuka-chan'?" WataDoumeki asked.

"Yeah, why not?"

The other boy just shrugged, but after a few minutes he asked. "Should I introduce you to them as Kimihiro then?"

"Whatever you want, Watanuki."

The other boy looked up, "You actually know my name? If you know my name, why do you keep calling me 'you' and 'hey'?"

DouWatanuki shrugged, "Would you rather I called you by your first name?"


They brought lunch in the other room a few minutes later, sitting down to watch the movie with the kids. WataDoumeki didn't seem to like the movie, and almost fell asleep during it, and when it was over, they sent the kids for a nap.

"Ryoko still takes a nap?" WataDoumeki asked, after DouWatanuki came out of the room he had put the infant down to sleep in.

"She's five."


Once they had sat down in the living room again, it remained silent for a long time. They were mostly listening to see if the kids were still awake, but it stayed quiet.


"Hn?" DouWatanuki replied.

"You really are good with kids. They seem to like you a lot."

"I guess."

"Why Shizuka-chan?"

"It sounded cute when they said it."

"Cute, huh. I never thought I would hear you saying anything like that. Are there other things you find 'cute' then?"

DouWatanuki looked up at the other boy, a little shocked, "Well yeah."

"Like what?"

He looked away, then stood up and was ready to leave the room, but he was pulled back down on the couch.

"Come on, it was your idea to that we learn more about each other. There's got to be a girl you like, right?"

He shook his head, "There's no girl."

"Really? I mean you have a fan club, you have you pick of pretty much any girl at the school, and you have no girlfriend? Or even a crush?"

"No girlfriend. But, I guess I do have a crush."


"What makes you think I have romantic feelings for Kunogi?"

"I don't know. It's just that you are always popping up when I get to be alone with her."

"It's not because I like her."

"Then why?"

Much to WataDoumeki's irritation, he did not answer right away, but finally, he repeated himself, "There is no girl."

"So are you gay then?"

"What makes you think that?"

"I don't know." He looked closer at DouWatanuki, "Am I making you feel uncomfortable?"

He didn't answer, and he thought his silence was telling Watanuki more than he really wished the other boy to know, but he really didn't know what to say.

"It's just hard to believe out of all the girls at are school, there is not one that you like. You have a crush on someone though, who?"

He wasn't ready to tell Watanuki yet, but he was being so persistent. He didn't want to lie either. Instead, he picked up the remote, and started flipping through the channels, just as an arm went around his shoulder.

He blinked and looked up at WataDoumeki, "What are you doing?"

"You don't need to tell me, Doumeki, I already know."

"What? How?"

"You think you can hide behind your expressionless face, barely saying a word? Actions tell me more than your words, Doumeki," He grinned, then asked, "So what did Yuuko tell you?"

Before he could say anything, Ryoko had walked into the room and sat down between them.

"I'm hungry, Shizuka-chan," she said, nuzzling up against WataDoumeki, obviously still a little sleepy. A few minutes later Toya started crying.

"I'll go get Toya, you make snacks," DouWatanuki told him. The other boy nodded and brought Ryoko into the kitchen.

The rest of the day went by faster than he had expected, and soon he was back at Watanuki's apartment, staring at the ceiling. The day was almost over, and he still had only one day left, but with how close he had gotten to Watanuki this day, he thought he might be able to do it, if they weren't interrupted again.

But the next day was Sunday, no school, and he rarely saw Watanuki on Sunday's. He sat up, looking for the phone, and his glasses fell to the floor. As he went to pick them up, the phone began ringing. Who would be calling him now?

He stood up, following the sound of the ringing phone, and found it on the counter in the kitchen.



"Who else?"

"... Thanks for coming to help me today."


"What? That's all you have to say?"

"What else did you want me to say?"

"I don't know...'You're welcome' or something."

"You're welcome."

"It doesn't work if I have to tell you to say that!"

"Is that the only reason you called?"

"What? oh, no. Um. I just wanted to know... uh."

"What is it?"

"Do you maybe want to hang out tomorrow or something?"

