OMG!! My computer is so facking messed up! I dunno how, but this stupid computer got this stupid nasty virus and I don't know what to do. Windows and been putting this popup stuff telling me I need to fix it and download this and download that. Um okay, I get it, all it's doing is making it worse and uuurrrrgggg!!! ok ok I'm calm. Anyways it's about (wow I'm amazed how fast I stopped complaining) 11 something at night and at 2 in the morining my big bro is visiting!! I'm kinda nervous, he hasnt' seen me in a long time! But I hope he doesn't make fun of me. Other than my year younger bro (who likes anime and manga) my big bro is the only other person in my family who knows I like it. He kept bothering me about it and how uncool it was. I know it's uncool but I can't help it i like it, I've been watching it since i can remember. Well he doesn't have to know, i guess if he askes I can just say no so he will leave me alone! I think I'm just going to stay off the computer for 10 days when my bro is here cause I feel like it, plus this stupid virus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow I'm tired XD Hmmm other then that I have nothing to talk about.

byes ♥