"With you?"


"You never want to 'hang out'. Especially on the weekends."

"Well, so? I want to hang out with you.. tomorrow..."

"Alright. Where?"

"The park I guess. We can meet up around lunch time?"


"You better not be late!"

"I won't. Are you making lunch?"


There was a click and then a dial tone.


Day 3

He was up early the next morning, not having slept much at all the previous night. Why would Watanuki want to be hanging out with him on a day off? He guessed it didn't really matter why, it was just good that he did. This was the 3rd day, and he had until mid night to get the other boy to kiss him.

He was thinking about that moment on the couch the day before, Watanuki already knew about his feelings, and he hadn't had to say anything. He wondered if it would have all been over with if Ryoko hadn't come and asked for a snack.

He took his time in the shower, turning the temperature of the water up very hot. It was soothing, and he didn't want to get out, so he stayed until the water began to cool.

He was dressed and in the kitchen a few minutes later, deciding he wanted an omelet for breakfast. He was really missing Watanuki's cooking now that he was doing a lot more of it.

Then the phone started to ring.

He looked at the clock, it was only 9 am. Who would be calling him now?

He answered the phone, his shoulders slacking when he realized it was someone calling the wrong number. They apologized and hung up. He sighed.

A few hours later, he was getting his shoes on and ready to leave. It was raining. Well there went the park plans. He was still going to meet Watanuki there, but maybe they would go somewhere else when they got there?

It was only 11, but he decided to leave anyway, picking up an umbrella and walking out the door.

He fumbled with his keys for a moment, slowly locking the door to the apartment and opening the umbrella. Then he was off.

WataDoumeki was already there, sitting on the tiger, practically hiding under his umbrella. He stopped before the other boy could see him. Why had he come early too?

"Doumeki?" came his voice. It was too late, Watanuki already knew he was there. He walked over, but didn't sit down, it was all wet, but WataDoumeki was already soaked, even though he was holding an umbrella.

"Couldn't wait to see me?" DouWatanuki asked with a smirk.

WataDoumeki looked up, "Jerk." His voice was soft right now, and he sounded very tired, as if he hadn't slept a wink the night before.

"Is something wrong?" he asked, trying to catch a glimpse of the other boy's face under the umbrella. But WataDoumeki was still hiding.

"I've been thinking."


"Well, I talked to Yuuko-san three days ago. I haven't talked to her since. Doumeki, I know what she told you, because she told me the same thing. But, I was having a harder time deciding on my own feelings, it wasn't even definite when I talked to her."

WataDoumeki sighed, he didn't seem to be making much sense, he was rambling, but DouWatanuki stayed quiet, listening to every word.

"I don't want to be stuck in your body forever," the other boy continued, "But I still am not sure what my feelings are."

"For me?"


There was another deep sigh coming from under the umbrella.

"I don't hate you," the other boy added a few minutes later. They would have been drowned in silence if it hadn't been for the steady rainfall.

"Well, lets get going," he said.


"It's raining, do you want to stay in the rain?"

"Not really."

"Lunch and a movie, is that good for you?"

DouWatanuki smirked again as the other boy stood up.

"Wipe that smirk off your face! This is not a date!"

"Uh huh," DouWatanuki only said, still smirking.

The walked in silence to a cafe not too far away. They talked very little while they ate, not really knowing what to say. Things had been easier when Watanuki was yelling, but the silence was just too much for him.

"What movie?"

WataDoumeki looked up, "We can decide when we get there."


"Don't you have more to say than 'hm'?" The other boy asked, obviously irritated, "If you want me to kiss you, you're going to have to give me a reason to, and 'Hm' isn't going to do it for you."

He looked up from his lunch, staring at WataDoumeki, staring at himself really. He wasn't sure what to say to something like that, but it was apparent Watanuki wanted him to talk.

"Well, what do you want me to say then?"

"I don't know, but more than that."

"I want to watch a horror movie."

WataDoumeki blinked, "A horror movie? Doumeki, you know how I get during horror movies!"

"You won't see anything in my body."

DouWatanuki was right of course. Since Watanuki wasn't in his own body right now, he wasn't able to see spirits unless Doumeki was looking at them, and for the most part, Doumeki ignored the spirits.

After a few minutes, WataDoumeki nodded, "Alright, we can see a horror movie."

Another awkward silence, and then he asked, "So you are into that kind of stuff, Doumeki?"

"Um.. yeah."


DouWatanuki shrugged, "I don't really know myself. I just...am."

"I have to see it every day, well.. had to. That's probably the only thing that I don't miss."

He nodded, finishing his drink, "But you do miss your body."

"Well yeah, don't you want to be... you again?"

He nodded, but didn't say anything.

"We really gotta work on your people skills."

DouWatanuki shrugged.


The movie ended up being boring, very boring, and DouWatanuki found himself staring at WataDoumeki most of the time. Watanuki frightened easily, and it seemed that he was really into the movie. More then once he grabbed DouWatanuki's arm, then blushed and looked away. As embarrassing as it was to see... well himself really... scared, he kind of liked the contact, knowing it was really Watanuki.

The movie had a cliffhanger ending leaving room for a sequel. He hated that. The movie was boring, and now he had to watch the next part to see what happened next. WataDoumeki was wide-eyed, and they didn't get up until everyone had already left the theater.

DouWatanuki was smirking.

"What's so funny?"


"What? Why?"

He actually laughed, but being in Watanuki's body, it sounded like Watanuki's laugh.

"You should have seen the look on your face in there."

"You mean your face."

He shook his head, "Doesn't matter."

WataDoumeki blushed.

"So is that it, or did you want to do something else?"

It was a little after three in the afternoon now, and no longer raining. It was bright outside, very bright, and seemed that the sun had already dried the wet ground.

"Nah uh, lunch and a movie was my idea, and if you want to do something else, you are going to have to come up with it!" WataDoumeki stated, pointing at the other boy.

They had already reached the park at their usual meeting spot, and he wondered why they had come here.



"I love you."

"Why are you telling me that now?"

"Because I want to."

The other boy blushed. Then he shook his head, "Look, it's 3pm, and you have until midnight, not sure I will stay up that let though, but that gives you nine hours, and you're going to tell me that now? You must be getting desperate."

DouWatanuki sat down on the tiger chair. and WataDoumeki sat on another one. They sat there for a minute, before -

"GAH! Yuuko-san! What are you doing here?!" WataDoumeki exclaimed. The woman was standing behind him, looking over his shoulder the way she always did.

"I've got a job for you two!" she said, handing WataDoumeki an envelope, "Deliver this to the address on the front."

The both looked at the envelope for a moment, and WataDoumeki turned it around:

This is for you, don't open it until you reach the destination on the front!

"Yuuko!" WataDoumeki said, turning around, but the woman was gone. He sighed, "That woman drives me crazy."

DouWatanuki stood up, and began walking in the direction of the address written. He wondered what this was all about, probably just one of the usual missions, knowing Yuuko. But, it could be something else. It was the last day he had to get things fixed, and maybe Yuuko was doing something to help him? More likely something to amuse herself with.

"Hey! Wait for me!" WataDoumeki called after him. He stopped walking and turned around to look at the other boy.

"Well hurry up then, stop spacing out."

"I wasn't spacing out."

"Uh huh."

Oddly enough, that last comment had been ignored, and when he started walking again, he felt another arm loop with his own.


"My name is not 'hey'."

"What are you doing?"

The other boy didn't answer.

"I thought you said this wasn't a date."

"It's not."

"Then what's with this?"

"What's with what?"


"If you don't want me to do it, then I will stop."

"No, that's fine."





He pointed forward, they had reached the address on the envelope. DouWatanuki turned to look where WataDoumeki had pointed. How had they not noticed this before? They were standing in front of the house this had all started in, why had they not recognized the address?

The woman they had met was standing in the doorway, as if she was expecting the; which she probably was, because Yuuko had most likely phoned her earlier to tell her that the boys would be coming back.

"Back for more I see," she crowed, walking out onto her porch.

"Why would Yuuko send us back here?" WataDoumeki asked.

"Your guess is as good as mine."

"Well? Are you just going to stand there, or are you going to come in?"

They pair looked back at the woman, and slowly nodded.

"Yuuko-san said that you would be coming back and to send you out to the garden again. I didn't think I would need the two of you to come back, but she insisted that a follow up was needed," she carefully examined the boys like a hawk ready to dive for a mouse.

"This time, stay away from my Moonlight Azaleas. You never know what will happen next time you come in contact with those."

They walked out to the garden where they had been only the previous week. It was some sort of magic garden with flowers from different dimensions, well at least that is what Yuuko had said. It was blanketed in eternal darkness, considering these flowers only grew without sunlight.

"What the hell are we supposed to do here?" WataDoumeki asked.

"The woman said something about a follow up."

"I don't see anything here."

"Me either."

"Is it just me, or does it seem lighter than last time?"

"It seems darker to me."

"Must be our eyes then."


DouWatanuki sat down on one of the benches at the far side of the garden, it was getting darker, he looked up just as WataDoumeki sat down next to him.

"Did you see that?" WataDoumeki asked.

DouWatanuki raised an eyebrow, "What?"

The other boy pointed forward and he looked up. He didn't see anything at first, and then he could see a shadow moving along the wall. It had the form of some sort of bird, but he couldn't really tell what. The light continued dimming until he had to squint to see, and soon he couldn't see at all, and it was getting harder to breath.

"Doumeki? Are you alright?" WataDoumeki asked.

He looked in the direction he heard the voice, but he could still see nothing. A terrible smell filled his nose, and he began coughing.


"There's....something...here," he managed to say between coughs," Something....bad..."



"Damn it," he heard WataDoumeki say.

He decided to close his eyes, since he couldn't see anything anyway. He moved closer to Watanuki, and felt a comforting arm around his shoulders as he continued coughing.

Then he saw a bright light directly in front of him. He stood up and began to walk in that direction.

"Doumeki? What is it?"


"I don't see anything...Wait. I can now, with my...your right eye."

DouWatanuki nodded, still coughing, but the smell was getting better the closer he got to the light. A strong hand grabbed his arm and was pulling him back.

He looked up, questioningly.

"You were about to hit a wall."


He felt the solid form of the wall as WataDoumeki held him up against it, and he could hear the other boys hand bushing up against it near his ear.

"I don't see anything here," he said. Then he heard a sound coming from behind them. He turned around only to see the black smoke clouding his vision once more, and the coughing became more violent.


There was a flash of light coming towards them and then an explosion of light directly in front of them, and he saw the glimpse of a red hakama as the person disappeared back into the darkness. A miko? Here? Why?

The bad smell was gone, and so was the smoke, and now he was standing in the room. He realized just then that Watanuki had been holding him the entire time.

"Did you see the miko?"



A spirit most likely, it really didn't matter. He looked up to see his own face again, knowing very well that it was actually Watanuki looking at him, he looked...worried?

"Are you alright now?"

WataDoumeki nodded, "I'm fine."

Before he could finish his sentence, he was pulled into a hug. His eyes widened in shock.


"Shut up."

He smirked, "What were you-" He had been about to say 'worried', but before he had finished his sentence.. this was so confusing, was Watanuki kissing him?

He was now looking down at Watanuki, he was back in his body. He pulled away, and pinched himself to make sure he was not dreaming.

"I'm..me again?"

"Looks that way," Watanuki said, "What time is it?"

He lifted up his wrist to look at his watch, "Wow... We've been in here for a while."

"What? What time is it?"



User Comments: [1]
Community Member

Mon Jul 09, 2007 @ 04:33am

Heh heh! That was adorable! It was like Freaky Friday mixed with the Little Mermaid, and then you put your twist of xxxHolic in there. xd It was very nice and fun to read! Good job!

User Comments: [1]
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